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Chapter 1146 You Are Already Mine

Chapter 1146

Looking at the scene in front of him, Bai Chen always felt familiar.

But then I realized that if the God Realm was replaced by a human society, wouldn't the arrogant attitude of the silver-haired Goddess Shamat be a replica of campus bullying?

God Realm also engages in such low-level bullying?

It was an eye-opener.

"By the way, Lisbie Dai! I heard that you are drawn in the world of the poor girl, right? How is it going?"

S-level difficulty is considered rare in all worlds.

Most world difficulties hover between C and A.

And every time a level is raised, the difficulty will soar.

The higher the level, the greater the gap.

For example, the demon generals in the S-level world [their individual strength has the combat power of the demon king in the D-level or C-level world.

Hearing this, there were a few drops of cold sweat on Lisdadie's back.

Can she say that the Demon King has been dragged out and beaten to death?

Of course not.

"Uh, that, for the time being. 21.. I'm still working on it..."

Based on the principle of not causing trouble, Lista Dai decided to hide it.

Hearing these words, Valkyrie smiled as expected.

"Oh! You can't do it! After all, you are just a third-rate goddess!"

"Hahaha... yes, that's true."

Lista accompanied her with a smile.

But at this moment, while she was touching her head and giggling, Valkyrie threw towards Lista Yuexiong's front tree peak.

But before Valkyrie was about to touch that place, a horizontal hand grasped her wrist.

"Although they are all women, is this considered sexual harassment?"

Bai Chen grabbed the opponent's wrist and said with a light smile.

"Who are you guys?!"

Valkyrie stared at it in extreme dissatisfaction, and after realizing that it was a small character he didn't remember, the expression on his delicate cheeks became even more distorted.

"If you don't want to die, let go now."

I was a little impatient to be bumped against by Lisda Dai, but when I was about to play with Shunqi, I was stopped, and anyone would feel uncomfortable.

"Sorry, sorry I can't agree."

Bai Chen smiled and said.

"After all, it's already mine."


Valkyrie was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

"Your thing! It seems that you, a third-rate goddess, have found a backer! But you are still a low-level god, and I will warn you at the end. If you don't let go, I will destroy you two right now!"

"Is this a schoolboy-like threat?"

Bai Chen smiled lightly.

"But even if you disobey me like this, I won't do anything to you. After all, even you are mine."


If Valkyrie was just a warning before the outbreak, then now he is truly angry.

The airflow in the God Realm was swirled, and the world that was supposed to be a paradise shook slightly.

The nearby gods and goddesses, after seeing the conflict here, were originally in the mood of watching the excitement, and immediately disappeared without a trace.

And at this time, Lisada, who was caught in the middle, was also anxious to explain.

"Hold on, I'm sorry Lord Valkyrie! You misheard just now. Mr. Bai Chen is not a god. He is a friend of the brave man I summoned. He doesn't understand the rules of the gods.

I'll teach him a lesson when I get back. "

Although she had seen Bai Chen's strength before, it did not surprise her.

As the unifying gods of the God Realm, in Listade's cognition, the goddess Isista has the highest status, while the most powerful god is the God of Destruction Valkyrie.

None of the other gods in the God Realm are her opponents.

Regardless of the god of war, the god of swords, the god of war, the god of guns, etc...

Furthermore, Valkyrie has a weird and violent temper. If someone dares to disobey her, even a god or goddess may be wiped out from this world.

"No, it's useless to apologize! Listaday! I'm going to kill this guy now!"

The grudge that Valkyrie released was extremely astonishing.

The nearby gods had already run away, for fear that they would be affected by the aftermath.

The power of the God of Destruction is extremely terrifying. If the "Regulations on Disposal of the God Realm" are released, it may be difficult for the unified God Realm to continue to exist.

This is how terrifying being a God of Destruction is.

Even the most ferocious demon king is no match for the Goddess of Destruction after she releases her divine power.

"Master Valkyrie, please calm down!"

"It's too late, it's too late! How dare you brazenly say that I belong to him, and he must be shredded into pieces today!"

Not only was Bai Chen saying it was his thing, but what made Valkyrie angry was the young man's indifferent attitude.

It seemed that she didn't pay attention to her at all, like looking at a real pet and wondering about the servant's attitude.

"It seems that you haven't recognized your position yet."

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

Disobedient pets need education.

The same is true of the gods.

What's more, besides conquering this world, his original intention included all the goddesses in it.

Although in the original book, Valkyrie, the god of destruction, has a masculine personality and often sexually harass other goddesses, but 560 is still a goddess anyway.

Wild character and attire, aggressive attitude and lewd uncle-like hobbies.

Bai Chen also understands that Valkyrie's nature is not bad.

Of course, this cannot be a reason to indulge in this.

Valkyrie, who was already on the verge of losing control, threw his arm away, and punched Bai Chen with his right fist, with part of his divine power engulfed in it.

But in the next second, her tough arm was held by Bai Chen like soft tofu.

No matter how she uses her muscles, she can't break free from the young man's grasp.

"How...how is this possible?"

Valkyrie was startled by the fact that someone surpassed himself, the God of Destruction, in physical strength.

Obviously the other party doesn't look strong.

"Your strength doesn't look as good as your six-pack."

A faint smile appeared on Bai Chen's face.

"But I quite like it."

Only using chains to cover the body, plus the goddess who has been trained to be different from the general body, if it is concocted, it may have a special charm.

Not to mention this kind of rebellious character.

In the process of conquering, there must be a high sense of accomplishment.

"what are you saying?!"

Valkyrie felt intense anger.

The attitude from the youth even made her unable to restrain herself from using her sealed divine power. .

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