Chapter 1152

Furthermore, they have absolutely no right to speak here, so they will naturally turn pale with fright.

"Is this your decision, yes."

Bai Chen nodded.

"But before doing it, I want to ask, is this the collective opinion of the three gods, or is it just your personal opinion?"

"...Delusion to use alienation?! Don't waste your time!"

Nemesil stared at Bai Chen, with surging divine power surging from his body.

"No, I just think you're stupid."

Bai Chen sighed.

He naturally knows that the god of law is not the boss,

The head of the three gods in the Deepest God Realm is the God of Creation.

Although the other party was still hiding behind the gate, he could see it clearly.

"How dare you fool me! Watch me crush you worm to death!"

A balance appeared in his hand.

It is different from most of the gods in the unified God Realm.

Nemesil was born in concepts, and has the same origin as the god of destruction and the god of time, and they are both conceptual gods.

His legal principles run through the world, and it is indeed an extremely powerful supreme power.

But in front of Bai Chen, it was useless.

Even if the unified God Realm is connected to different worlds.

Aaliyah has saved more than 300 worlds.

But in fact, these worlds exist in a multiverse in a broad sense.

Some of their planets exist in parallel worlds, and some even exist in the same universe.

Therefore, even if the power is as strong as the God of Creation, its level is only above the planet, and it is far from reaching the double-digit level of Hakoniwa.

It's just three digits.

Seeing Nemesil's move, Bai Chen showed a dull expression on his face.

Nemesil erupted with powerful divine power, releasing almost endless streams of sacred light in all directions, illuminating his burly, mature and majestic face.

Just the act of raising his hands caused thunder to intertwine in the sky and the earth, and the unstoppable shaking of the Unified God Realm affected even the Deepest God Realm.

The originally beautiful and bright starry sky began to collapse, and the scene was terrifying like the end of the world.

"Using legal punish the evil god`w!"

A roar more ferocious and frightening than thunder erupted from Nemehil's mouth.

The roar was as grand and heroic as if it had opened up the world, and every roar made the gods who unified the God Realm tremble.

When he was born, the legal principles of the world were mastered by him, and even the most stubborn enemy could fight with his power.

And now, countless years have passed since the war in the God Realm, and now Nemesil's divine power is even stronger.

His power can destroy heaven and earth, as if it can run through time.

But in the face of this powerful and unparalleled energy, Bai Chen raised his finger wrapped in purple starlight, and lightly punched Nemesil.

In an instant, the infinite power emperor burst forth.

When the divine power of the god of law and principle had not flown halfway, he was destroyed by infinite power.

The swaying starry sky stopped for an instant, and the divine power of the God of Law spread like water droplets. This force remained undiminished, directly engulfing Nemesil, and smashing the gate leading to the deepest God Realm behind him.

The void disintegrates, the energy overflows, and anyone, including the gods, will be torn apart instantly if they are involved, and even the river of time will be detonated.

The outcome of the battle is self-evident.

Nemethil, the God of Law, was consumed by the infinite power of the Power Stone.

His body was torn apart, bursting out with purple starlight, and then broke into pieces in the turbulent flow of time and space, floating to the depths of the universe in different time and space.

But before that, Bai Chen dragged him into his golden supreme heaven in time, and used divine power to restore the body of the God of Law and Principle, and by the way, was transformed into a servant who was always loyal to him.

After the purple light illuminating the universe disappeared, the God of Law finally appeared in front of everyone.

But what surprised Alia and the others was that the other party was kneeling straight in front of Bai Chen at this moment, like the most humble courtier.

The goddesses opened their mouths wide, even Kronoa was no exception.

Furthermore, her current situation is not easy.

The blow just now made the flow of the long river no longer linear.

It's like throwing a missile into a river, not only the muddy sand is turned out, but even the time itself is changed.

After Bai Chen eliminated Nemesil, he also obtained the power of the God of Law through the Golden Supreme Heaven.

His current identity is equivalent to changing from an outsider to the heavenly father of the Supreme God.

This can also help him accept the world faster, allowing his reason to erode the world at the fastest speed.

On the other side, Brahma, the God of Creation, was completely shocked by Bai Chen's strength as she watched the whole process.

Although he is the head of the three gods, and his strength and status are both above Nemesil, but in fact there is not much difference.

Seeing Bai Chen calming down Nemesil so easily, and even controlling him with unknown secret techniques, even she felt a little shuddering.

This person is so terrifying!

As the god of creation, when she heard Bai Chen's conditions before, she couldn't calm down

After all, it's like an outsider suddenly barging into your home and announcing that this is his territory from now on.

Although the other party said that you can still live in this place, and even give you many benefits, the nature itself has changed.

Originally, she wanted to test the depth of Bai Chen.

it's good now.

The opponent's strength is beyond imagination (Zhao Li's), even if he joins forces with Cronoa, it is unlikely to be his opponent.

As for Aaliyah, Lisda Dai and the others.

Although he was protected by Bai Chen at the first moment, he was already shocked by the scene just now, and even now he can't regain his senses.

"...Your Excellency, I think there may be some misunderstanding between us."

Brahma knew that she could no longer stay in the deepest God Realm.

Otherwise, the consequences can be imagined.

"No misunderstanding, where is there any misunderstanding?"

Bai Chen's eyes were smiling.

"You have seen the deterrence you want, since you understand that resistance is futile, you might as well submit to me as soon as possible.

"Regarding this matter, I think there is still room for further discussion between us and Your Excellency. According to the human world, the conditions are for bargaining, right?"

Brahma's figure gradually appeared from the Deepest God Realm. .

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