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Chapter 1151 Not Interested In Men

Chapter 1151

After expressing his hostility towards Bai Chen, Nemesil, the god of law, asked Kronoah, the god of time, to observe the time again out of caution to find information about the other party.

If their origin or other traces can be found, it may be possible to formulate targeted measures.

After all, even though he was bragging about the great goddess Isister just now, the other party defeated the goddess of destruction after all.

This also proves that the opponent may have the same power as them.

And looking at all the worlds, the only ones who can have the same power as them are the evil gods who were born along with the laws of heaven and earth.

In the long past when the unification of the God Realm was far from being unified, a great war broke out in the God Realm.

In the war, divided into two factions.

One is the gods who unified the God Realm today, and the other part is represented by evil gods.

Although the establishment of the Unified God Realm now reflects the outcome of the war from the side, the evil gods did not die, but retreated to other places.

And secretly, together with the Demon King, invaded the world originally ruled by the God Realm.

The evil god's purpose is self-evident.

21 is the effect of encroaching on the God Realm through the demon king's occupation of the world.

After learning about this, the God of Jurisprudence of the Deepest God Realm and other gods combined to use the gods of the Unified God Realm to instill in them the idea of ​​"summoning the brave and saving the world", using these external forces to fight against the demon army controlled by the evil god.

As for the restriction of "believing in human beings and relying on human beings' own strength to save themselves", it is bullshit.

This is just to confuse those gods who like to move themselves.

In other words, today's human world is completely a chessboard for their supreme gods to play.

Now that a young man stronger than the God of Destruction came to the God Realm, it naturally made Nemesil doubt the other party's identity.

What's more, since the other party dared to go deep into the God Realm alone, it was enough to prove that that person was either a fool, or he believed in his own power extremely.

However, Nemesil does not plan to make a move by himself for the time being.

First, use the power of the gods of the Unified God Realm to force the other party to reveal more details.

At this moment, a door lingering with an orange shimmer opened at the junction of the Deepest God Realm and the Unified God Realm.

A black-haired young man in casual clothes walked between the Supreme God and the Great Goddess.

His handsome appearance is already indescribable, as if a golden mist is floating around his body, when it touches it, it disappears in the air immediately.

It was Bai Chen.

Behind him, Listade, who was wearing a white blouse and a short white skirt, and Ariadoya, who was wearing a dark blue dress, also walked into this sacred audience.

After entering here, Listadade, who is usually carefree, remained silent, and Aaliyah, who was generous and generous, was also a little nervous.

However, Bai Chen was completely unaffected, and raised his eyes to look at the two figures with huge disparity in stature.

One of them is a goddess with wings on her back, her face is delicate and graceful, like gold in the gravel, her clothes are decorated with jewels, her temperament and appearance are both excellent.

As for the other one, he was a big man with a height of five meters.

Here Bai Chen will not describe much, he is not interested in men.

The sudden arrival caught people off guard.

However, Nemesil is also one of the supreme gods, and when he saw Bai Chen, he immediately recognized him as an outsider who broke into the God Realm alone.

And before he could speak, he even waved towards them.

"The three of you are the highest gods in the deepest god realm. I'm here to negotiate terms."

Bai Chen's actions and words made Nemesil stunned for a moment.

Why did it come up all of a sudden?

Why doesn't this play out according to the routine?

In the plan of the god of law, the gods who unified the gods should first fight this man, and then they secretly observe the opponent's attributes, and choose to make a move at the right time, trying to win with one blow.

But now Bai Chen saved a step for them, and Nemesil didn't know what to do for a while.

Cronoa was also stunned.

However, due to her personality, she developed a little interest in Bai Chen.

After all, in her impression, there is no such interesting guy in the Cthulhu.

"Then let's talk about it, there's nothing we can't talk about."

Kronoa said curiously.

The smile on Bai Chen's face was even bigger, and he said casually: "I know that the human world is just a chessboard for the game between good and evil gods in your God Realm. The devil king is controlled by the evil gods, while the human camp is controlled by your God Realm. There are worlds of failure and worlds of success.

"I heard from Goddess Alia that she is a goddess who has saved more than 300 worlds, but if there is success, there must be worlds that failed to save. I think it's too troublesome to go back and forth like this."

"So you just need to swear an oath to obey me, and then hand over the whole world to me, and I promise not to attack you and protect your safety. How does this condition sound?"

Cronoa froze.

I thought this man was really brave.

Does he really know who he's talking to?

The power of any god in the Deepest God Realm surpasses that of Valkyrie, the Goddess of Destruction.

Brahma, the god of creation, is the best among the three gods.

But before the God of Creation opened his mouth, Nemesil, the God of Law, was furious.

He had never heard such an arrogant speech.

"Presumptuous! I am Nemesil, the god of great law! Who do you think you can blackmail me casually?!"

"Even if I carry the God Realm on my back, and need to hold the human law in one hand, I am still invincible in the world!"

Nor is Nemehil a mindless god.

After all, he also contributed a lot in the previous God Realm Wars.

Seeing that the Goddess of Destruction was defeated, his face remained unchanged, which also proved that he is very powerful.

Leaving aside those demon gods and evil gods hiding in the dark, Nemesil, the god of law, is indeed invincible in the world.

On the side, Isister, Alia, and Listadade were already pale with fright.

They are not fighting goddesses, and their attribute values ​​are weak. Let alone the Supreme God, even some war gods in the God Realm are completely incomparable. .

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