Chapter 1166

Bai Chen watched the battle on Namek through the live broadcast.

On the face of it, the situation is stalemate.

However, in terms of ability utilization, combat experience and skills, the Ginuit team is far ahead of Sister Pao and the others.

Jibril and Tokisaki Kurumi are fine.

But Misaka Mikoto's combat experience is equal to zero.

This is not talking about her total combat experience, but her combat experience with powerful enemies.

Coupled with Misaka Mikoto's character of not daring to kill, the outcome of this battle was doomed as early as the beginning.

Unless Cockscomb can anger Monkey King at the end like Frieza did, causing it to burst into seeds, and use a similar method to anger Misaka Mikoto, otherwise, the battle will only become more unfavorable for her.

But that's okay.

Anyway, this entrustment is just to train them.

And Misaka Mikoto's progress is also visible to the naked eye.

At the beginning, she was not used to supersonic combat, and would only consider attack methods based on the opponent's existing actions.

But now she is familiar with predicting the opponent's attack mode through the opponent's body movements, and uses 21 magnetic field induction to make up for her own shortcomings of lack of combat experience.

Coupled with the speed of Thunder, in the atmosphere, it far exceeds the reaction speed of Cockscomb Head, and it also caused a lot of wounds on the enemy.

Of course, the damage is limited.

After all, even if Sister Pao picks up the hammer, she is not the real Thor.

Look at Tokisaki Kurumi again.

Because she was facing a time-suspending superpower, she had already opened the time-eating city, and she seemed to be able to do a job with ease in the battle situation.

Before starting the war, Tokisaki Kurumi first fixed her own time with the bullet of time, so that even if the time of the outside world was frozen, she would not be affected by the time suspension.

Coupled with the ultimate move of Kamisei Demon Eye, Tokisaki Kurumi already has the upper hand in the game.

But this is also normal.

Although Gudu has more than 10,000 combat power, the increase in combat power is mostly brought about by superpowers, and his own destructive skills are very few.

And then there's Jibril.

She temporarily gained the upper hand by virtue of the teleportation technique.

It's just that ultra-high-speed movement can be said to be a basic skill in the middle and upper-level battlefields of Dragon Ball.

In particular, the opponent she chose was Bart, who was biased towards speed, but he was still at a disadvantage in the battle.

However, compared with Kuang San and Pao Jie, Jibril is more resistant to fighting.

Finally, there is the battlefield between Monkey King and Ginyu.

Although Wukong is not Ginyu's opponent under normal conditions, but after opening the Kaiwang Fist, his fighting power is doubled directly.

In his hands, Ginyu is like a plaything for Monkey King to rub and round.

The situation that can win steadily is Kuang San and Monkey King.

If there is no accident with Jibril and Misaka Mikoto, the result will end as Bai Chen predicted.


Little Spider: "Too strong!"

Blue Slime: "Huh? Didn't you say that this side is pecking at each other?"

Little Spider: "Well, I mean the mad third sister and the newcomer. Although they are still far behind the boss, they are still very exciting."

On the other hand, the other two sides hang their own hats.

Jibril was restrained, hanged and beaten a lot, so it's not surprising.

Although Sister Pao was often hanged and beaten in the past, because this time before the war, she only set a flag.

Luo Abao: "Indeed, Sister Pao is still playing steadily."

Fubuki from Hell: "Sister Pao's tragic experience tells us that if nothing happens, it's best not to set the flag casually."

At this time, a turning point came from the live broadcast.

Due to Miss Pao's weak combat skills and her current use of Mjolnir, the balance of the Goddess of Victory has slowly tilted towards her opponent.


The giant cannon fired from the mouth of the cockscomb head Likum hit the body of Miss Cannon.

The explosion was deafening.

With just one click, the girl's figure was shot down from the sky by the opponent and hit the ground.

But obviously it was the shock wave that could easily destroy the mountains, but she got up immediately without feeling the slightest pain.

There is no doubt that the reason "is the Thor armor on her body and the church of Gele borrowed from Index.

The protection provided by the former is barely adequate, but the defense strength of the latter can even defend against nuclear bombs.

As long as Rikum doesn't use his full strength, there is still no way to hurt Mikoto.

Meiqin could clearly feel the fighting power erupted by the opponent, and couldn't help but click her tongue.

This is the first time I have fought against this kind of "out-of-spec" enemy.

Although I used the information gap to take advantage of a lot at the beginning, but until now, the opponent has not shown any sign of exhaustion.

In addition, after he hurt the other party a few times, he also became serious.

Both strength and speed have been improved by more than one level.

And she couldn't keep up with the opponent's movement speed.

Although Thunder's speed is faster than supersonic speed, she can't transform into Thunder.

Although the body has been improved by Mjolnir, it is still far away.

And the opponent can destroy her movements and judgment simply by relying on the fists and feet that can easily set off a hurricane-like air wave.

Facing this kind of enemy who is quite powerful in all aspects, she is no different from a sandbag now.

Staring at the enemy who was grinning at her, the girl's expression became slightly serious, and she pursed her lips.

857...Sure enough, I'm still too weak.

Railgun: “@Bai Chen [I think ten of me might need your help.

Bai Chen: "OK."

Bai Chen: "It is not a shame to ask me for help when encountering a difficult problem that cannot be handled. After all, learning to share is also a sign of maturity."

Seeing this passage, Sister Pao was deeply moved.

She knew that this was what the other party said deliberately so as not to embarrass herself.

Golden Fairy: "Misaka-san's favorability is UP!"

Railgun: "...."

Butterfly Shinobi: "Actually, it's not just you, Miss Jibril is about to be overwhelmed.

Blue Slime: "This player is also playing normally."

Little Spider: "But this is the correct way to open them."

Non-staff individual: "Hey! I'm in such a miserable situation, and you guys are still in the mood to add insult to injury!"

Non-staff individual: "@ Bai Chen, master, please help, I really can't move."

Jibril thought of various ways.

But the power gap is absolute.

The opponent is not as rigid as the dragon spirit, and it is extremely easy to dodge her charged attack.

Bai Chen: "Understood."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Chen's figure appeared on Namek. .

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