Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1208 Don't Panic, Watch Me Perform

Chapter 1208

In the live broadcast room.

Little Spider: "Wow! What the hell is this!"

Blue Slime: "I'm stupid, is this still the bald donkey in my impression?"

Little White Cat: "I didn't expect that even the Buddhas in Hakoniwa World are bad people."

Seeing the transformation of Sakyamuni in Xiaoting Garden, Tacheng Kitty felt tired.

As a peace-loving demon, the Buddha and the Misfortune Group in her world are bad guys from the same camp, and even other worlds are no exception.

And more than that.

The Spirit of Time: "This kind of thing~ Actually, I should have thought of it a long time ago.

Princess in Military Uniform: "Even the Buddhism that pays attention to saving the world has become like this, what else is there to believe in that world?"

The Spirit of Time: "Don't panic, you have joined the chat group for so long, you should have become immutable by now."

Die Die Ren: "But to be honest, I feel a little bit disillusioned."

If we talk about those old people who joined the group earlier, they can still accept this setting.

Then those newcomers who joined in the middle or later are really eye-opening.

God's Tongue: "I feel like my world view has been impacted."

King of God: "Indeed, I will never face God in the future again.

Bai Chen: "It's okay. In the world where you are playing, there is no such god as Buddha. Instead, there are various creator gods and other gods one after another."

As early as the beginning, Yu-Gi-Oh's world view was just a simple world of playing cards.

But with the development of the plot and the completion of the setting, it gradually involved the occult from the card game.

At least in the first two parts, the strongest gods are the God of Creation of Light and the Great Evil God of Darkness.

But later, Shuishe also launched the flowering board of the game "Creation Dragon of All Things" to open up the world view.

The supreme dragon who rules all OCG worlds.

It symbolizes Kazuki Takahashi's pen, which can create any plot and setting at will.

Kind of like the OAA in the Marvel universe.

And the first three fantasy gods, from the full force at the beginning to the later disappearing.

King of Draws: "You say that, should I cry or laugh?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Of course I accept it hhhhhh."

Saeko Busujima: "I can't understand it at all, but anyway, I didn't believe in Buddhism before, so it doesn't matter anymore.

In the past, it was difficult for people living in a world of low-level force to understand the influence of gods and Buddhas based on hearing alone.

Seeing it with my own eyes now, I have to say that it is indeed terrifying.

Just imagine, if all the creatures in a world believed in the only God.

But one day, that god suddenly degenerates and becomes a monster. For that world and life, it can be said to be a disaster.

Luo Abao: "Although it's scary, why do I think it's kind of cute?"

Little Spider: "Fuck! Can you even think this is cute? It's really you!"

Big bone boiled into soup: "Did the boring life in the army finally make you change sex?"

Luo Abao: "You have changed, Dagu, even you have become so superficial, don't you really think that sticky tentacles are cute?"

The Spirit of Time: "Mr. Bao, if you say that, no girl will like you."

Elegant and decent young lady: "The tentacles are the most annoying thing, Bai Chen, hurry up and burn all those disgusting things!"

Miss Tohsaka Rin can't help but hate tentacles.

The reason is that, in order not to let herself be looked down upon, she made up her mind to keep up with the times and use electronic products.

It's just that when I searched for information on the Internet, I accidentally clicked on ten comics about tentacles and magical girls.

Reminiscent of the ruby ​​staff that Bai Chen asked the jeweler to give her before she left, which can transform her into a magical girl.

I always feel that Bai Chen is full of malice.

The Spirit of Time:....@ Bai Chen, the other party looks amazing, but you are still distracted, is this really okay?"

Bai Chen: "Don't panic, it's just a small problem, just watch my performance."

The Buddha's change was within his expectation.

I just didn't expect Sakyamuni to be corrupted to such a deep extent.

Since even Sakyamuni World Honored One has been corrupted to this point, then other living beings in Buddhism are not much better.

And at the same time as Sakyamuni's showdown.

The battlefield of Hakoniwa's two-digit outer gate also saw various changes in succession.

…‥Seeking flowers 00

Eel-like dark tentacles drilled out of the eyes, ears, mouths and noses of many Buddhas, Arhats and Bodhisattvas.

Wriggling, they twist like living creatures with independent consciousness.

In just ten seconds, those originally holy and glorious Buddhas and Arhats turned into disgusting and ferocious monsters that were neither human nor fish.

And soon, without thinking, they attacked all living creatures that were not of the same kind.

Seeing this, some buddhas and arhats who had not been corroded were hollowed out before they could react for a while.

Its brilliant spiritual brilliance was absorbed like a dispirited temper, and through a very special transmission method, the soul energy was transmitted to Shakya Shizun.

Seeing this, Bai Ye on the battlefield suddenly changed his expression.

Even Frieza and Guga showed shock on their faces.

"...Is this the problem of Buddhism that Bai Chen said? It is clearly a pure place, but I didn't expect it to become like this!"

Bai Ye was angry and helpless.

After all, one of the reasons she chose to compromise with the gods in the past was for the safety of Little Garden.

Unexpectedly, what she compromised in return was a conspiracy by Buddhism.

It's just thousands of years.

The originally noble Buddhism has fallen to the point where it is today.

And Bai Chen had already expected that Bai Ye and the others would be surprised, so he used the voice transmission from the sky to tell everyone in his camp that they don't have to hold back and destroy all mutants and those who resist them.

Before Bai Ye could react, the army of monsters created and controlled by Bai Chen was the first to react.

As Bai Chen's servant, only his orders are absolute.

Facing the monster transformed by Buddha, the war slaves of the Supreme Heaven initiated a reunion towards the mysterious land without flinching or hesitation.

A giant beast with seven heads and ten horns soars in the sky.

The huge figure covered the sky like a cloud.

Monsters fight monsters, boons, destructive beams tearing the atmosphere, pure and raw physical combat.

Nonstop flashes and explosions, flames burning the sky, blood, bodily fluids and more than anything else pouring down from the sky like a torrential rain. .

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