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Chapter 1209 You Don't Think You Can Beat Me Like This, Do You?

Chapter 1209

at the same time.

The mutation of Buddhism was also known to other Hakoniwa gods at the same time.

The half-human, half-fish silhouette made the gods understand that those things could never be life forms that existed on the Little Garden.

The evil gods from outside the territory are trying to invade.

Or rather... invaded.

Three-digit outer door.

The god king Di Shitian checked the battle situation on the battlefield through the mirror of god.

When he saw those monsters, he couldn't help muttering to himself under the agitated heart of God.

"Buddhism...is really invaded by evil spirits, but how could Sakyamuni allow it..."

Having said that, he fell silent.

From the beginning to the end, not only him, but even the entire Little Garden, no one dared to speak up about himself.

"Poli Devi, what is the current situation of the Celestial Army?" "160"

The master mentioned by Di Shitian is the brown-skinned goddess Politivi Mata with a slender figure.

As the ancient goddess of earth in Indian mythology, she is the earth and heaven among the twelve heavens of Dharma protectors.

After the war between Buddhism and the King of Gold, he was one of the few members who was still on his side.

"The members of Christianity and Buddhism have already left, and the Greek gods are still watching. At present, there is only one-third of the combat power left. How about it? Do you want to dispatch?"

"Of course, things have come to this, we can't just sit and wait."

Di Shitian stood up anxiously, with the golden rod floating in his hand.

"The incident of the Buddhist mutation was predicted by the King of Gold, but we, as the maintainers of Hakoniwa, have been slow and can't wait any longer. Those things are obviously worse than all the demon kings we know so far.

"Okay, just wait for your words."

Hearing this, Politibi chuckled, turned around and walked away leisurely, still muttering.

"I didn't expect that in the end, the gods would still consider him to be the existence of the Demon King, who foresaw the inside story of Buddhism. I'm really curious about where he came from.

at the same time.

The battlefield of the two-digit outer sect expanded rapidly after the mutation of the Buddhist sect.

As for the reason, it is directly related to the mutated monster.

The predecessor was a Buddha Arhat, so there was a restriction on the word "Buddha".

But now after Sakyamuni liberated the seal, the last thought of teaching people to be good has long been abandoned, and the remaining thoughts are only erosion and diffusion.

Like the plague.

The earth is blackened, the bright blue ocean is rendered dark, and the air is polluted by miasma.

Dense darkness gathers together.

A large number of monsters gathered in groups, and then in a disgusting change, a monster like a terrifying hill emerged from the darkness, exuding an evil aura above everything.

There are countless tentacles on the huge body, like an octopus-like monster.

Then, the space shook violently.

The ferocious air waves attacked all around, and under the attack of the black halo, everything that approached was turned into dust.

However, the warrior slaves of the Golden Sovereign can be reborn even after death.

Therefore, even if it is swallowed, it will continue to enter the battlefield in less than three seconds, rushing towards the terrifying ruler without fear of death.

Countless rays of light shot out all at once, and a frightening amount of favor fell on the ruler.

Although a large amount of flames and black smoke rose, compared with the majesty of the evil god, it seemed a little insignificant.


A large number of huge teleportation arrays appeared again over the vast battlefield.

Accompanied by a dazzling light.

Di Shitian's hastily assembled heavenly army rushed to the scene.

As the heavenly army that maintains the order of Little Garden, the moment it descends is naturally majestic.

But he was quickly dazed by the chaotic battle situation in front of him.

The biting and hand-to-hand combat between monsters made them forget for a moment who they should help.

But soon, Di Shitian, the leader of the team, was riding a giant white elephant while running and shouting in the sky.

The Celestial Army targets monsters that grow massive tentacles.

The goal is clear.

Although they are all monsters, there is still a big difference in appearance between monsters.

At least, there are still traces of the war slaves of the Golden Supreme Heaven, but the mutant monsters of the Buddhist sect give people a particularly disgusting feeling.

Slime and tentacles are their representatives.

Joining the battle group in the sky army further expanded the already fierce battle.

However, the addition of the Heavenly Army did not tilt the battle to Hakoba's side.

In a very short period of time, those terrifying tentacle monsters completed several evolutions.

The types of ground battles, air battles, and naval battles have all evolved.

Each space moves flexibly, and the battle is as exquisite as it is born..

Especially the ocean, like their back garden.

The gods who were dragged into it struggled to resist, but they could only be at their mercy.

Fortunately, Enhui's shield effect is not bad, even these mutants cannot destroy Enhui, which can withstand strong impacts, for the time being.

But suddenly.

Accompanied by a thunder-like loud noise.

Hundreds of huge water columns rise from the ocean.

Then a huge object jumped out of the sea.

The object that looks like a sea cockroach is a giant sea monster with a length of 100 meters.

The evil eyes formed a group of lights like searchlights in the thick fog formed by the waves, but in an instant they pressed the words

Hakoniwa's strongest army was defeated all the way.

The sky is dominated by flying monsters, and the land and sea are also suppressed by various monsters.

The Celestial Army, which has not been here for a long time, collapsed all the way before it made a decent resistance.

Only a few of the four-digit god Shura can still be active on the battlefield.

It wasn't until the starlight of the white night illuminated the world and the spirit body of the theory of Tiandong turned again that the bad situation was gradually restored.

the other side.

In the distant sea of ​​stars.

After Shakya Shizun sensed the situation in Hakoniwa, a strange smile appeared on his slender head and the corners of his mouth.

"It's really a useless struggle. Even if you gather all the strength of Hakoten, you won't be able to fight against the evil god." Since 1.0 can't be changed step by step, let Hakoto be stained red with the blood of the horsemen.

"Too much nonsense."

Bai Chen appeared in front of Sakyamuni, and then grabbed the long neck.

Sakyamuni, who became flexible, felt his body being imprisoned, his body twisted, and kicks wrapped in black light came from the side.

But it was easily dodged by Bai Chen.

Immediately afterwards, countless lacquer energies rushed towards Baichen's body.

But it all disappeared like a drop of ink melting into the sea.

Seeing this, Sakyamuni's voice was a little surprised.

"Why, is it your fake body here?"

Hearing this, Bai Chen appeared from above him with a chuckle, and then hit Sakyamuni on the back of the head with his kick, causing him to stagger, and at the same time, suppressed him with even more violent force.

"You don't think you've beaten me after the third transformation, do you?"

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