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Chapter 1213 Competing Women (Full Order)

Chapter 1214

However, compared to Bai Ye's hostility, the Halloween Queen's gaze was completely on Bai Chen's kidney.

Scanning around with a half-smile, passing the ferocious white night.

Then he stretched out his slender hand and placed it in front of Bai Chen.

The back of the white hand was facing the young man, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

But at a time like this, how could Bai Chen follow the wishes of this woman he had never met before.

What's more, with so many people watching here, let him lean over and kiss his hand, where would he save his face?

"Come here quickly, let this concubine take a good look at you."

Seeing that Bai Chen was unmoved, the Queen of Halloween gently opened her lips.

It's just that these words that sound ordinary and soft, but they seem to carry a majesty that cannot be rejected, making people fearful.

After all, no matter how you say it, the Queen of Halloween can do whatever she wants, and she is a problem child who can do whatever she wants on May Day.

There is no reason, no need to think, the Queen Dianxi who must make others obey with just one sentence.

Even if the three-digit gods who were ordered to be present could not resist the magic and pressure of the Halloween Queen, they obediently leaned over and kissed her hand.

But Bai Chen didn't have time to play red tape with this woman.

I just shook hands with her politely, which is considered to be a meeting.

The Halloween queen, who didn't seem to realize that Bai Chen would do this, was stunned for a moment, and then showed embarrassment.

Bai Ye at the side laughed when he saw Bai Chen's shameless behavior.

"Good! As expected of the man I fell in love with in Bai Ye!"

Hearing this, there was a commotion in the live broadcast room.

Blue Slime: "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

I don't want to see a ghost: "I don't know at all... I always feel that I just..."

Ultra-Railgun: "Tsk!"

The Spirit of Time: "Maybe it's because Mr. Bai Chen has been staying in Little Garden for a while."

Golden Fairy: "Of course!"

Golden Fairy: "Miss Baiye's freedom is all thanks to Mr. Bai Chen. Well, this kind of story of a hero saving the beauty may seem old-fashioned, but if there is someone who is the heroine of the story, you can't refuse to have a good impression at all, right?"

Princess in Military Uniform: "Indeed, even Yu has to admit that there is some truth.

Don't say anything else.

Altair himself also felt that when facing Bai Chen in person, he would feel his heart beat faster.

For this feeling, she specifically asked the creator Shimazaki Setsuna, but was told with a smile that it was the feeling of being in love.

Love words are actually very far away for Altair.

After all, her birth and experience have nothing to do with the world of ordinary people.

But it feels like it's there.

But Altair also understood that when he saw Bai Chen, he would feel better.

Little Spider: "If it were me, I would have promised the boss a long time ago!"

Finally, spiders are the most active.

Although it was a bit of a suspicion of making trouble, those words were undoubtedly the voices of many girls who had been assisted by Richen.

It's not impossible to promise something with your body.

And not to mention women, even men have an unusual affection for Bai Chen.

While watching the barrage of complaints, Bai Chen looked at the somewhat angry Halloween Queen, and said with a chuckle.

"This should be our first meeting, Queen of Halloween."

"Well, at the Harvest Festival in the Southern District, my concubine asked Skaha to see you, but she lost your place, which is really weird.

Speaking of which, the Queen of Halloween suppressed her displeasure for the time being.

Although she is a problem child who has been active under the noses of the gods, unlike the sealed Algar and Bai Ye.

From the past to the present, she has always been free, and even formed her own group of gods and communities.

Although her personality is domineering, she is in a high position and has been able to live a stable life in Little Garden until now, and she also understands who can be messed with and who shouldn't be messed with.

Bai Chen is currently the most talked about and most popular in Hakoniwa.

Moreover, even Sakyamuni of Buddhism fell into his hands.

Although the Queen of Halloween is conceited, she is sure that she can't win Sakyamuni.

In contrast, there is a gap of two levels between her and Bai Chen.

It's a bit harsh, but it's true...

The Queen of Halloween knows very well the principle of accepting as soon as you see it.

"...That's really a pity. In fact, I have long wanted to meet the last ancient child with problems in the rumors."

Think here.

Bai Chen couldn't help regretting that he didn't bring Algel here this time.

With three women in one drama, I don't know what will happen.

"It's all old things. The glory of the past can't compare to you, the king of gold."

The Queen of Halloween's tone was slightly sarcastic.

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly smiled strangely and made a sound, and said contemptuously: "...It's rare that you, an old woman, come out of your bed. Why, is it because your buttocks are hard, that you come out to move around?"

Don't blame Bai Ye for being so sarcastic.

As early as the dawn of Hakoniwa, Byakuya and the Halloween Queen were enemies.

It belongs to the kind of non-speculative half-sentence.

When Bai Ye was suppressed by the gods, although the Queen of Halloween did not directly participate, she did not fail to make trouble, and she belonged to the old enemy.

It is normal for people to attack each other personally as soon as they meet each other, and it is normal for them to explode at any point.

If the situation does not allow it, it is not impossible to fight on the spot.

"...The seats in the palace do look a bit tired, but no matter what, it's better than the white old lady whose spiritual status has been recruited by a place like Buddhism, haha."

1.1 The Queen of Halloween is not angry on the surface, she just looks at Bai Ye, and deliberately uses a light tone to say annoying words.

"If it weren't for the assistance of the King of Gold, I'm afraid even the last bit of my old self would be hollowed out, and I would still be kept in the dark before I die."

Of course, Bai Ye knew that the Queen of Halloween was talking about the fact that the gods coveted more than half of her sun sovereignty.

Although not qualified to refute, but the momentum can not lose.

"You foolish queen! If we die, do you think you'll be able to escape?"

Bai Ye had always had a bad temper.

Even in front of Bai Chen, she often shows the aura of a woman.

Now that he heard the black history exposed by his rival, he immediately showed a look of unstoppable anger. .

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