Chapter 1220

Naia, who was hiding in the chaos, was stunned by this shocking scene.

Even if she has countless incarnations in the parallel universe, she has never seen such a scene.

Little Spider: "Good guy, turn on the big one as soon as you come up, the big guy doesn't talk about martial arts!"

Blue Slime: "Sneak attack, my eighty-year-old comrade!"

Super electromagnetic gun: "This is the power of the cosmic explosion!"

I don't want to see a ghost: "I remember the boss used this trick in the past, but the special effects and scale are far from what they are now!"

Bai Chen: "It's actually a supernova explosion, and the power of the explosion is just a simulation."

The Spirit of Time: "So it's a supernova explosion, I understand."

Actually don't understand at all.

God's Tongue: "Since I am a god, it is reasonable to make a big bang out of the universe, right?"

Little White Cat: "This is in the Ganges River.

Black-haired loli: "This Joan is reasonable."

King of Magic: "No matter how many times I watch it, as expected, a mortal like me still can't understand it."

Zi 21 Zhu Jing: "This scale, even if it is the power of the evil god, there is no way to hold it back."

Thanos, who has personally experienced the battle between Bai Chen and Infinity Ultron, is quite aware of Bai Chen's strength.

And he also guessed.

In the battle between Bai Chen and Infinite Ultron, this man never used his full strength at all.

Gou Kong: "It's too strong! It's really too strong! How did the boss become so strong!?"

Sun Wukong, who is a martial idiot and a training fanatic, was excited to see it.

If it wasn't for the barrier of the Dimensional Wall, he would have wished to get in and have a hearty battle with the evil god.

But this can only be thought about.

After all, Sun Wukong is not a fool. With his current strength, he might be crushed to ashes by the aftermath on the spot.

Non-staff individual: "Boss, you have changed, you no longer love me."

During this period of time, Jibril, who was practicing in the world of Dragon Ball, has been devoting herself to the study of qi.

She is the kind of character who is easy to study and lose oneself.

When you go to a new world for the first time, you will naturally immerse yourself in it.

However, the rest of the chat group didn't care about Jibril's speech, and instead focused on watching the live broadcast.

And in the Tucao in the live broadcast room.

Looking at the explosion that wiped out all the evil gods he summoned from the other side of the starry sky, Naia's face no longer had the slightest ease before.

"How is this power possible?"

Naia's voice became muddy.

Just from the information collected from Little Garden, she absolutely cannot believe that there is such a god in Little Garden.

But panic is panic, and the necessary resistance has not been forgotten.

Infinite chaos gathered in front of Naia, forming several layers of barriers around her body.

But Bai Chen just smiled slightly.

next second.

The light of wrath erupts from the singularity.

Endless light and heat, the dazzling golden brilliance beyond the imagination of the evil god's universe descended from the explosive flames that burned the universe.

The disaster it set off will tear everything into pieces.

Even Naia-Latopep couldn't bear this force, and melted in the strong golden brilliance.

Everything you see is faded from its original color.

In its place is a sheer gold hue.

And when everything subsides, this evil god universe that accommodates most of the evil gods has stepped into the footsteps of the universe that was sacrificed by Sakyamuni.

In the end, the only thing left was the figure of Naia Latopep who had been mostly erased.

And Bai Chen's standing figure suspended in the void "holding holy spears in ten hands.

The blow just now made Bai Chen wipe out almost all the evil gods in this universe.

Although Naia Latopep is still here at the moment, what is left is only the remnant soul that is difficult to stir up trouble.

However, at this moment, an indescribable smile appeared on half of Naia's face.

....Do you think you have succeeded just by defeating me here? I am the ever-changing opposite sex, the faceless god, the approaching chaos, the god of the outside world, Naia-Latopep.

"It doesn't matter if there is no hope in this world. I just need to start all over again in the next universe. Although it is a bit troublesome, no matter space or time, it is meaningless to me. Everything in the universe is just a dream like a bubble.

Naia Latopep smiled as before.

Of course, she was not as relaxed as she said on the surface.

The opponent's power is directed at the core, even if the loss is only a clone, his incarnations in other parallel universes are also affected to varying degrees.

"I've already thought about this kind of thing."

Hearing this, Bai Chen smiled calmly.

"So when I was attacking you, I took advantage of the opportunity to find the coordinates of other universes that you seized, and it was only a matter of time before corruption... er no, dominating those universes.

Hearing this, Naia showed an unbelievable expression on her face.

"You still have this kind of power, what is your origin?"

"you guess."

Bai Chen tilted his head.

Looking at Naia's expression at the moment, he felt very useful. 037 "If it is true as you said, the evil god we serve will wake up soon! Even the infinite universe, as long as the master wakes up, it will disappear in an instant."

However, Bai Chen was completely unmoved by Nayase's threat of sternness, and instead laughed.

"Azathoth, the god of blindness and ignorance, as far as I know, the universe of your evil god is just born in its dream. Once it wakes up, all universes will be destroyed. Guess this bread doesn't include you?"

Naia was completely stunned.

She didn't expect that even the other party knew this kind of information clearly.

"Where the hell are you?"

For the first time, Naia's voice took on a trill.

As Bai Chen said.

Once Azathoth wakes up, all the evil gods in the universe will disappear, including their evil gods naturally.

Although she said that she was a subordinate of Azathoth in name, but in fact, since she was born, she has never had any communication with Azathoth.

Awakening Azathoth may certainly solve the problem in front of him, but who can guarantee that when Azathoth wakes up, will the avatar he put in the universe disappear?

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