Chapter 1221

Thinking of this, Naia's face turns blue and white.

Noticing Naia's expression, Bai Chen couldn't help laughing out loud.

"It's all nonsense before you dare to love. As the high priest of your lord, you really don't even think about resurrecting Azathoth in your heart?"


Naia, who seemed to be poked and only half of her body was left, still had an ugly expression on her face.

But Bai Chen was right.

She never held the mentality of resurrecting Azathoth from the beginning.

After all, from beginning to end, she lived in a world where Azathoth was sleeping.

Although she was also born from Azathoth.

But it doesn't mean that she will follow Azathoth's orders in everything.

What's more, so far, Azathoth has not sent even a single revelation.

On the contrary, it is the legend that "the universe is Azathoth's sleeping dream. Once he wakes up, all worlds will disappear like bubbles".

In the long run, Naia Latopep, who was already more active than other evil gods, would naturally not want Azathoth to wake up.

After all, even without Azathoth, she can do well.

But once Azathoth wakes up.

She has wasted a lot of energy, and the avatars sprinkled in countless universes will also disappear together.

In the worst case, even she herself will be wiped out together.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's very simple, just make a deal with you."

Bai Chen smiled lightly.


Hearing this, Naia's eyes suddenly lit up.

Make a deal with the evil god, that's great.

The previous Sakyamuni was corrupted because of making a deal with her.

Bai Chen is stronger than Shakya, but in her opinion, it just takes a little longer.

However, she was a little wary.

After all, this man is much stronger than she imagined, so he suddenly made such a request in her favour, and I'm afraid there may be some fraud in it.

"Become my man."

"Huh? That's it?"

At the beginning, Naia was a little wary of Bai Chen's unreasonable demands, but he didn't expect that it turned out to be such a trivial matter in the end?

"So you agree?"

Bai Chen looked at her with some surprise.

The evil god, who was hesitant before, accepted it so easily.

But soon, Bai Chen realized that Naia's answer made him think that the woman incarnate of the evil god was full of pornographic trash.

I only heard her say: "Since this is the case, why don't you agree at the beginning? Compared with this, you just killed half of my life, and it is still very difficult to restore my physical body, so if you want me to be yours, you have to wait for a while, or let me go to other universes to complete this body."


Looking at the hopeless half of Naia's face, although he was trying to seduce himself as much as possible, but in fact, with only half of her body left, she looked much more terrifying.


Naia was stunned, and then murmured: "Do you mean you like me the way I am now?"

Even as an evil god, En-Latopep couldn't help being shocked by Bai Chen's sexuality.

Who are these people!

Sure enough, the more powerful an existence is, the more withdrawn its personality will be?

Before ruthlessly rejecting myself, I thought Bai Chen was the kind of good person who pretended to be serious, but I didn't expect that the prototype would be revealed so soon!

But that's okay.

Making others happy is what Naia is best at.

Although it's the first time like this, Bai Chen is the person she admires until now.

At this time, the barrage in the chat group and the live broadcast room also increased several times due to the conversation between Naia and Bai Chen.

Blue Slime: "Crooked sun! If this is the case, then it's too much fun!"

Luo Abao: "The boss is really terrifying!"

Big bone boiled into soup: "Well... I don't think Mr. Bai Chen is that kind of person. He should have deep meaning in doing this."

Little White Cat: "I also trust the teacher."

Black-haired loli: "Brother won't like such a coquettish slut! Even Sister Tohsaka Rin is ten thousand times better than her!"

Elegant lady: "Sakura!!! Bite the handkerchief.jpg."

The first time I heard Sakura calling her sister, Tohsaka Rin was immediately moved beyond measure.

But then she felt that this sentence was a bit complicated.

Is this praising her and hurting her?

Could it be that in Sakura's eyes, is she that kind of woman who is completely unattractive?

White Rabbit: "I believe the boss will not do such perverted things."

Saeko Busujima: "I believe it too."

Golden Fairy: "However, from the perspective of human nature, this kind of thing may not be impossible. After all, the boss has no shortage of girls to like. If he wants a wife, there are many in the group.

The Spirit of Time: "...․Ahem!"

Blue Slime: "Indeed, after all, once you get used to something, you will feel bored, and it's normal to want to change your taste.

Non-staff individual: "This is not breaking out in silence, but perverting in silence, tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect the boss to finally embark on this path of perversion."

God's Tongue: "Here, is what you said true or false? I suddenly panicked."

Silver-haired Witch: "I believe Mr. Bai Chen will not be that kind of psychopath!! Worried.jpg.

Raging Nanny: "+1."

Grandpa is so cute: "I also believe in Bai Chen!"

Ying was also worried.

But even if the boss really likes to engage in perverted behavior, then she...should be able to accept it with her nose held.

Of course, it would not work for Naia.

After all, if she becomes two halves, she will be able to bid farewell to Tivat Continent.

At this time, Bai Chen also glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and couldn't help it instantly.

Bai Chen: "I wrote down all the things that were said explicitly (got it) and expressed implicitly in a small notebook, and you can figure it out later."

Blue Slime: "I was wrong! The boss is kneeling.jpg."

Chaos Evil: "So fast!"

Railgun: "Stand up, don't kneel, don't you have knees?! Oh, slimes are soft monsters, and they don't have knees."

Blue Slime: "Hmph! A man was born between the heavens and the earth, so it's nothing to just kneel down, let alone a big man!"

Little Spider: "Damn! Is there such a thing as changing tricks to please the boss? Learned!"

Bai Chen glanced at the chat group that was starting to become chaotic again, and temporarily retreated helplessly.

Naia, who was not far in front of him, looked at him with some doubts.

How can this person mute his voice while talking?

And the smile on the face is also a bit permeable.

ps: sheep. .

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