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Chapter Two Hundred And Thirty-Nine: God Enters The God Realm

Chapter 1239

Such an abrupt turning point caught everyone off guard.

The mood is as exciting as doing a roller coaster.

"Let's go.

Bai Chen waved to the dazed little priest behind him.

As a priest.

The girl's heart is full of faith in the gods.

But whether it was the behavior of the God of Truth, or the scene of being crushed by Bai Chen, it directly shattered her three views.

It turns out that God is not invincible.

At the same time as Bai Chen said earlier.

In the eyes of the gods, mortals like them are not qualified to negotiate conditions at all.

"If you don't leave, I will lose you."

Bai Chen said.

Bai Chen has always been very patient with beautiful girls.

Unless the other party doesn't know each other.

"Throw...where to throw it?"

The little priest responded with "Qi San Qi", and became nervous all of a sudden.

"Spirit world."

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

Then, cut open the void.

The door to the realm that is different from reality opens quietly.

Like a TV screen, the other side of the door is a world completely different from reality.

Afterwards, the black-haired youth walked in.

As for the adventurers around, Bai Chen didn't care at all.

"Wait...wait for me."

The little priest looked around.

He found that everyone was still staring at him with eyes that were too shocked to be able to control himself.

The girl who had never received such attention, her heart was beating wildly, then she lowered the brim of her hat, hugged her staff tightly, and rushed in.

Then, the realm gate disappeared.

the other side.

The God Realm is far away, yet very close.

In the bleak darkness, the gods gathered together to play a game of dice.

Tentacles like ears of rice are ready to move, and the abstract face with a strange smile is the god of "Feng Rang".

Different chessboards stand everywhere, and there are different chessboards among the gods.

A different scene appears on the chessboard.

But without exception, all are scenes of adventurers conquering mazes and fighting monsters.

It's just that the gods this time were simply rolling the dice.

Unknown forces have isolated divine power from manipulating the world order.

As a result, the original gods set up mazes and monsters, waiting for adventurers to arrive, and then the game of weaving different plots was interrupted.

Unable to interfere with reality, they can only look at the various pieces on the chessboard helplessly, without the control of the gods.

Some gods are bored.

Because they can't participate in it personally, they weave the plot they want to see by rolling the dice.

And some gods find it funny.

To what extent will the fate that cannot be manipulated develop.

Each of them is very curious.

And it is different from these gods who are still immersed in the dice game and cannot extricate themselves.

After the fantasy goddess left, she became preoccupied.

On the one hand, it was because she lost her opponent on the chessboard, and on the other hand, she was worried about the world.

Things like isolating divine power.

It hasn't happened in billions of years.

Now the sudden situation makes the goddess worry that there will be unexpected troubles.

Before, she shared her concerns with other gods.

But the gods just laughed at her fantasies.

That's right.

Her imagination is indeed rich, otherwise she would not be called the goddess of fantasy.

But because of this, "There are more speculations and thoughts in her mind than other gods.

Combined with the current situation.

If you treat it with the worst plan, then it is very likely that an existence that may surpass the gods appeared in that world.

But if this kind of guessing is made out, the other gods will definitely sneer even louder.

After all, in the past, the gods of the God Realm fought against each other for hundreds of millions of years, but no one could do anything to the other.

Even if its body is annihilated, it will be resurrected in other ways immediately.

Even the god in charge of death cannot grant death to other gods.

Because in essence, all their gods are equal and part of order.

There is no such thing as who is more advanced than who.

It's just that because of the different concepts they represent, they have different abilities.

"Hopefully nothing will happen."

Although fantasy doesn't like reality, it feels that the other party is merciless and cruel, and will prepare all imaginable difficulties to embarrass the adventurers she controls.

But this is helpless.

Because fantasizing about yourself is the same.

When manipulating monsters suitable for difficulty and fighting adventurers guided by other gods, they will never release water...

So no matter how the board game plays out, no one can complain.

Because that's the way the rules are.

And just when the goddess of fantasy began to wander in the sky, thinking wildly.

A door different from that formed by divine arts appeared in this dim and dim room.

The imaginary expression froze.

When the rest of the gods saw the figure walking out from behind the door, their expressions of excitement or resentment froze immediately.

Just because it is not the existence of God, it appeared in the God Realm.

Electromagnetic Gun: "Hey! Is this the environment of God Realm? How can it be like a small black room?"

I don't want to see the hell: "What's the matter with so many tables? I always feel like I've seen this arrangement somewhere before."

Blue Slime: "I remembered, isn't that how the casino is set up?"

Chaos Evil: "Can there be a casino in the God Realm?"

Irreverent white-haired loli: "You don't understand this, do you? God Realm is not only about casinos, there are many more exciting things.

Little Spider: "So you understand it well?"

Irregular white-haired loli: "That's it, don't you look at who we are?! Hakoniwa's famous sexy costume master, famous black rabbit trainer, professional beautiful girl!"

Little White Cat: "Scared.jpg"

White Rabbit: "Scared.jpg."

Golden Goblin: "Scared.jpg."

The Spirit of Time: "Scared 0.9.jpg.

Teacher Loli: "There are more and more night owls, don't you all need to sleep?"

Princess in Military Uniform: "Although it's already the time to fall asleep according to Setsuna, I still want to watch Mr. Bai Chen's live broadcast."

Big Bone boiled it into soup: "So, after you have discussed it for so long, does anyone know what those tables are for?"

Bai Chen: "As I said before, it's just like Monopoly. It's an alternative dice game. The progress of one side is determined by the number of points. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins."

Ultra-Railgun: "Huh? It's a little wordy."

Bai Chen: "It's very simple. The board game played by the gods is related to a certain event in the real world. One side controls monsters and mazes, and the other side manipulates adventurers. The winner is determined by the number of points thrown."

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