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Chapter 1240 God: Danger! (Seek Full Order)

Chapter 1240

Super electromagnetic gun: "Sounds a bit like running a group?"

Bai Chen: "Compared with running groups, there is still a big difference. It is similar to rpg. When encountering an event, it will compare the size of the dice points. The loser will act according to the logic of the winner."

Chaos Evil: "Wait, isn't this exactly the same as a game? But the humans in that world are not NPCs either."

If it's a real game world, then it's okay.

But when the world is real and everyone has independent thinking, it is unbelievable to do this kind of thing.

The Spirit of Time: "So Mr. Bai Chen said before, this is the evil taste of the gods."

Blue Slime: "It is indeed something that only God can do."

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "It's a bit outrageous, even a three-digit god in Hakoniwa can hardly do this kind of thing."

The boons of direct manipulation of consciousness are perhaps many.

But like this unconsciously affects the future direction.

It is no longer something that can be done by pure divine power.

Blue Slime: "Wait, if this is the case, how do those adventurers live? After all, even if they are playing games, these gods 21 will not pay attention to everyone all the time, right?"

This is also a problem.

Many of the chess pieces on the chessboard are high-level adventurers.

If everything lived according to the logic of the gods, it would be impossible to achieve today's status.

Little Spider: "Blind monk, you have discovered Huadian."

Bad woman: "It's true, if you are an experienced adventurer, if there is a certain change during the adventure, you will also be aware of the danger early.

Bai Chen: "God does not directly interfere with the character's every move through the chessboard, but only uses some trivial things to change the direction of events."

Bai Chen: "For example, setting the trap to a depth that adventurers just can't detect. When fighting monsters, you may suffer from a sudden headache or simply sprain your feet and cause disrespect. Another example is that a weak monster suddenly makes a knowing blow. These are small things that can affect fate."

Super electromagnetic gun: "Good guy! What's the difference between this and a bear boy?"

Chaos evil: "This is completely treating humans as toys, those gods are too hateful!"

Little White Cat: "This kind of thing can be seen from the fact that those gods deliberately conceal the world's understanding of Goblins. It is purely for their own selfish desires, and they regard the whole world as their own playground."

After all, even races like goblins can be created.

What is not enough to explain?

Blue Slime: "Please don't let go of those scumbags who play with beautiful girls, no... God scumbags!"

Race without a matrix?

No reproductive isolation from the opposite sex?

100% chance of conceiving?

If the god who can come up with this kind of race is not bad, Limuru can take off his head and kick it like a ball.

Bai Chen: "Having said that, it is also related to the nature of these gods.

After all, one is a conceptual existence born with the world.

The other is a creature that was born naturally or created long after the gods were born.

So for the gods.

Everything on the ground is no different from mass-produced toys.

It is ruthless because it cannot be regarded as the same kind.

Even if some of the gods are kind-hearted, they will cry for the parting of life and death between adventurers.

Bai Chen also felt more like crocodile tears.

After all, if you really feel that the world is pitiful, why not just perform miracles?

Instead, they designed various traps and mazes, so that after the adventurers have gone through hardships, there is only half the chance of success?

Such words and deeds can only be called hypocrisy.

While Bai Chen was communicating with the group of friends.

One after another, gods discovered the arrival of this unexpected guest.

Living with the world, they soon discovered that Bai Chen and the little priest were different from gods.

However, they didn't panic, instead they looked at the two of them with interest.

After all, opportunities to get in touch with sailors in person are rare.

The gods gathered around, all with curious expressions on their faces.

Seeing this group of beings with different looks and sizes, the little priest shrank behind Bai Chen in fear, as if this was the only way to comfort her soul.

"Mortal, tell me quickly, how did you come to the God Realm?"

The previous rich soil squirmed its slimy tentacles, stretching its teeth and claws like seaweed.

Other gods have the same mentality.

As for worry, there is absolutely no such thought.

There is nothing in the mortal world that can even hurt a god.

For most gods, the other world is nothing more than their playground.

Asked for a few seconds, but did not get a reply.

The God of Plenty, the rather abstract face showed anger visible to the naked eye.

The proud smile disappeared, replaced by the embarrassment and shame of being ignored.

For a moment, several lingering tentacles stretched out.

But before the god of abundant soil stretched out half a meter, his whole body froze in place.

The young man on the opposite side smiled.

With a relaxed expression on his face, he said very freely: "I give you two choices, one is to surrender, and the other is to surrender after being beaten to death by me."

Isn't that a choice at all?

All the gods of 880 who heard this sentence muttered subconsciously in their hearts.

But then, after understanding the meaning of Bai Chen's words, he immediately reacted.

He looked straight at the black-haired youth with various gazes.

And among these intricate emotions, the most overwhelming one is hostility.

After all, as long as you are not a saint, you will never give a good face to someone who can say such a thing.

"Mere mortals, you still want us, the gods, to surrender?! Hahahaha!"

"Is this the biggest joke of the year?"

"My stomach hurts from laughing, I can't do it. I have played dice for thousands of years, and I have never seen such an interesting person."

"So, life on the ground is really interesting. Even though they are so weak, they always want to challenge miracles beyond their power.

the other side.

Listening to the constant ridicule and ridicule of the gods, the smile on Bai Chen's mouth grew stronger.

"So, you have chosen the second way, right?"

next second.

Haven't waited for these gods to react.

At the moment before its life, it suddenly froze.

They saw the meaningful smile on the corner of the young man's mouth.

as well as.

That suddenly bloomed in the dim room, as if burning golden light.

ps: Happy New Year to everyone. .

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