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Chapter 1241 The Glory Of The Lord Appears In The Clouds

Chapter 1241

The sky in the God Realm turned red.

It was as if a huge furnace was burning.

at the same time.

All the gods saw it, and there were bright stars falling from the sky.

During the flight, the stars rubbed against the stern flames, dragged the long tail flames, and roared to tear the sky into pieces.

Those gods who didn't have time to participate in the game looked blankly at the sky.

It wasn't until a burning sensation hit his face that he realized it.

Panic, restlessness, doubt, anger and... resistance.

No god would despise the meteor-like momentum.

Because the God Realm does not exist in the real world.

Therefore, even the starry sky in the sky is just a decoration created by some gods.

Therefore, such a thing as a star falling is simply impossible to happen.

However, the scorching hot feeling that rushed to the face clearly stimulated the nerves and bodies of the gods.

If not stopped.

The entire God Realm will be destroyed in one go.


The gods who reacted gathered their divine power to build a powerful barrier of divine power.

The gods in charge of different concepts have resorted to their own means to maintain the integrity of the God Realm as much as possible.

After all, this place is the paradise and abode of their gods.

If something goes wrong, the foundation of the world will be shaken, and it will even bring about the impact of the end of the world.

In addition to the gods who build defenses, there are also gods who take the initiative to attack.

The colorful and bright light beams are as intricate as a forest and sea of ​​trees, and they shoot away against the slanting and falling starfall fire.

However, to no avail.

The power of all the gods was quietly annihilated in the billions of sparks.

The power of death and destruction has been thrown into the sea.

The barrier between life and nature shattered like a bubble.

Until billions of sparks fall.

The entire God Realm region shook violently.

At that instant, all colors were covered by that brilliant golden light.

The strong wind howled, and the God Realm, which was fixed by magic, was moved by the irresistible force star.

All the gods are only at that moment, the naked eyes lose their vision, leaving only a piece of whiteness, the ears are deaf, and there is only piercing noise.

The five senses and the perception of the outside world are also completely ineffective.

Until finally, the consciousness sank into the most primitive darkness.

At this moment, all the gods residing in the God Realm were wiped out from the root by Bai Chen's favor.

And in this catastrophe.

The god of space and time disappeared in the swaying golden light. At the same time, this also allowed the gods that existed in other worlds to be stripped from the other worlds and appeared above a human royal city.

The huge land that appeared suddenly covered the sun in the sky and let the shadow cover the entire royal city.

The people on the ground were puzzled at first, but when they saw the huge monster above their heads, they immediately opened their mouths wide, dumbfounded, and stood still on the spot.

They have never seen this kind of situation when they grow up so big.

But with such a huge momentum, these residents, who will almost never step out of the capital, subconsciously think that they are demon kings and gods who are opposed to the human race.

The coercion of the huge divine power makes ordinary people feel as if their souls and hearts are being grabbed.

His legs became numb unconsciously, and the breath from his nostrils became heavy and hot.

Even the functioning of the brain seems to be sluggish.

The sight in front of them made the world feel unacceptable fear.

And because of the survival instinct, people left their jobs and flocked frantically to the large and small temples in the capital.


The Temple of the Law, located above the tangled waterways, is the sanctuary that people subconsciously crave.

Because it is a sacred place to serve the Supreme God.

At the same time, there is also a gold-level powerhouse who can defeat the Demon God King.

The Maiden of the Sword.

The crowd quickly squeezed the gate of the temple to the ground.

But the fear in their hearts still drove them to stuff them like sardines.

But compared to the chaos at the gate.

In the chapel located in the deepest part of the temple, you can hear the quiet needle drop.

At the central altar where the statue symbolized by the sun is enshrined, there is a plump figure, even wearing loose nun robes, it is impossible to conceal the extremely sensual figure of a woman

Just after the space was shattered and the God Realm descended into the present world.

Known as the "Saint of the Sword", she suddenly raised her head.

Then I felt it for a long time.

Only then did she lightly open her vermilion lips.

"This is... the breath of the Supreme God."

There was an aura outside that made the Sword Maiden feel familiar.

That was what she encountered more than ten years ago, before she became a saint and an adventurer.

When she was young, she was attacked from behind by a monster in the lost forest.

After waking up from a coma, he found himself kidnapped by a group of goblins.

But just before she was about to be defiled and ravaged by dozens of little ghosts physically and mentally, the Supreme God who rescued her from suffering appeared.

Although the time to get along after that was not long, it was enough to affect her future life.

And since then.

She has been staying in the temple, looking forward to meeting him again one day.

to this day.

Ten years later.

The Sword Maiden felt the same breath again.

She walked away from the altar, came to the window, and opened her eyes to look at the shadow continent floating above the capital.

Are you back at last?"

at the same time.

The little priest looked at the ruins in front of him, his delicate face was full of disbelief.

What caught the girl's eyes was a huge, scorching red pit that spread to the edge and almost hollowed out the ground.

The original magnificent God Realm, as well as the gods all over the sight, all disappeared like air at this moment.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

The little priest covered his mouth in shock, and asked tremblingly after a long time: "...So, have you killed all the gods?"

"If anyone (Li Zhao) can survive, I will feel strange."

Bai Chen said with a light smile.

The upper limit of gods in this world is limited to the world itself.

As big as the world is, so is the power of the gods.

After all, all gods are nothing more than the realization of concepts.

And Bai Chen, whose strength has reached multiple levels, naturally has no reason why he can't beat them.


The shocking fact made the girl become incoherent.

But Bai Chen could see what the little priest was thinking at this moment, and the smile on his face became more and more cheerful.

Although looking at the expression of the little priest at the moment is very beneficial, Bai Chen also knows that this situation cannot last for too long.

After all, if those gods disappear for too long, the world will be broken.

next second.

A huge golden cross soared into the sky.

And in this radiant light, those gods who were killed by Bai Chen before were recreated and quickly appeared. .

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