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Chapter 1242 This Is The Miracle Of The True God

Chapter 1242

...I'm still alive?"

When the gods in the ruins regained their senses, they looked at their own hands and bodies in disbelief, and at the other fellows beside them.

What happened before is still vivid.

Just a while ago.

Billions of scorching red sparks fell, and the irresistible impact tore apart the order of the gods in the God Realm.

At the same time, the gods could not resist that great power, and together with their own essence and soul, they were completely destroyed by the youth who broke in from the outside.

The deep pit they are in at the moment is the proof.

They should have died.

But then.

The revived gods saw the radiant figure standing above the clouds.

Just seeing that scorching figure, a kind of cognition emerged in the god's heart.

That is the king of gold.

is the only god.

Lord of Armies.

And those who drive the gods and dominate all living beings, their eyes.

After realizing this.

Almost at the same time, all the gods in the goblin world knelt down on the ground.

Even the gods who were completely hostile to Bai Chen before were the same.

They devoutly drew the cross on the mouth of the moon, their eyes were excited and crazy, and they chanted praises frantically.

"Hallelujah, to our God is the power and the glory."

"You are the Lord of hosts, the King of kings, the God of gods, from eternity to eternity, the God who will never change, grandma for a few days, we will meet you in the sanctuary, listen to your words, experience the evidence of your presence, and pray in the name of the Lord."

The sound was so loud that the entire world was shaken and clamored.

The resounding chorus like a bell can be clearly heard by all creatures on the ground.

After realizing that the gods were worshiping another god, there was an uproar after a short silence.

You know, the gods are widely circulated on the earth.

The war between the gods has continued from ancient times to the present, and it has not subsided until now.

Although there are no longer any wars initiated by the gods on the ground, the battles between the gods in the world are also non-stop.

But the chants I heard just now are clearly reality.

Does this mean that the war between the gods has finally come to an end.

Is there a god who defeated the gods, climbed to the supreme position, and seized the only throne of the supreme god?

This also cannot allow them not to imagine like this.

After all, the brimstone fire that scorched the sky before, and the city of the gods that descended on the human world, all told that there was a god who won the final victory.

at this time.

There was a clear sky, a loud but not harsh voice sounded.

"To those who love me and keep my commandments, I will show mercy to a thousand generations; to those who hate me, I will punish them from father to son to third and fourth generations."

The heart-shattering voice spread to every corner of the world.

Such overbearing words shook my heart.

The will contained in it makes it impossible for ordinary people's minds to refute.

At the same time, also at this time.

Those figures who couldn't bear the coercion from Bai Chen, some of them were disabled and seriously ill due to past injuries, existed at the same time as the voice sounded.

Serious diseases were wiped out from the body, and broken limbs regrown silently.

People born with disabilities have also all recovered.

People who realized that this was the grace of the Supreme God wept with joy after realizing it.

Compared with the rest of the gods who flaunted the name of gods but never manifested themselves.

Most people will recognize reality.

This is the true miracle of our Lord!

Instead of going to the temple to pray, being told by the priest that God has listened to his prayer and asked him to go home and wait, but there is no fart afterwards (cbed) experience is much more real.

In short.

The way Bai Chen manifested himself in front of people not only defeated all the gods of the aborigine world and dominated them for his own use, but also confirmed the status of the only god and the supreme god in the hearts of those mortals.

Compared with modifying the consciousness of the world by yourself.

Sure enough, the rewards obtained in this way are more comfortable.

The little priest stood behind Bai Chen.

Together with the youth, I looked down at the girls who knelt down to the gods in the God Realm. After the gods died and came back to life, their small mouths remained open in an O shape and could no longer be closed.

As a newcomer in the chat group, Bai Chen's attitude, strength, and methods all left her stunned and shocked, and even her three views were subverted.

For example, she thought that after coming to the God Realm, she would encounter a fierce battle.

Unexpectedly, Bai Chen just waved his hand and wiped out all the gods.

Another example.

After the little priest thought that all the gods were killed by Bai Chen.

Unexpectedly, Bai Chen also waved his hand and resurrected the slain gods.

At the same time, it also made the previously hostile gods become fanatical believers who were more devout than priests.

All kinds of things made the fledgling priest feel deeply shocked.

Seeing the skeptical look of the girl beside him, Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

"It's good to get used to this kind of thing in the future."

Then, he set his eyes on the gods who were kneeling on the ground.

Compared to the gods in other worlds experienced.

The gods in the world of Goblin Slayer are obviously the most special.

Let alone the goddess of the earth with long swords.

As long as there are opposing concepts, the concepts of each other will become gods.

Such as life and death, reality and fantasy, eyes and barren lotus.

And this is also the fundamental reason why the setting of the goblin race can continue to exist in this world while being extremely awkward.

After all, in a way.

Those gods are counted as part of the world.

Modifying the settings, implying that humans forget the threat of goblins, and guiding adventurers to the maze and abyss can all be said to be the behavior of the world itself.

Everything constitutes the board of the game, and the gods become the players.

But starting today, everything ceases to exist.

As the only god of the new world, Bai Chen naturally doesn't want things that he doesn't like to appear in his world.


It's a little pity to erase the goblin race like this.

Therefore, Bai Chen just erased the implication that the gods deliberately underestimated the Goblin group to humans, and the setting that the race has no mother and reproductive isolation from other races.

And when Bai Chen was adjusting some details, the chat group chatted again. .

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