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Chapter 1245: The Young Sword Maiden

Chapter 1245

Dirty and corrupt scenes come into view.

Surrounded by small figures drooling from the corners of their mouths.

Surrounded in the middle was a blond girl in thin cloth.

She has a slender figure, and there are some bloodstains on the skin of the legs as white as jade, which should be the marks of scratches on the grass when she was dragged.

There was a look of despair on the slightly immature face.

Monsters like goblins have long been known and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although it is not a powerful monster, it is very troublesome once gathered.

She once heard the old people in the village say it.

Goblins would sneak into villages at night and take lone humans for food.

Among them, women are especially preferred.

Because women can not only be used as food, but also can be used as pregnant mothers to reproduce offspring.

Thinking of this story, the girl's whole body trembled violently with fear.

Coupled with the evil eyes of the surrounding goblins.

Let her know what's coming too.

But even so, it is impossible for her to deal with dozens of goblins by herself, not even a porcelain-level adventurer.

Of course, she also prayed to the gods to save herself.

But did not get any response.

What they don't know is that the goblin race is the product of the evil taste of the gods in this world.

Don't say you don't know.

Even if they knew what happened to the girl, they would only sigh.

Even those gods with "good hearts" can provide assistance by talking about it, and then play a game of dice.

The plight of the girl does not care about the gods.

The gods only enjoy the game of dice.

But when they hinted that the adventurer set off, the girl might have been exposed to the wilderness after being played with.

Just when the girl was desperate.

Accompanied by a gentle breeze, a figure with its back turned to her appeared in the damp lair.

The girl closed her eyes and did not see this scene.

But those goblins saw it clearly.

The blood-red eyes stared at the uninvited guest in front of him.

Already comparable to the wisdom of children, they are a little afraid of the strange youth who suddenly appeared here.

At the same time, some goblins grabbed their weapons and yelled strangely.

The ugly face was full of killing intent towards Bai Chen who appeared here.

The mind is filled with evil delusions.

I thought that after subduing these humans, I must humiliate them severely before killing them.

But just when the idea was born.

In the dark lair, a large number of scattered platinum prisms appeared.

Flying at the speed of light, they penetrated the heads of all the goblins in less than a breath.

There was not even a scream, only the muscle and nerve twitches at the time of death, announcing what happened.

Bai Chen took a look, opened the realm gate, sent the girl in, and then disappeared from the spot.

He didn't want to stay in such a rancid place for a moment.

It was sunny and sunny.

A gust of strong wind blows in the distance, causing the endless grassland to set off a burst of green waves.

"It's time to open your eyes."

A gentle voice came, and the girl who had closed her eyes tightly and waited for the despair to come slowly opened them.

Eyes are not ugly monsters.

It is a pleasant scene, and a strange young man who makes people look forward to it just by looking at it.

After all, she had never been ravaged by goblins, so after the initial confusion, the girl quickly regained her composure.

His pale lips parted slightly and he asked, "Excuse me, did you save me?"

Certainly. "

Bai Chen nodded slightly.

"Excuse me, are you an adventurer?"

the girl asked again.

Bai Chen shook his head, showing a faint smile, without any concealment, and said directly: "I am a god.


The girl was visibly taken aback.

However, from the dirty monster lair to the beautiful scenery that is enough to make people feel at ease.

And the breath felt from the youth.

Reminding her all the time, the young man in front of her is not extraordinary.

Could it be that... the gods really manifested?

The girl swallowed subconsciously: "...how are those goblins?"


Bai Chen said.

"I...do I need to pay you a tribute?"

After a pause, the girl asked cautiously.

"A tribute?"

"Yes, I heard the old man say that if you want to ask the gods, you need to worship the gods and pray, and you saved me by appearing, so I was thinking, do you need to make up for it


She is usually a cheerful child, but now she is very restrained.

Hearing this, a faint smile appeared on Bai Chen's face.

"I am different from the gods in your world, I am a god of a foreign land."

Although the young Saint of the Sword is more mature than the average peer, but with her knowledge, it is difficult to fully understand the complex concept of space.

But she is also very clear.

Regardless of whether Bai Chen is a god or not, he is the savior who saved her.

"Not only that, but I also came from the future ten years later, and from you who are already an adult, I learned about your childhood experience.

Bai Chen smiled at her.

There is absolutely no need to hide this kind of thing.

Hearing this, the young Sword Maiden was a little confused.

Forget about the gods of foreign lands.

What will happen in the future ten years later?

If she didn't have the experience just now, she would definitely regard Bai Chen as a charlatan who is going around. 310 After going through some things, she also knows that the only ones she can do now are Qu Kang and ten people.

...What will my future look like?"

she asked curiously.

...a mature woman who is excellent in every way. "

Bai Chen looked at the girl in front of him.

It was totally unexpected that an ordinary girl ten years ago would be able to grow into that kind of uneven appearance ten years later.


Hearing this, the girl showed a little joy on her face.


Bai Chen nodded.

Even without his intervention.

In the original plot, the Sword Maiden is also a gold-level adventurer.

Not only has he conquered many monsters, but he has also defeated demon gods with his own hands. The entire kingdom has many admirers.

The only stain is the experience of being captured and tarnished by goblins in the past.

But now, Bai Chen has changed history and completed the timeline of the future, allowing the black history of the Sword Maiden to be erased.

"I'll take you home, and don't run away alone again."

Bai Chen reached out and touched her head.

"Please... please wait a moment, may I know your name?"

The young Sword Maiden asked nervously. .

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