Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1200 Fifty-One Yujian Mingye, Qi Mu Kusuo

Chapter 1251

"A chat group connecting countless worlds..."

Sitting in the classroom expressionlessly, listening to the spitting teacher, Saiki Kusuo thought silently in his heart.

However, compared to another newcomer, Yujian Mingye.

His mood is much more stable.

After all, no matter what, he is also the strongest superpower user in the world.

It is easy for him to fly into the sky and fly in the blink of an eye.

Those dangerous areas of the earth that can be filmed in hundreds of episodes of large-scale series on TV, for Saiki Kusuo, wanting to take risks there is as easy and comfortable as returning home.

In his eyes, the whole world has no secrets at all.

In some respects, Saiki Kusuo is a god compared to ordinary people.

Money, power, he has no pursuit.

There were no major incidents that could threaten life.

The only favourite, is the delicious puddings in a variety of flavours.

In order to taste the pudding, Saiki Kusuo can even teleport back and forth across the world, just to eat a few mouthfuls of delicious food.

Therefore, the matter of asking for help when encountering problems mentioned in the chat group just now is dispensable to Saiki Kusuo.


For Saiki Kusuo, it is not without his troubles.

For example, an active volcanic eruption a year later.

Once that volcano erupts lava, the whole world will be affected by volcanic ash.

Furthermore, one year later, a meteorite will accurately hit the earth and destroy the existing human civilization.

these questions.

Only Saiki Kusuo knew about it.

Moreover, although his ability is as strong as a god, he cannot change the course of history.

Therefore, whenever a volcano erupts or a meteorite hits, he will go back in time before the destruction comes, and then exercise mind control over the whole world, making people think that a year has passed normally.


It is not impossible to eradicate these two problems.

He only needs to lift his seal and completely release his superpowers.

But the embarrassment is that.

His superpower is so powerful that even he can hardly control it freely.

It is not impossible to forcefully suppress the volcanic eruption, but it will push the island countries into the deep sea together.

It is also possible to prevent the meteorite from falling, but such consequences may affect the normal rotation of the earth.

Just at this moment, he saw the existence nicknamed Little Spider speaking.

Little Spider: "You two newcomers don't have to worry, just go to the boss if you have anything to do! No matter what you encounter, you can be easily settled by the boss~!"

See here.

Both Yujian Mingye and Qi Mu Kusuo showed expressions of surprise.

Ordinary superpowers: "Everything can be settled? Is it a bit too exaggerated?"

Blue Slime: "No, no, this is just the tip of the big brother's iceberg. Our problem is not a problem for the big brother at all!"

Ordinary superpowers: "Really, I don't believe it."

Although his face is usually expressionless, Saiki Kusuo actually has a bit of a competitive mentality.

Things that even he couldn't settle, others suddenly told him that he could solve them easily.

The first reaction is distrust.

Bai Chen: "It's normal to be skeptical, but at least for now, I've never missed a shot."

Little Spider: "That's right, so far, almost all the problems encountered by the group members have been solved by the boss."

Little Spider: "Save the world, save lives and heal the wounded, turn decay into magic, make the impossible possible, only you can't think of it, there is nothing the boss can't do!"

As the number one die-hard fan of Bai Chen, the spider is naturally the first to stand up and refute when he sees a newcomer doubting Bai Chen's ability.

Ordinary superpowers: "That's right..."

Unable to read the other party's heart, Saiki Kusuo did not want to continue arguing.

It's just that seeing what the other party said was so firm.

Maybe, maybe it's true?

If this is the case, maybe you can issue a request to ask this group member named "Bai Chen" to help solve the problem of volcanoes and meteorites.

Although Saiki Kusuo's time travel and mind control have not had any problems so far, but he also knows that this is not a long-term solution.

If these two problems can be eradicated.

At least it will save him the hassle of doing it twice a year, allowing him to continue to live a peaceful daily life.

Several times want to press the button to publish the delegation.

In the end, Saiki Kusuo temporarily gave up.

After all, he is not familiar with chat groups.

What is said is true or false, and I don't know the details of the other party, whether it is a good person or a bad person.

If it is a bad person, he would issue a request to let the other party come over, which is tantamount to being irresponsible to the whole world.

'‥ Forget it, let's wait and see for a while. "

At least, it's not too late to make plans after knowing the other party's character.

at this time.

A pair of big hands stretched out from behind, directly covering Saiki Kusuo's eyes.

"Guess who I am?"

A rough tone mixed with laughter came from behind.

Saiki Kusuo, who used the perspective of God, sighed silently in his heart.

It's this troublesome guy who can't read minds at all.

"Let's go to the ramen store?"

the other side.

Watch the conversations in the chat group.

Yujian Mingye's heart became more and more active.

The girl's face blushed twice due to excitement.

Although it is still a bit cloudy, this is obviously something beyond common sense, and maybe it can really help them repel the hateful Beta.

This is opportunity.

A godsend opportunity that can be met but (Wang Zhao) can't be asked for.

If the existence named Bai Chen really has the ability to solve everything as that person said.

Wouldn't her world be saved?

Since Beta invaded the earth, too many people have died.

So many that in the eyes of the vast majority of people, those who died simply became a series of numbers.

as a human being.

The girl didn't hope that one day she would get used to this kind of thing.

after all.

No one would like to see their compatriots and comrades-in-arms die in the mouth of monsters and become their nourishment.

Just because he didn't want to get used to it, Yu Jian Mingye tried to restrain his heart as much as possible.

And the appearance of the chat group can just solve the urgent need.

If she can issue a commission

Yujian Mingye seems to see a bright future in which humans take back the earth from Beta. .

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