Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1255: Forehead Drop Holy Sword

Chapter 1255

The Spirit of Time: "Turn back time once a year? Can the body handle it?"

As a time elf, Tokisaki Kurumi knows the cost of manipulating time best.

Although traveling back to a year ago is nothing to Tokisaki Kurumi, what you need to know is that Saiki Kusuo directly rewinds the time to a year ago.

Ordinary superpower user: "I will be a little mentally tired afterward. After all, in addition to turning back time, I have to consider reality and other people's conscious thinking. Some details also need to be adjusted by myself.

Blue Slime: "A new boss is born!"

Blue Slime: "worship.jpg."

Ordinary superpowers: "It's just a little skill, it's nothing at all. Compared with the real boss, I'm still too weak."

Originally, Saiki Kusuo thought that he was not the strongest, but he was also one of the best.

However, after seeing Bai Chen casually say 21 and revealing his secret, Saiki Kusuo also had to face up to the existence of the other party.

For a long time, as a person with superpowers, he has been able to do everything smoothly.

He has always been the only one who reads other people's minds, never being seen through himself.

Chaos Evil: "Good guy, @超级空空炮, do you still want to fight newcomers?"

Railgun: "Who will fight monsters?"

Originally, Sister Pao was still swearing and boasting, but now it is different from the past.

But before he could practice with real swords and guns, he was slapped in the face by Xi Jinping.

She can even turn back time at will, and can control the superpowers of the world's population consciousness, she hits with her head?

Little Spider: "A newcomer who has just joined the group, can he beat me who has the power of Thor (Sister Pao only).jpg."

I don't want to go to hell: "What a speed! Have all the emoticons been made?"

Chaos evil: "hhhhhhhh."

Blue Slime: "Dongchang needs talents like you."

Little Priest: ...some things, it's better not to say anything before you're sure about it.

Railgun: "*(%¥%()**(*()"

Seeing these habitual offenders in the group, they have already started to spread her emoticons.

Sister Pao immediately hated the itching of her teeth.

Beep beep beep beep..

in reality.

Pale electric sparks flickered from the strands of hair, and then quickly spread in all directions along the throbbing veins on the girl's forehead.

As a result, the electronic equipment of nearby businesses and passers-by will also suffer.

crackling crackling crackling...

Accompanied by the sparks and green smoke from the electronic equipment, passers-by screamed in unison.

"Hey! What happened to my mobile phone?! Suddenly it broke!"

"It's on! It's on!"

"Forehead Holy Sword!"

"My new phone!"

Misaka Mikoto calmed down instantly when she heard the shouts of passers-by.

Then he glanced around with a guilty conscience, then showed an expression that had nothing to do with him, and quickly fled from the scene, leaving only a group of passers-by howling in place.

Not her fault!

It was those bastards in the group who deliberately provoked him, and they were the culprits!

Bai Chen: "Sister Pao must have gone berserk again."

Little Spider: "Every time I run wild, there will be damage to electronic equipment nearby.

Super electromagnetic gun: "I say you!"

Teacher Loli: "Speaking of which, since newbies can even go back in time, why not directly solve the problem of volcanoes and meteorites? Wouldn't it be easier?

Ordinary superpowers: "I have tried to do this before, but all of them failed due to insufficient or insufficient effort. Going back in time is the best solution I can think of so far.

Teacher Loli: "?"

Bai Chen: "To put it simply, it is impossible to control too finely. If the force is too small, the volcano will still erupt. If the force is too large, maybe even the entire island country will be crushed."

Ordinary superpowers: "That's it."

Bai Chen: "In fact, there is a solution that can be solved without issuing a commission?"

Ordinary superpowers: "What way?"

Bai Chen: "Please ask your brother Kongsuke Saiki, he is the only genius scientist in the world.

in the comics.

Saiki Kusuo's elder brother, Saiki Kongsuke, even invented a time machine in a certain timeline.

Ordinary superpower user: "Let's talk about entrustment and points... Chat groups can sell their own abilities. When I collect enough points, I will post entrustments in the group. If my classmates come to me, let's not chat."


In the chat group, after chatting casually for a while.

Bai Chen just remembered the promise he had made to Yu Jian Ming Ye.

The girls living in that world, after grabbing the life-saving straw of the chat group, I'm afraid they can't wait long ago.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen directly opened the girl's private chat window.

Without thinking too much, I transferred five thousand points directly.

Yujian Mingye: "This is?"

Bai Chen: "Investment uses newcomer benefits. As for the points you issue entrustment, just sign in, and then use five points to issue an entrustment to me casually."

Yu Jian Mingye: "Okay...but could you please wait a little longer?"

Bai Chen: "Yes, but it's best not to make me wait too long, after all, I don't know if something will happen suddenly.

Yujian Mingye: "It won't be too long at 750!"

After temporarily ending the private chat with Bai Chen, Yu Jian Mingye lay heavily on the bed as if relieved from a heavy burden, sinking deeply into the pillow and quilt.

A faint aroma lingers in the nose.

After a while of silence.

Yu Jian Mingye turned over and stared at the familiar ceiling.

The reason why she didn't issue the commission immediately was because she needed to calm down first.

Although it is not clear what will happen after the release of the commission, but it is certain to meet with the other party, so at least when meeting, she should not behave too badly.

Shortly after.

Outside the single dormitory, there was a knock on the door, and at the same time there was a slightly immature female voice.

"Sister Ming Ye, after receiving the temporary notice from the superior, let our trainers gather immediately."


The girl heard the words, but did not respond directly.

Surprise gatherings like this have happened from time to time in the past.

It is nothing more than training their quick response ability as soldiers.

Yu Jian Mingye got off the bed, got up and opened the door, and saw the lovely face of the girl who was passing the message.

Juse Renji.

A few years younger than her.

This age is the stage to enjoy high school campus life.

But the cruelty of reality made many of them set foot on the battlefield. .

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