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Chapter 1256: The World About To Be Destroyed

Chapter 1256

After the regular army was defeated, they went to the militia, and after the militiamen finished fighting, they went to civilian men, and after the men were beaten, they had to be made up by women and children.

Therefore, a few years after Beta's current Earth, the majority of the military is now made up of women.

Take this guard training base as an example.

Seven or eight of the ten guards are women.

And the current reserve team where Yujian Mingye is located is all women.

She is seventeen years old.

According to the laws of the island country, she must join the army when she is underage.

But compared to others, she is lucky.

After all, there are quite a few girls in the team who are only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Not only live in this apocalypse, but also have to go to the front line to fight the horrible monsters.


Manipulating a guard does not require too much physical strength, and a normal-growing female over the age of fourteen can handle this job as long as she has received corresponding training.

"Sister Mingye, what happened? Why are you in a daze?"

Tsunade's voice came again.

Yujian Mingye, who had recovered from the lamentable fantasy, sighed softly.

"Rinhime, if... I mean, if Beta is wiped out by us, and the world returns to peace, what would you most like to do?"


The pink-haired girl who was questioned didn't know why.

But after reacting, he licked his lips and thought.

Although she has become a soldier, girls at this age still love to fantasize.

Beta disappears, the scene after the world is peaceful, Chihime Tsudose has imagined more than once.

"If I had to say it, I would like to travel around the world. I found the pyramids in ancient Egypt on the Internet. I really don't know how the ancient people built such buildings."

Minhime Suzuse's voice was full of curiosity and wonder.


A huge cubic building appeared in Yu Jian Mingye's mind.

Then, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, revealing a faint smile.

"Then wait until the war is over, let's... no, let's go on a global tour with the whole team"". "


Like a child recognized by an adult, the girl jumped up happily.

The pink twin tails bob up and down.

However, Juse Jinhime was quickly lost.

"...It's just that I don't know when this war will be won."

The war has continued until now.

Human territory is shrinking day by day.

Although Minhime Suzuse is optimistic by nature, Beta's cruelty also made her realize the gap.

"Forget it, don't talk about such troublesome things, if you don't gather again, you will be punished by the instructor!"

"Soon, this endless war will soon be over."

Yujian Mingye was not as urgent as before, but spoke in a leisurely manner.

"What are you talking about? Sister Mingye? I'm going to be late in two minutes!"

"I've found helpers who can help us, not... all of humanity end Beta.

Yujian Mingye decided to tell his teammates about it before issuing the commission to Bai Chen.

In this way, when the other party appears, there is no need to appear too sudden.

If it weren't for the fact that the existence of the chat group was too bizarre, and I also knew how bloated the island country's political system was.

Yujian Mingye even wanted to report to his superiors and give Bai Chen a welcome ceremony that was suitable for the other party's status and identity.

After all, the other party was so helpful to her, so she let the other party come over like this, and helped her solve her troubles without thanking anything, and it was beyond reason.

And at the same time that Zhuase Qianji was in a daze because of Yujian Mingye's words.

Red warning lights and harsh warning sounds suddenly lit up in the base.

Accidents always catch people off guard.

Especially in this era, accidents caused by Beta's aggression happen from time to time.

It's just that the people living in the Yokohama base don't have to worry about being attacked by beta for the time being.

Therefore, the sudden alarm made most people in the base confused.

After all, exercises are not like this.

"What happened?"

"What happened?"

"What happened?"

What happened?"

The essence of humanity is revealed here.

Everyone seemed to be turned into a repeater, surprised by the continuous sirens.

However, despite the doubts, years of training and exercises still allowed the soldiers in the base to quickly take their positions.

Yujian Mingye and Tsurugase Minhime ran all the way to the usual team gathering place.

The two of them were the last to arrive.

However, compared with others, the time before and after is almost the same.

"Instructor Marimo, what happened now?"

Kaii Mikoto, a short-haired girl with dark blue hair and a good figure, is asking her instructor Jingu Shimarima.

"Just now, the higher-ups received news that the Kyoto defense line was attacked by a large number of Betas. At present, all the troops that can be used in Kyoto have been dispatched. The superiors asked us all to prepare to support the Kyoto defense line.

After the young and beautiful female instructor finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

Kyoto is the capital of the island nation.

The defense force is basically the highest level in the country.

And the location is also very good, there is no place nearby for lunar beta to land.

But why is Beta still...

"...It's the sea, Beta swims from the bottom of the sea."

Hearing this, Yu Jian Mingye spoke.

"how so?"

"How did you swim in such a deep ocean?"

"There has not been any research showing that beta is afraid of water, so it is also a theoretical possibility.

The girls chattered together.


The alarm changed from short to long.

Hearing this voice, everyone knew that the situation was not optimistic.

Maybe the Kyoto line was breached?

No (Wang De Zhao, no matter what, it's time for them to fight.

The girls all have this awareness in their hearts, but they are still afraid when they should be afraid.

This world...is it really going to be destroyed?

The girls had such doubts in their hearts.

"All guards, please quickly board the tactical plane! Please quickly board the tactical plane!"

The whole base is up and running.

The logistics soldiers distributed and configured the weapons, and the training ammunition that was originally loaded was replaced with live ammunition.

The girls who had been trained for less than half a year also changed into guard uniforms that could outline everyone's figure at a glance, boarded the tactical machine that had been used for less than five months, and prepared for their first battle.

The radio remains silent.

Everyone is nervous.

Yujian Mingye is no exception.

She clenched the joystick tightly, her whole body tensed, and then called the name of the chat group in her mind.

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets. .

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