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Chapter 1257 Astringent Uniform

Chapter 1257

Yu Jianming Ye: "@ Bai Chen, my lord, are you there?"

Bai Chen: "Always here, ready?"

Yu Jian Mingye: "No...Because Beta suddenly attacked the Kyoto defense line, so I am going to dispatch now.

Little Spider: "Oh? Does this mean there is going to be a war?"

Blue Slime: "Emergency? Kangkang live broadcast!"

Railgun: "Kyoto? I remember that isn't it the capital of the island country? Is the situation going to this point?"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Scary! Did they hit the interior?"

The Spirit of Time: "Before effective measures are found, it will be a matter of time before the defense line is breached... After all, human beings are always consuming. On the other hand, beta can replenish resources through carbon elements anytime and anywhere."

The Spirit of Time: "The war that has lasted for so long, coupled with the loss of important origin resources and international routes, will affect the manufacturing industry all over the world."

Bai Chen: "If you can't stand it, just issue a commission."

MUV world.

Yujian Mingye, who was already standing on the open-air tarmac and was about to dispatch, saw several damaged tactical planes flying from the sky through the 480 monitoring screen.

Looking at this situation, it is obvious that he participated in the battle against beta.

But before the two tactical planes approached.

One of the machines was captured by a straight light from the middle.

Accompanied by sparks and blue smoke, this expensive tactical machine immediately fell from the sky.

Although the other one tried its best to maneuver irregularly in the air, it only lasted for three seconds.

"That's... ray level?!"

The exclamation of other girls came from the communication line.

Light-grade Beta.

The trump card unit in the Beta cluster.

They have a pair of big watery eyes, but they are the biggest threat to human beings.

Because of their appearance, human beings have completely lost their air superiority.

With current technology, no device can defend against or avoid the presence of lasers.

For a ray-class beta with thirty kilometers of range, the TV would be destroyed.

Whether it is a fighter jet with a flight speed of several Mach or a cruise missile with a maximum speed close to Mach 30, it will be instantly destroyed by the light (cbea) line level.


A humanoid machine called a tactical machine was born.

These are expensive toys made specifically to deal with light levels.

Group combat.

Usually tactical aircraft squads are ordered to decapitate Ray-class betas, allowing humanity to restore the ability to use air force and long-range artillery or missile support.


Although the tactical machine can effectively deal with the light level, if it is targeted by the light level, the life of the guard will disappear together with the engine of the tactical machine within a second.

The straight-line distance from the Yokohama base to the Kyoto defense line is only more than 30 kilometers.

Since some tactical aircraft can be destroyed under visual conditions, it means that the defense line in Kyoto is about to be broken, or has already been broken.

Thinking of this, Yu Jian Mingye couldn't help but squeeze the joystick tightly.

her sister.

After the beta invaded the earth, the "Government General" who was voted out by the parliament in order to take the blame also lived in the mansion in Kyoto.

If the line of defense is breached, will her sister also...

[Group reminder: Group member Yujian Mingye issued a commission to solve the beta and save all mankind and the world Reward points: 5,000 points. 】

Blue Slime: "Good guy, is this directly using up the friendship sponsorship from the boss?"

Little Spider: "It's too honest, this newcomer."

Chaos evil: "Could it be that the big boss forgot to explain that this is a benefit, and the entrusted points can be fooled casually?"

The Spirit of Time: "Don't go too far, maybe the newcomers are just acting out of desperation."

Teacher Loli: "After all, the situation over there is very unfriendly to humans, so this approach is reasonable.

Railgun: "Just look at it honestly. Anyway, Bai Chen can solve everything in the past."

Bai Chen: "Okay, I'll go first."

Bai Chen didn't care about other people's mental activities, he knew what to do.

[Group reminder: Group member Bai Chen accepts the commission. 】


Yujian Mingye also received a group reminder whether to allow Bai Chen to enter the world.


After choosing to agree, the chat group has no audio.

Yu Jian Mingye swallowed and waited silently.

At the same time, it seemed that they hadn't heard the order from the communicator to prepare them to go.

There is only one thing left in my mind, I can distinguish the direction and the tone.

"As a place for a first date, it's a little cramped here, isn't it?"

The voice fell.

Yu Jian Mingye turned around abruptly.

In the narrow cockpit of the tactical aircraft that can accommodate only one person, behind him, a living person unexpectedly appeared.

If it is said that more than half of the head seems to be integrated into the body, it can be regarded as a living person.

"Are you surprised?"


The body of the person behind him began to sink.

When Yujian Mingye was extremely nervous, he thought it was his pre-war hallucinations.

Bai Chen's face was caught by the girl's eyes.

When seeing the young man's face, Yu Jian Mingye only felt that his heart and thinking seemed to be stagnant.

But thinking and consciousness are unprecedentedly clear.

Her eyes were filled with golden brilliance at this moment.

Even if it is the rising sun, its brilliance is far from being comparable to it.

With her imagination, she couldn't imagine how she could have such a huge and radiant gravitational force that would almost suck her soul away just by looking at it.

He stared at the black-haired young man with the face of a god in front of him.

Yu Jian Mingye tried his best to restrain the restlessness of his body and soul, and asked in a slow voice: "Excuse me...are you Mr. Bai Chen? Talk...that adult in the chat group?"

Is this the uniform of the female guards?

Sure enough, it was astringent enough.

Bai Chen glanced at Yu Jian Mingye's plump body without leaving any traces in his eyes.

This is not because of the nature of Bai Chen as an LSP, but simply because the concept of the uniform designer is too advanced.

Although it is said that it can indeed serve as an anti-stress suit, only some parts of women have been specially treated, which is indeed not intriguing.


He withdrew his scrutiny, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, but the address of adults is omitted. After all, they are all in the same group, so don't be too outsider."

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