Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1258 Is This Going To Develop Into A Relationship Of Lovers?

Chapter 1258

"Yes... yes. 17

For a long time, Yujian Mingye gave people the feeling of being quite cold.

But in front of Bai Chen, like a boudoir who has never seen the world, she can only subconsciously agree.

See Bai Chen looking at the cockpit.

Yu Jian Mingye, who had regained his composure, asked curiously: "Excuse me, how did you appear here?"

"Transmit it directly, have you seen sci-fi movies? It's similar to that. As for my current state, you can just understand it as a spirit body.

Bai Chen said.

"After all, the cockpit is too small, if it materializes, there will be no room for it~ I will sit on it.

"Hold... sorry, the hospitality is not good."

Yu Jian Mingye nodded and apologized.

"I originally wanted to find a quiet place to meet you, but I didn't expect Beta to call you so soon.

"It's okay, I'm not very interested in the tedious welcome ceremony."

Bai Chen waved his hand.

"Mingye, can I just call you by your name?"

"Huh? Well... that's fine, as long as you like."

In the tradition of the island nation, only when the relationship is relatively close, will each other be called this way.

Such as family, friends or... lover relationship.

Originally as a guard, she never thought about anything other than training.


Leaving aside Bai Chen's strong sense of presence, just the young man's cheek, which in the girl's imagination, is no more than the face of a god, is enough to make anyone feel strong hurt to Shiratori.

This is not because of the unilateral reason of appearance, but also because the essence of Bai Chen's existence is the "only" "golden domineering god".

His existence symbolizes the existence and non-existence of the world.

Even the truth is under his feet.

So don't mention girls like Yu Jian Mingye who are just colder, even those goddesses will be unable to extricate themselves from longing after seeing Bai Chen.

"Get ready first, Ming Ye, I'm going to start a group live broadcast.

Bai Chen, who didn't have any other expressions on his face, left the cockpit of the tactical plane.

Then, it landed on the shoulders of this ten-meter-high robot.

Yujian Mingye also cheered up.

Although the arrival of Bai Chen gave her half of the confidence, but after all, the girl is also a soldier.

The tragedy caused by Beta's invasion of the earth made her also have a strong desire to drive them out.

The two friendly fighters from before were killed by the light class in her line of sight.

Either way, she needs to be prepared.

At this time.

The girl who was waiting for battle received a reminder from the chat group.

[Group reminder: group member "Bai Chen" has started a group live broadcast, come and watch everyone

[Group member "Spirit of Time" entered the live broadcast room]

[Group member "Super Electromagnetic Gun" entered the live broadcast room]

[Group member "Little Spider" entered the live broadcast room]

[Group member "Ordinary superpower" entered the live broadcast room]

In Yujian Mingye's slightly puzzled thinking.

A familiar scene appeared on the chat group interface.

The burning city, the broken buildings, the military equipment that has been turned into scrap metal, and the fleeing crowd.

And the ground is close to the area outside the city.

Beta, which has an army-level scale, is like a large army of fire ants crossing the border, nibbling away at the city bit by bit.

At the same time, the screen changed.

Several tactical aircraft formed a formation and pressed the trigger of the 37mm cannon facing the rushing Beta.

But in the face of the powerful beta with giant claws like crabs, the cannon that can easily tear apart reinforced concrete can only leave shallow marks on the pair of huge claws.

If you want to defeat them, you must either go around behind and attack the fragile and defenseless tail, or take advantage of the gap when the opponent raises the pincers, and fire wildly at the flesh-colored body.

However, both of these methods are quite dangerous.

However, relying on the mobility of the tactical aircraft, jumping from the ground and attacking from a high place will also produce unexpected effects.

However, in the case of light-level beta, rashly pulling up is tantamount to a toilet lantern.

In less than a dozen seconds, several tactical planes that jumped over the safe height were hit by the light level.

Either the cockpit is directly pierced.

Either after the attitude control system was damaged, it was supplemented by other betas.

The tactical machine armor, which can even defend against tank shells, is like paper under the pair of pincers with a hardness greater than 15 on the Mohs scale.

...asking for flowers......

You know, the hardness of diamonds is only 10.

Facing this pair of pincers, the only way the guard can do is dodge.

Kyoto, which was once brightly lit, turned into purgatory in an instant.

Looking at the screen in the live broadcast room, Yu Jian Mingye was speechless for a long time.

at the same time.

The group members who saw this scene also started chatting.

I don't want to see a ghost: "It's terrible! I can't beat those monsters at all."

Blue Slime: "To be honest, I once fantasized about monsters invading the earth, but after seeing this, it shows that I still think too conservatively."

Little Spider: "The human side is simply powerless to fight back."

The Spirit of Time: "This place looks like Kyoto?"


Ordinary power users: "That's right, it's Kyoto, where I went to Kiyomizu Temple and Kyoto Tower yesterday.

at this time.

In the picture, a ray of light emitted by the ray level swept across.

The watchtower towering over the Shimokyo District could not withstand the laser that could melt even a warship, and began to collapse amidst the wailing of steel.

At the same time, the chat group also thoughtfully gave a close-up of the ray-level beta.

Two big watery eyes towered like searchlights.

Besides the two feet used for movement and support, the rest of the composition is just a group of flesh-colored silicon-based tissues.

Railgun: "Ah, the Kyoto Tower is gone"

The golden goblin: "This monster... looks a bit strange at first glance, but it's a little cute when you look closely?"

Little Spider: "The cuter you look, the harder you curse, haven't you heard the saying on the Internet?"

Teacher Loli: "No wonder, if this kind of monster appears on the battlefield, it is basically impossible for the human air unit to be effective."

Anyone with a little knowledge of the military knows it.

Once the air supremacy is obtained, the other party basically has no chance to fight.

Little White Cat: "Emmmmm, I remember that tactical planes were made to decapitate the ray, right?"

Bai Chen: "Eight minutes."

Spirit of Time: "?"

Bai Chen: "This is the average survival time of guards on the battlefield for the first time. Considering the average value, the actual situation will be even shorter."

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