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Chapter 1259 It's Up To Me To Perform

Chapter 1259

Blue Slime: "Is it only eight minutes? Isn't that too short?"

Tactical machines are already equivalent to the elite units of the human camp.

Originally, when they saw the shape of the tactical aircraft, the group members thought it was quite handsome, and they could see the scene of showing off their talents.

However, Bai Chen never expected that Bai Chen would directly tell the cruel reality without giving them time to react.

Bai Chen: "No matter how handsome you are, you can't hide the reality. After all, beta is not a vegetarian."

If it weren't for the appearance of the ray level, it would be impossible for human beings to produce tactical aircraft that are expensive, less armed, and have average combat effectiveness.

It's like the world view of Gundam UC.

If it were not for the discovery of Minovsky particles, it is unlikely that humanoid robots will be used on a large scale on the battlefield.

The little spider "627" spider: "I have a question, compared with the Gundam driven by Mr. Amuro and the tactical aircraft, whose performance is better?"

Luo Abao: "It must be a tactical aircraft, not to mention it can fly, just with this level of maneuvering, it is impossible for a Gundam to be made in the atmosphere!"

As a carrot driver, Amuro knows the performance of Gundam best.

Although in the world he is in, it is already a world-class level.

However, compared with the maneuverability of tactical aircraft, it is still a bit worse.

In his opinion, the only shortcoming of the tactical aircraft is that it is too weakly armed.

It’s such a big robot.” Xu Ran is still using a 37mm cannon.

The Zaku-1 produced by the Principality of Zeon is equipped with a 105mm machine gun as standard, with one hundred rounds of ammunition per drum, and even the pincers that are about to hit the level can be interrupted for you.

Electromagnetic Gun: "Good guy, you've been spying on the screen?"

Luo Abao: "When the newcomers joined the group, I have been spying on the screen."

Purple Sweet Potato: "So, the reason why the tactical machine was born is based on the influence of the light level."

The emergence of the light level has suppressed the ability of human beings to control the air.

After that, the beta side used the ability to throw "garbage" to create a large number of ground units, which consumed the human ground troops alive.

Purple Sweet Potato Essence: "In this case, equipment with high mobility and the ability to behead is imminent. After all, as long as the light level is eliminated and humans regain the air supremacy, the beta on the ground will be harvested like wheat."

I don't want to see a ghost: "I don't quite understand it. If this is the case, why not make a fighter jet that can fly at low altitudes, but a large mech like a tactical aircraft? Even a little smaller will do."

Yotsuya Miko knows little about military matters.

But he has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs running.

Purple Sweet Potato: "It is true that it would be better if a small fighter with the same maneuverability as a tactical fighter can be manufactured, but I guess, it should be the reason why certain technologies cannot be overcome, so the tactical fighter was derived."

Thanos was once the leader of the Dark Quadrant Empire, coupled with the genius of the Eternal Titans, he quickly pointed out the problem.

The reason why the tactical aircraft is so large is that with today's human technology, it can only maintain its current size without weakening its mobility and firepower.

Electromagnetic Gun: "Why are we talking about this all of a sudden? Shouldn't we pay more attention to the situation of newcomers now? Killing those monsters as soon as possible is the right thing to do!"

The Spirit of Time: "That's right, we can talk about settings and techniques later after the commission is resolved.

Seeing you talking to me in the group, Bai Chen also shook his head helplessly.

Then he turned to the tactical machine next to him: "I'm laughing at you, this group is like this, and the topic will suddenly change while chatting."

"it does not matter."

Yu Jian Mingye shook his head, and then said: "Excuse me... what should I do next?"

"You don't have to do anything, just watch me perform.

The girl nodded.

Although there have been a large number of inquiries in the communicator.

Squad communications are public, after all.

The conversation between Yujian Mingye and Bai Chen before was heard clearly by the whole team.

The strange topic and the unfamiliar male voice made the other girls think that they were hallucinating.

Until it is confirmed that there are no signs of damage or hacking in the communication, the situation is even weirder now.

As the "protagonist", Yujian Mingye naturally became the only object of questioning by other girls...

But Yujian Mingye didn't explain too much.

He just supported the headset and said softly: "Everyone, everything will end soon, please wait a little longer."

The next second after the voice just fell.

An indescribable sense of envelopment spread throughout Yu Jian Mingye's body.

In a world invisible to the naked eye.

Invisible power came from the center of Bai Chen, enveloping the entire world at an extremely fast speed.

at the same time.

All the native creatures on the earth felt the same feeling as Yujian Mingye.

And the Betas, as if they had noticed something, stopped their movements one after another.

Like a sculpture, he froze in place for an instant.

Beta's activities are derived from the orders of the brood.

Bai Chen's method of enveloping the world with divine power is equivalent to interfering with the transmission of instructions between betas.

However, this kind of interference is not targeted, it is just a little pre-need for Bai Chen before making a shot.

The contact with the brood was restored, and the betas of the Harvest Order became active again.

Raise the beta of the pincers, and continue to prepare to tear up the immobilized tactical aircraft.

The soldier-level betas, about twice the size of adults, grabbed the bodies of men, women, old people, or young children with their hands, still trying to gnaw these humans into their stomachs with their own mouths.

No matter how these human beings resist, 0.7 crying or struggling will not help.

In Beta's eyes, these are just movable minerals and available resources.

The entire Kyoto defense line was completely defeated.

The reason why it became like this is because Beta adopted the flanking tactics of ground attack and digging holes at the same time.

While the front line was in a hurry, the rear was also captured.

And just when these people who failed to escape from the city fell into an extremely desperate reality.

I saw it in the next moment.

The originally pitch-black night, like a lighted strip of lights, suddenly sprinkled golden light on the ground.

Brilliant, sacred, and unstoppable.

Even the deepest ocean gullies in the world are illuminated by the overflowing brilliance without a trace of darkness. .

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