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Chapter 1260 Beta: The Earth Is Guarded By Me

Chapter 1260

The sky was shaken.

Innumerable bright morning stars are all over the sky of sinking night.

Since the invasion began, people on Earth seem to have never seen such a clear night sky.

If we say that the sky filled with golden brilliance can still be regarded as "night".

Those betas who were raging in the city also stopped their actions again because of this normal situation.

The leader-level beta in the brood is frantically analyzing the current situation.

But no matter how it analyzes and thinks, it cannot draw any useful conclusions.

After all, the information currently collected by beta does not include the existence of "gods".

Creatures on the earth are as valuable as minerals in their eyes.

What's more, all betas except for the leader level are cannon fodder for mining.

However, the stars in the sky do not give the monster room to think.

Under the sky of golden holy light.

The stars all over the sky rushed forward dragging their fiery majesty.

While impacting the atmosphere 21, it emitted a sharp, roaring roar.

all over the world.

every corner.

Wherever there is life, you can see the absolute scene of countless stars falling from the sky.

Also sluggish is the remaining human beings whose population is less than one-tenth of the past.

Faced with this scene that can only appear in movies, everyone unanimously let go of their hands.

The soldiers who fought against Beta looked at Tiankong in a daze and numbly.

He stood in front of monsters and tried his best to protect his wife and daughter's husband.

The busy logistics staff at the military base.

And those high-level government officials who sit in the command center and conduct operations.

"Is this... the end of the world?"


A mansion that has been breached by beta.

A woman with an appearance very similar to Yujian Mingye slowly retracted the Taidao that had been pierced into the soldier-level beta's brain.

She is the "Government General" who temporarily leads the island country and is the leader on the surface

When Kyoto was attacked, there was no time to retreat, and the defense line was breached.

However, relying on the "Wuxian Guidaoliu" handed down by the family to support it so far.

When gold was spilled on the world and stars fell.

Instead, she showed a relieved expression.

On the surface, she is a powerful and powerful general admired by thousands of people, but in fact, only she knows that she is just a "pawn" temporarily elected by those elders and congressmen.

After the Beta invasion, the international situation changed rapidly.

The island country's internal politics, economy and people's livelihood issues have plummeted

In this most critical juncture.

Those politicians did not think about how to improve the situation, but instead restarted the hereditary system that had been abolished in the past.

The "Huangwuyuan" family that was about to retire was brought out again.

As an adult and an orthodox descendant, Yuyang of Huangwuyuan naturally became the current leader of the island country.

And since sitting in this seat.

Countless questions piled up on her desk almost every day.

It wasn't until later that the girl realized it belatedly.

I am just an unlucky egg who was pushed out to take the blame.

She doesn't have much power on her own.

The most important military power is still in the hands of those military and political leaders.

However, Youyang of the Huangwu Academy did not complain about his usual work.

It's just that in the face of today's disaster that mortals can't deal with at all, all she can do is to die quietly.


Meteors are falling faster and faster.

The star, which was only the size of a mung bean at first, can already feel the shock coming to its face at this moment.

Like a mountain from top to bottom.

Especially when a meteorite larger than the Empire State Building flew overhead, the shock and despair from the heart were even more indescribable.

Except that human beings are no longer able to think redundantly.

Beta, who felt the approach of death, also launched a final counterattack under the command of the brain-level beta.

Countless ray classes, heavy ray classes, and super-heavy ray classes raised their watery giant eyeballs [into the city] and fired scorching lasers that even aircraft carriers couldn't resist.

The limit range of the ray class is more than 100 kilometers, the range of the heavy ray class is more than 1,000 kilometers, and the super heavy ray class can even shoot down satellites flying in outer space.


People on the earth can see such a scene.

The ray levels in Beta exist, emitting beams of light of varying thickness.

For a moment, the whole ground seemed to have turned into a hedgehog.

At the same time, in the chat group.

Little Spider: "Beta: We will protect the earth!"

Blue Slime: "Wrong, shouldn't it be a meteorite? Look at our beta pushing it back!"

Chaos evil: "hhhhhhh."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Earth: Labor and capital don't need you to guard it!"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Earth: I'm so tired, don't Q."

Ordinary superpower user: "Could it be that Mr. Bai Chen made a meteor shower of this scale by himself?"

The Elf of Time: "Yes, but it made me crazy. jpg."

Ordinary superpowers: "This is too scary, is this going to destroy the earth or protect it.

Seeing this scene, even with Saiki Kusuo's personality, he couldn't help being shocked by the scene in the live broadcast room.

520 This is much more serious than the meteorite impact that the earth will encounter in half a year.

Yu Jian Mingye was also asking this question in his heart.

However, as she came to the scene in person, all she could do at the moment was open her mouth wide enough to put down a goose egg, and stare blankly at the stunning scene of stars falling like rain.

The Spirit of Time: "Just keep reading, Bai Chen is not the kind of person who fits all."

All the betas in the world are trying their best to deal with the falling billions of sparks by using the ray-level air dominance ability.

But to no avail.

The moment the light hit the meteorite, it was like a mud cow entering the sea without any waves.

The distance is getting closer.

Even before touching the earth, the scorching flames melted Beta's skin and flesh.

next moment.

The stars crashed to the ground!

For a moment, it seemed that all the colors disappeared in this instant, and only the brilliance of gold was replaced.

The dazzling light burned the eyes of the creatures.

The shock wave caused by the impact swept in all directions at the fastest speed.

The earth collapsed and disintegrated easily like tofu.

The whole world is shaking uncontrollably.

There is only one color left in everyone's eyes.

The ears also lose the ability to hear sounds.

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