Chapter 1292

The reason is that Thor's opponent is unscathed.


If only that's the case.

But what made the gods feel unbelievable was that, in the face of Thor's powerful blow, the slender girl held the thin hammer and firmly supported the thick thunder pillar.

The remaining current on the ground and the damage caused by the lightning pillar are clearly displayed in front of my eyes.

And Misaka Mikoto's position was also motionless.

This situation is enough to prove that Misaka Mikoto did not dodge, but directly took Thor's fatal blow with her body!

The gods, aware that only this was the case, fell into an unspeakable silence.

is this a joke

Thor's strongest attack could be blocked, and it was still caught by a little girl?

However, there are also some weak gods with insufficient eyesight, so they think that this is just Thor, the god of thunder, scaring children.

Loud thunder, little rain.

Only some gods whose strength can keep up with a little, feel incredible at this moment.

"This is just a joke!"

"How can a little human girl block a blow from Lord Thor?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The incident happened so suddenly that the gods couldn't even believe their eyes.

For a moment, only the stronger gods could see the whole process clearly in the entire arena.

Thor did deliver the coup de grace.

And the human girl didn't dodge, but directly resisted.

"Unbelievable! It's really incredible! How can humans do such a thing?"

Zeus muttered to himself in surprise.

According to the rules of Ragnarok, although some of these powers are forbidden to be used by gods, except for those skills, other abilities are still unattainable miracles for mortals.

Thor's attack just now is absolutely impossible for any mortal to resist.

And at the moment of contact, human flesh and blood will be wiped out.

But things backfired.

"It's impossible for humans to do that kind of thing, so the problem is with that little silver hammer?"

Thinking of this, Zeus looked deeply at the VIP room on the side of the human camp.

"It's just that the Nordic Valkyries really have this kind of power."

Although he is the king of gods in Greek mythology, he also knows a lot about the heavens.

The Valkyries used to be human beings, and later they were able to enter the heavens and become demigods.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to help humans.

And every Valkyrie has the ability to transform itself into an artifact.


Zeus was lost in thought again.

If even an artifact incarnated by a Valkyrie has the power comparable to Thor.

So is there still a need for humans to select contestants?

A Valkyrie with this kind of power will at least have the status of a main god in any god system.

"This battle has become more interesting."

God Shiva was still lazily lying on the flying carpet, but his originally lazy eyes became sharper now.

"What a lovely child, it would be great if he could come to my side."

The whole body exudes pure white holy light, and Aphrodite, whose painting style is different from others, leaned on her cheek and opened her mouth,

And at this time in the arena.

Thor, who stood up again, finally put aside his previous disdain and contempt, and turned serious.

With Thor's Hammer, which had been unsealed, even the doomsday behemoth would be blackened by the lightning punishment from the sky.

On the contrary, the weak girl in front of her was unscathed.

Although he didn't know what the problem was, but in any case, the girl in front of him was indeed a formidable enemy.

While Thor was seriously looking at Misaka Mikoto.

Misaka Mikoto, who seemed to be the opponent's big move to block, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When she played, she was still worried about whether she would lose.

But now, she can (cbcd) not have to worry about losing.

Next, you just need to put in a little more strength and beat this alien god of thunder named Sol to the ground!

the other side.

Bai Chen and others were still watching Misaka Mikoto's battle.

As expected.

Misaka Mikoto's strength can easily crush ordinary opponents.


Although the name is bluffing, it is only a god in the Valkyrie world after all.

He said so much trash talk before the game, but after the game, he fought each other with the human spirits who appeared in the original book.

Even in the original work, Zeus, the god king who played in the second game, was beaten to pieces by Adam.

If it wasn't for the fact that the latter's human body couldn't bear the power beyond the limit, Zeus would probably lose in that battle.

"It's so weak, the gods in this world, shouldn't they only have this level?"

Bai Ye sat beside Bai Chen, holding her arm, making a dismissive evaluation.

"Is there no stronger god?"

"Of course there is, but Thor, the god of thunder, can be regarded as one of the most powerful gods in this world. Gods who are stronger than him are only five fingers."

Bai Ming smiled and shook his head.

"That's it? I'm afraid it's not as strong as the little snake under my hand."

Bai Ye pouted.

Although Ragnarok sealed part of the power of the gods.

But with Bai Ye's eyesight, one can also see how strong most of the gods are.

Regardless of being observed by Hakoniwa, the changes after the expansion of the spirit body.

The Thor in front of him barely had a five-figure level.

She even wondered if there were four-digit levels in this world.

"The battle is about to end."

Bai Ming smiled.

In the arena.

As time goes by, Thor's condition is getting worse and worse.

In the case that the lightning strike does not work, you can only rely on physical skills and physical strength to deal with it.

This is Misaka Mikoto's weakness.

After all, even if the body has been strengthened by divine power, human beings are doomed to be one step behind the gods from their natural starting point.

But it doesn't matter.

With the magic blessed by Mjolnir and the physical strength enhanced by the inflow of divine power, he can also use these two aspects to magnify his own advantages.

"good chance!"

Misaka Mikoto seized a gap and threw the Thor's Hammer in her hand.

Thor, the god of thunder, knew the power of the small short hammer, so he didn't fight recklessly, but jumped high to avoid the direct hit of the hammer.

However, before he could make a counterattack, Thor suddenly lost the opponent's vision. .

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