Chapter 1293

"Where did you go?!"

Thor was taken aback.

When he suddenly lost his vision, he subconsciously looked ~ upwards.

not there.

Behind, the same is not there!?

Thor, who jumped high, looked down, but there was still no one there.

The incomprehensible situation made Thor feel restless.

It's just an arena where you can overlook the panorama, where can you hide?

But unfortunately, he couldn't see any trace of the girl.

It's like completely disappearing from this world!

However, how is this possible?

How could a living person disappear out of thin air?

At the same time, after Misaka Mikoto disappeared, puzzled noises erupted from the auditorium outside the arena.

Not only Thor, but the gods sitting in the stands, who have a wider field of vision than Thor, also couldn't find Misaka Mikoto.

"Where did that bitch go?"


"Impossible, the arena is so big, where can you run?"

"Could it have been wiped out by Sir Sol's thunder?"

"It's...not clear."

The gods watching the battle didn't know what happened.

Some gods who still had hope for Thor believed that Misaka Mikoto was bombarded by Thor's lightning and wiped out.

But after the previous battle, Misaka Mikoto has proved her strength to everyone.

But in the case of having the upper hand and suddenly disappearing, it is hard to figure out what it means.

On the stone seat.

God King Zeus narrowed his eyes. As one of the most powerful gods, he has a considerable say in the entire heaven.

Zeus stared at the arena tightly, his golden pupils shrunk tightly in the dark eye sockets.

Unlike the guesses of those weak gods, Zeus could feel that the girl was still in the ring.

However, with his pair of eyeballs that can see the short future, he can only capture quite vague shadows.

The current situation is incomprehensible even to him, the Divine King.

If it is invisible, it has already been seen through by the gods.

If space travels, it cannot disappear for such a long time.

It's really incomprehensible.

And saw this scene.

The expressions on the faces of those main gods or war gods who were still laughing at Misaka Mikoto gradually became serious.

Even Shiva, who has always been idle, squinted his eyes very rarely.

The three eyeballs kept wandering, but like Zeus, they could only see the shadow of Misaka Mikoto, but couldn't perceive where she was.

VIP room.

"Sister, what did Misaka-sama do? Why can't I see where she is at all?"

Gray lay on the window, staring at the ring, but he could only see Thor, the god of thunder, floating in the air.

The inquiry from her sister made Brentald fall into silence.

Sol, who was on the scene, didn't know.

You ask me this kind of thing, how could I know?

Finally, she turned her eyes to Bai Chen for help.

However, before Brunhilde asked, the prickly-haired young man in the uniform of Guixianliu couldn't wait to ask.

"Mr. Bai Chen, what did Misaka do? Why can I only feel her anger, but can't see where she is at all?"

Sun Wukong scratched his head, thinking he didn't know what happened.

Others also cast puzzled eyes.

It was Bai Ye who saw a clue, but the specific reason still had to be explained by Bai Chen.

After all, the old people from the chat group all know that Misaka Mikoto can get to where she is today, all thanks to Bai Chen's cultivation.

In this regard, Bai Chen smiled and gave an explanation here.

"The old people in the group should all know that Misaka has drawn prizes many times, right? And the ability she is using now is a skill she has drawn, Almighty God mode.

Back then, in order to get this ability and complete her own puzzle, Sister Pao squeezed Index hard enough.

Of course, there must be a lot of tooth marks on her head.

"After using "Almighty God", this technique will automatically adjust the attack position and distance to the most suitable angle for Misaka, and it is not a one-time operation, but as long as this technique is activated, no matter how much the enemy moves, the distance and position will continue to be adjusted, and the effect will not end until the attack is made."

You could even say, "This is ten strikes combined with the law of cause and effect.

It's like Odin's god form

...asking for flowers......

As long as you throw it, you will definitely hit it.

That's what the all-around mode is capable of.

It will move the user to a position where victory is certain, and create conditions such that the opponent's attack is completely ineffective, but he can attack unilaterally.

In any case, "defeat can definitely be avoided", the final result is either victory or a draw.

And in the process of starting.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is a bit similar to space movement, but in fact, it is not the initiator that moves, but the world.

The whole world will move its position, let Misaka avoid all the attacks from Thor, and shoot from the most efficient direction and distance.

And that's why Thor, God of Thunder, and many gods couldn't see Misaka Mikoto.

Purely because of the world's movement, Misaka Mikoto appeared in a blind spot where they couldn't see all the time.

Of course, this ability is not unbreakable.

At least for Bai Chen, he can easily see Misaka Mikoto's real-time location.

As for Sun Wukong, he can also perceive the vague position of Misaka Mikoto through the perception of Qi.

However, for the current Monkey King, it should be impossible to crack Misaka Mikoto in the state of Almighty God.

"It has ended."

After a brief explanation, Bai Chen looked at the situation in the ring and said with a light smile.

And as he said.


Because Thor couldn't find Misaka Mikoto no matter what, his inner anxiety drove him to start attacking indiscriminately.

However, because of the influence of this technique, no matter how hard Sol tried, he couldn't even touch Misaka Mikoto.

"It's my turn!"

Misaka Mikoto, who was also using this ability for the first time, was also confused by the ever-changing scenery in front of her, and almost vomited out her overnight meal.

But anyway, after a period of practice, her physical fitness has also improved, otherwise it would be really difficult to bear the side effects of this ability.

She gripped Thor's Hammer tightly, and the technique had sent Thor to her best attacking position.

Afterwards, the tea-haired girl released her own power, and Thor's Hammer Mjolnir entangled Thunder. The power contained in it was enough to defeat Thor, but not to kill him. .

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