Chapter 1297

In this world, certain gods do not exist.

Jehovah is one of them.

However, although there is no such a large-scale god of Christianity in other worlds, Christianity still spreads in the earth of this world.

Jesus, who is called the Son of God, is called God's agent in the world.

Among the audience this time, there is also his existence.

And after seeing those gods who were ready to cull human beings but turned into pillars of salt in an instant, this son of God has been praying to the god in his heart.

Therefore, when I saw those pillars of salt, I seemed to think of something, and my expression was even more sacred.

"The heresy that does not know the Lord of hosts deserves it. Lord, praise your mercy. May we all follow in your glory."

Just like the Bible that he spreads.

God loves the world.

Even at the expense of fighting the gods.

"Your power is unparalleled in the world, to you be mighty, glory and praise! Amen!"

Thinking of this, Shen Zi's expression became even more sacred.

And those believers who followed the Son of God later recognized that those pillars of salt came from a certain verse in the Bible.

Like Jesus, the Son of God, he knelt on the ground and painted ten ministers on the moon chimney with fanatical expressions.



After learning that the gods announced that they would destroy all human beings, 840% of those believers in Christianity collapsed, thinking that the good gods they believed in would also abandon them.

But now it seems that it is not the same thing.

Their gods are always fighting against other gods.

From beginning to end, he has been guarding his most loyal believers.

And what they can do now is to obey the will of the Lord and praise God for reproducing the miracles in the Bible.

Two happy things combined into one, and the result is a dreamlike scene.

The sudden sense of happiness almost made them faint.

Compared with the human beings who survived the catastrophe, the camp of gods can be said to be straightforward.

It feels quite strange to watch your companions turn into pillars of salt, but have no idea what happened.

You know, they are gods.

It is the supreme existence that surpasses all mortal bones and stands above all things.

But right now.

This strange power completely destroyed the point of view they had always insisted on, and was smashed together with their glory and self-confidence.

Not to mention those flustered little gods.

Zeus, including the king of gods, was also shocked.

lord (cbce) lord?

How could such a fictional god exist?!

As a god who appeared at the beginning of the birth of the world, Zeus's power is unmatched.

In the battle of gods held in the long past, competing for the position of the strongest god.

The young Zeus personally defeated Uranus, the strongest in all ages, known as the god of time and space.

The price he paid was just a broken jaw.

And that kind of injury can be easily recovered for the gods.

until now.

Even the Valhalla council of Norse mythology, he has served as the chairman of the council until now, and even Odin has been stabilized by him.

However, all the honors established so far were completely shattered at this moment.

Under the pressure greater than that of the star sea, the power of the gods was annihilated as if joking.

And in the presence of all their gods, one tenth of the gods were turned into pillars of salt.

There is no doubt that they are all dead.

Even now, the surviving gods still dare not be presumptuous in such a strong sense of oppression.

"Then, let's continue the game, I don't have time to spend too long here."

The magnificent voice came again.

And after he finished speaking, the pressure on the bodies of the gods suddenly loosened.

But at the same time, it also cast an indelible shadow on the hearts of the gods.

When the sound completely disappeared, the heavy pressure that bound the soul and body also disappeared.

Some gods even knelt on the ground panting nervously because of this, greedily thirsting for fresh air, their eyes full of joy and luck for the rest of their lives.

They don't know what happened, they just know how good it feels to be alive.

Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, was even more paralyzed on the ground, her body was numb, and she felt both fear and excitement in her heart.

At the same time, she longed in her heart to meet that existence.

However, Goddess of Beauty did not get any response.

But Aphrodite looked forward to the day when she could see the unknown god with her own eyes.

In short, the camp of the gods was in a state of depression.

If there were no pillars of salt everywhere, it would be as if nothing had happened just now.

Inside the VIP seats.

The look in the eyes of Brunhilde who looked at Bai Ming was shocking and complicated.

Although she knew beforehand that whether the match was won or lost, humans would be safe and sound in Bai Chen's hands, but she never expected that the gods would receive such a great gift just after the first match ended.

However, the shock was followed by unstoppable excitement and anticipation.

In the eyes of Brunhilde, most of the gods in the heavens are not worthy of having a godhead at all.

Relying on the identity of gods, they willfully show off their power, and even some gods with bad deeds deliberately descended to become human beings and committed crimes wantonly on the earth.

Not only that, even the Valkyries of the Hall of Valor, including her sister, are often watched or molested by some frivolous eyes.

And the ending of those gods this time made her let out a bad breath.

As for the little sister Gray beside her.

The heart has long been in chaos, completely grayed out.

"Hasn't it gone a little too far?"

Withdrawing his expression of staring outside, Bai Chen said with a light smile.

"No...where is it? It's also those gods who violated the rules first. 27

Brunhild sneered.

Not only did she not feel that she was living too much, but she also felt that it was not enough.

It is recommended to increase the intensity.

It is best to wipe out all those malicious gods directly.

"Wait, why did the gods attack humans at the beginning of the game? Isn't this kind of thing forbidden?"

Misaka Mikoto asked a little puzzled.

This is whether she wins or loses.

"It is forbidden in terms of rules, but in Ragnarok, apart from the content of the battle between gods and humans, there is no repeating description for the audience outside the arena, not to mention that those gods are very malicious to humans, so it will evolve like this."

Brunhild explained.

"It's completely hopeless, those terrible gods."

Saiki Kusuo couldn't hold back. .

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