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Chapter 1298 What Grade Are You And What Grade Am I?

Chapter 1298

"It `s my mistake."

Brunhild sincerely apologizes.

She didn't expect those obvious tolerances to be so low.

If Bai Chen is not here this time, maybe it will be a big mistake.

It is even more impossible to continue to compare with the legend of Ragnarok.


Having said that, if it wasn't for the fact that the gods lost too badly in the first game, wouldn't it have evolved into the current situation?

"This is not your problem, obviously~ those gods asked for it!"

Misaka Mikoto was quite angry.

I am the winner.

But in order to help those human beings and prevent them from being poisoned by the gods, they chose to participate-hey!

But as a victor - he was treated like this.

If it wasn't because she didn't react, she would definitely throw Mjolnir out and blow up all the dog heads of those gods!

"But having said that, do you still need to fight?"

Tokisaki Kurumi leaned on his chin and said.

"After what happened just now, those gods must have been frightened by Mr. Bai Chen, right?"

Hearing what Tokisaki Kurumi proposed, others also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Although those gods are indeed asking for trouble, but if the competition cannot go on, then what are they doing here?

Especially for group members who want to fight against the strong, or come to breathe, it can be regarded as returning without success.

"Huh? That's not the case, is it? I'm already ready to beat up those gods!"

Jibril on the side immediately showed disappointment.

She had been waiting for this day for a long time.

On the one hand, it is caused by the militant factor in the body, and on the other hand, taking advantage of the opportunity that the group members are paying attention to, I have to perform well on the field, and earn back all the integrity and reputation I lost before!

"It's not enough."

Estes sighed.

The tone is also a little disappointed.

"Why don't I take you to the Little Garden?"

Bai Ye suggested.

"There are many gifts over there."

"Having said that, it's not a life-and-death fight after all, is it? If it's just a gift game, it should be difficult to use all your energy.

Jibril was a little reluctant.

"Heh! You little guy, don't underestimate the gift competition in our world! The intensity is countless levels higher than here."

Hearing Jibril's tone, Bai Ye immediately became a little unhappy?

What grade is here, what grade is Hakoniwa?

Those gods who have no compulsion and only unilaterally ravage the weak can be compared with Hakoniwa?

"In this case, can I take off the opponent's head?"

Jibril asked.


This answer immediately made Bai Ye speechless.

Although Hakoniwa's gift game is high in intensity, it has a considerable degree of restrictive rules.

And as long as it is not a gift game where life and death are gambled, basically neither side will kill each other.

Bai Ye knew about Jibril's character.

The nature of the Flügel is brutal. Although it has improved a lot since joining the group, the way it fights still hasn't changed much.

In the past, the Flügel took off their heads to show off their achievements.

But now, for Jibril, it was a show of force.

After all, one of the fatal weaknesses of most creatures will include the head.

"Don't worry, they will continue."

Bai Chen smiled lightly.

"It's not just because of what I said just now, just to save face, those gods will not agree to stop the game, on the contrary, they will fight back with more violent offensives.

The following is always the main theme of the myth struggle.

Of course, Bai Chen said this out of his own guesswork.

If those gods are really so cowardly, then he has nothing to say.

And the fact is just as Bai Chen guessed.

After the episode just now.

The gods left the stage for a while, and then gathered together again.

Inside the hall, the gods were arguing.

After all, after the incident just now, these gods are no longer as high as they used to be.

After personally encountering the seemingly boundless divine power that turned his companion into a pillar of salt, he was powerless.

Some gods are full of fear for Bai Chen's existence.

Some gods even ignored Zeus' call, and left the arena, even Valhalla, in a hurry.

Escape, as far away as possible!

The rest of the gods gathered together with great worries.

...asking for flowers......

Some gods were furious, saying that they wanted to form a coalition army to complete the crusade against the heretical gods.

After all, the god who came from nowhere wiped out one tenth of the gods' lives in front of gods and human beings.

Afterwards, as if nothing happened, he announced that the game would continue.

It is tolerable, which is unbearable.

The gods were in full swing.

One faction advocated the formation of a coalition to attack Bai Chen.

The other faction advocates negotiation, which may be somewhat misunderstood.

Then the hawks began to scold the doves for being afraid of the gods of other worlds, and the doves were also aroused. I said this for everyone's benefit, and the results would be the same if they rushed over like headless flies.

So the two factions pointed at each other's noses and scolded each other, making the well-organized meeting of the gods suddenly become as noisy as a vegetable market.

In addition to these two factions, there are two other pairs of gods with different ideas.

One is that it has nothing to do with oneself and hangs high.

After all, the fire did not reach their heads, not to mention that the gods who turned into pillars of salt were also killed by themselves.

All right, why do you want to rush over and kill humans all of a sudden?

And the other kind is the grass-roots school with thieves' eyebrows and mouse eyes.

Find useful information here, and prepare to dedicate the secrets here to the emperor at any time... er, gods from other worlds as votes.


An old voice full of energy, but a little bit late sounded.

The emaciated Zeus glanced around, and the noisy voice finally subsided gradually.

Wait until it's completely quiet.

Zeus just said: "The game continues, and we must also be prepared to deal with those blasphemers who don't know where they come from at any time!"

This is the result of deliberation by Zeus and several main gods.

one way or another.

The current game must continue.

But you also need to be prepared to resist.

Make plans after investigating the other party's information.

Although they were once suppressed before, they, who have been in high positions all the year round, don't think that the power of God will lose to that little-known existence.

all in all.

The final conclusion has been drawn.

For a moment, the entire God Realm was calm on the surface, but in fact, an undercurrent was surging. .

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