Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1319: Nakiri Erina, Niito Feisha

Chapter 1319

Of course, now, it is not known when the chat group will invite characters from those two worlds.

Although it is a pity, there is nothing to do.

However, since the time in the future is still long, it is only a matter of time before the two worlds join in the future.

Afterwards, people sent private messages one after another, asking if they could come to the party as well.

Bai Ming had no choice but to chat with all the members again in the chat group.

At the same time, I contacted Brunhilde, who was preparing for the banquet, and asked her to release group tasks so that other group members could come together.

The spirit world of eating halberds.

Yuanyue Academy.

As the leading chef school in the island country, its status even has a place in the whole world.

And as long as those "683" students who can graduate from this academy, they will be rushed to sign contracts by outside restaurants or hotels.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Even the students at the bottom of the list, their overall strength is more than a notch higher than the graduates of other schools.

And in this vast academy, there is a luxurious single-family villa that can be distinguished from ordinary dormitories at a glance.

Generally speaking, all students on campus can only live in the same dormitory.

If someone lives in a dormitory with better conditions, gossip will spread.

Not to mention the villas.

It's just that, apart from showing envious eyes, all the passing students didn't have any jealousy or hatred.

This is also a matter of course.

After all, the owner of this villa is none other than a woman named Nakiri Erina.

The girl who graduated from the head of the junior high school of Totsuki Academy, also has the only god's taste "God's Tongue" in the world, and is also the youngest in history, a first-year high school student.

The Yuanyue Ten Elites are the highest decision-making body of the Yuanyue Academy. Their culinary skills are among the top ten in the academy, and they even have the power to change the principal.

And Nakiri Erina, can be said to be the most dazzling new star among the ten heroes of Yuanyue.

Not only is she superb in cooking, but also has a unique appearance. After becoming one of the top ten, she entered the public eye and instantly became the goddess of the public.

However, at this moment.

In the eyes of the students, the goddess who was always perfect and cold, now seemed rather hurried and flustered.

The reason lies in the private chat with Bai Chen before.

"I have to hurry up and hurry up, I must not let down the boss' expectations of me!"

Unprecedented vigor continuously emerged from the body.

Before joining the group chat, she was an arrogant girl from heaven.

But after joining the group chat and broadening her horizons, Nakiri Erina's original high-cold thoughts had long been forgotten by her.

At this moment, her mind is filled with the idea that she cannot disappoint Bai Chen.

She quickly got up from the bed, wearing slippers and not caring about combing her hair, she trotted out of the bedroom.

As she is about to appear as a chef, some cooking tools are naturally indispensable.

When she ran to the corridor, she met a beautiful girl with short pink-purple hair, brown eyes, and empty school uniform.

Xinhu Feisha.

Like Nakiri Erina, she is a student of the High School.

Born in a family of Chinese medicine, he is especially good at medicinal cuisine.

Although she is not one of the top ten, her culinary skills are also very good in the eyes of Nakiri Erina, so when Nido Hisako ran up to her and offered to be her entourage, she did not refuse.

until now.

The girl has become one of her right-hand men.

At this moment, Xinhu Feishazi was holding a bowl of medicinal food in his hand, and was about to send it to Nakiri Erina.

This is what she has to do every day, to recuperate and maintain the health of Nakiri Erina.

"Master Erina, you came just in time, this bowl of medicinal food is about to be served to you"

However, Nakiri Erina completely ignored her answer, and said, "Fei Shazi, I'm going out for a while, "Go and help me prepare the kitchen and necessary materials."

"Cookware and materials?"

Fei Shazi, who was the personal secretary, was stunned for a moment.

Is this going out to participate in a cooking competition?

However, she had never heard of such a thing.

Ever since she became Nakiri Erina's entourage in elementary school, Nido Hisako knew everything about Nakiri Erina, even her privacy..

"Well, the boss invited me to be a chef. If you don't hurry up, it will be too late. Keeping customers waiting for a long time is not a good chef."

Hearing what Nakiri Erina said, Hisako Nido was shocked immediately.

Who is Nakiri Erina?

A talented woman who the whole world is watching.

The Michelin three-star restaurants that she was invited to visit have already been reserved until next year.

It can be seen that Nakiri Erina is so anxious, it is obviously true.

Thinking of this, Xinhu Feisha was shocked, but at the same time, his heart felt as if a jar of vinegar had been overturned, quite sour.


So sour!

Nakiri Erina-sama, who is extremely elegant and perfect in everything, unexpectedly showed such an anxious expression.

This is a feeling that even she has never experienced.

Moreover, the big guy in Nakiri Erina's mouth, in Fei Sazi's eyes, has become a stranger who has a closer relationship than her.

For a while, sadness came from it.

Obviously she came first.

Whether it is to become her personal secretary, or to taste the dishes made by Master Nakiri Erina himself.

So far, she has had too many firsts with Nakiri Erina-sama.

But she has never experienced such enthusiasm.

Thinking of this, Xinhu Feisha felt even more sad.

In the end, if 0.5, Nakiri Erina-sama will still care more about other people's feelings.

But that's all right.

All the injuries can be borne by Xinhu Feisha alone.

She just needs to silently watch the growth of Master Nakiri Erina.

However, Hisako Nido also secretly made up her mind to see who the person worthy of Mr. Nakiri Erina's attention is.

You must judge whether the other party is harmful to adults!

Since it is impossible to get Mr. Nakiri Erina's first time, then she will serve as the defense line to protect Mr. Erina. Examine all the existences that may harm Erina-sama!

Even some unsuitable plots in shoujo comics, she will delete them overnight, and then hand them over to Erina-sama for appreciation.

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