Chapter 1320

The more Feisako Xinhu thought about it, the more depressed she became.

She has been with Nakiri Erina since childhood.

Know everything about personal matters, big or small.

So who is the so-called "big guy"?

Prime Minister of the country?

Or is it another world-renowned scientist?

But in that case, as a personal secretary, it is impossible for me not to know!

Could it be a "net scam"?!

In recent years, online forums have flourished.

And Erina-sama has liked to stay alone in the bedroom since a few months ago.

Several times, I even didn't drink the medicated food I sent by myself when it was cold.

When she asked, Erina-sama was obviously fooling around, as if she was perfunctory.


Must be a scam!

How can a simple girl like Master Erina compare to all kinds of "monsters" on the Internet!

Thinking of this, Xinhu Feisha made up his mind.

I must strongly request to be accompanied by Mrs. Erina, and then when I see that "big boss", expose the other party's true colors!

Poor Fei Shazi has a rich imagination, and Erina is just giving a group of friends a feast of 21 seats.

And the reason for being so anxious is because time is tight and the task is heavy.

Although her cooking skills are exquisite, even if she chooses a dish at random, she can cook it with excellent taste.

But as a chef, Erina strictly demands on herself to be able to make dishes that meet the tastes of customers.

According to the feedback of some snacks and sample dishes I gave in the group before, there are still many differences in the tastes of different group members.

You have to be well prepared.

"Fei Shazi, if you are not feeling well, you can go to the news, and I will arrange for others to do it.

Seeing Fei Shazi's weird expression, Erina said emotionally.

"No! Absolutely not! I'll get ready right away!"

Fei Shazi immediately shook his head.


Considering the large number of members in the group, Erina planned to be more handy after going there by herself, and decided to bring her own faction members there too.

Of course, if possible, she would like to bring Shijie Yuanyue to cook with her.

But firstly, the situation of Yuanyue Ten Heroes is different, and there is also a big gap in personality, and secondly, there are not enough people at the moment, and it will take at least a few days to find them all.

By that time, the day lily is cold.

After making the decision, Erina immediately arranged staff.

Twenty minutes later.

Everything is ready.

Nakiri Erina looked at the female members who had been summoned temporarily by her, and looked puzzled, and coughed lightly.

"I have something to announce, you may think it's outrageous at first, but don't be afraid, because it's all true..."

Afterwards, Erina spoke out the organized rhetoric.

And this also caused all the girls, including Fei Shazi, to show the eyes of "Master Erina's brain is burnt out".

After all, different could these things exist.

Could it be that you can’t tell the difference between virtual and reality when you read shoujo manga?

Seeing that these girls didn't believe it at all, Nakiri Erina also sighed helplessly.

After I wanted to continue explaining, I also found it troublesome.

I imitated Bai Chen's tone: "Anyway, as long as you go there, you will know whether it is true or not.

Then, she entered the chat group and clicked to accept the entrusted task.

Then, a faint blue portal that even ordinary people could see appeared in front of everyone.

In general.

The world where the group members live does not allow other people outside the group members to travel through.

However, because the world of the Valkyrie has been eroded by Bai Ming, so if Bai Chen has granted a certain authority, he can naturally bring other people to travel together.

When the erosion is complete, Bai Chen will be able to take people across different worlds without Brunhilde posting tasks in the group.

After seeing the portal, the other girls showed astonishment on their faces.

It never occurred to them that Erina's "nonsense" was actually true!

Passing through the portal, the vision in front of him changes instantly.

From the original living room of the villa, instead, what greets the eyes is a magnificent and magnificent scenery.

Subconsciously gasped, the scene in front of them could not be compared with reality even if they were extremely poor.

The majestic golden capital stands proudly, like a towering building made of gold, shining brightly in the sun. At the same time, there is a rainbow-colored tower in the center, guarding it like a tower that goes straight to the galaxy.

The scene that can't even be seen in the movie makes the girls who have just arrived unable to regain consciousness for a long time.

Even Nakiri Erina herself was shocked.

Fortunately, she was mentally prepared in advance, coupled with the influence of the live broadcast room, she quickly regained her composure.

"Hey, are you ready so soon, because of the chef?"

With a teasing voice, Bai Chen appeared in front of Erina.

"Ah... yes, yes."

Erina recognized Bai Chen's identity at a glance because she had seen it many times in the live broadcast room.

But even so.

Looking at the man with a handsome face in front of him, Suirie Rina's heart still beat faster than expected.

As if even the heart has been captured.

Seeing this, a faint smile appeared on Bai Chen's face.

This is also the result of my 380 restraining all my temperament.

Otherwise, these girls who are just ordinary people may have red hearts in their eyes.

"Ah, welcome, Miss Suikiri Erina."

With a soft voice, Tokisaki Kurumi, who was wearing a gorgeous dress, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"We will leave our food for today to you."

Hearing this, Erina nodded lightly: "No problem, in order to let the group members eat well, I also specially brought my classmates here. They are good at cooking with different tastes, so it should be in line with everyone's taste."

"It's okay, it's okay, just eat what you have, I don't pick anything."

Sun Wukong smiled honestly.

"As for the ingredients, I also brought some from the manor I planted."

With a height of nearly three meters, Thanos put down the backpack like a hill.

"Thank...thank you."

Seeing the alien nicknamed Purple Sweet Potato Jing in front of them, the girls who saw it with their own eyes also felt a little psychological pressure.

"You scare others, Mie."

Bai Chen looked at the girl who was almost huddled behind Erina, showing a faint smile.

"Feel sorry."

Thanos smiled awkwardly.

He also knows how much impact his appearance has on earthlings. .

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