Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1333 You Were The One Who Persecuted Sister Pao First, Right?

Chapter 1333

Blue Slime: "Come, come, bet, bet!"

Blue Slime: "Do you think Sister Pao can get rid of her shame this time? Or do you want to continue to be beaten by Accelerator, and then ask for foreign aid from Mr. Bai Chen? The ante is 100 points, and I will bet 100 Sister Pao to continue to be beaten."

Spider: "Although I don't want the group members to play books, but if it's Sister Pao, it's a different matter. I also press 100 points to Sister Pao to lose!~"

Luo Abao: "I also press a hundred-!"

Chaos evil: "It's too much! I'll press two-hundred!"

The Spirit of Time: "This is still a mutual help, harmonious and friendly chat group? If Bai Chen knows that you are here to destroy the harmonious atmosphere in the team, be careful that he writes all of you down in a small notebook! By the way, I will press a hundred!"

Non-staff individual: "Give me a thousand!"

I don't want to see the hell: "Uh... so many are a bit too much? And I think Misaka-san might be watching right now.

Non-staff individual: "So what if you look at it? There's nothing else, just a lot of points, so play with it."

With the opening of Limulu, the chat group with dozens of people suddenly became lively.

There are those who bet on losing and betting on winning, and there are also those who watch the excitement, and those who kindly persuade.

There are also newcomers like Suzuki Satoru, Brunhilde, and Saiki Kusuo who are surprised by this situation.

In the mutual help and mutual help chat group that was agreed, so many people bet on Misaka Mikoto to lose.

Aren't we all good friends, should we help each other?

In short

They don't understand what's going on right now.

Silver-haired witch: "Everyone is just joking, don't take it seriously, although Misaka-san may be a little angry now.

Irregular white-haired loli: "It's good to get used to it. It's already a good tradition of our group to persecute Misaka Mikoto."

Irreverent white-haired loli: "And it wasn't us who started the persecution first, but Bai Chen."

Seeing Bai Ye say this, those group members who were not chat group veterans were all quite shocked.

After all, in their eyes, Bai Chen is synonymous with strength and reliability.

Not only can help them solve their own troubles for free, but also solve other troubles once and for all.

Bai Chen: "Who is speaking ill of me?"

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Yo! The real master has appeared, tell the newcomer quickly, are you the one who persecuted Misaka Mikoto at the beginning?"

Bai Chen: "I'm not, I don't have you, how can you smear people's innocence out of thin air? Funny.jpg.

Everyone: "...

Seeing the last emoji, some people who didn't understand the situation also fell silent.

Dare to persecute Sister Pao first, so it was you?!

Electromagnetic Gun: "If you have one, count as one, and wait for all of them!"

Of course, except Baifeng.

Although I was indeed the first person to be persecuted by Bai Chen, who asked him to help me a lot?

It is all because of Bai Chen that I can have today and dare to stand here and compete with Accelerator.

Arrange a suitable venue, and you don't have to worry about destroying Academy City or passers-by, so let's let it go. "

Facing Bai Chen's smile, Misaka Mikoto's cheeks suddenly showed a little cherry color.

I didn't feel anything when I watched it in the group before.

But the feeling of hearing it with her own ears gave her an unparalleled sense of security.

...asking for flowers...

Then, as if to hide her embarrassment, Misaka Mikoto turned her head and said, "Then I'll go.

After saying this, Misaka Mikoto jumped down from the eaves.

Affected by the gravity of the earth [the girl's body fell freely from where it started.

But after a second.

A pale electric current floated on the surface of the body, illuminating the area.

Immediately afterwards, the girl raised her right hand, and accompanied by the deafening thunder from the sky, a stern lightning flashed across the sky, and finally landed directly on Misaka Mikoto's body.

Furthermore, amidst the blinding lightning, pieces of silver armor automatically stuck to the girl's body like in a sci-fi movie.

In the blink of an eye, the originally youthful and beautiful modern girl was transformed into a medieval warrior in armor.

Surrounded by thunder, Misaka Mikoto nodded towards Bai Ming, then turned Thor's Hammer Mjolnir in her hand, and then drove her body into the battlefield between Accelerator and Teito Kakine.

And saw Miss Pao entering the arena.

Bai Chen also stretched out his finger.

The red reality gem appeared from the void, and then under the control of his mind, the battlefield that the girl joined was changed by the reality gem.

The originally cramped street stretched instantly, and was transformed into a venue suitable for them to play freely by the gem of reality in an instant.

And Misaka Mikoto, who saw the streetscape changed, completely lost the idea of ​​being merciful at the hands of Academy City.

After that, the raging fighting spirit broke out in Yuexiong.

For this victory, she has endured until now!

"Fang Accelerator, die for me!"

Accompanied by a high-pitched female voice, Misaka Mikoto, the incarnation of Thor, was as strong as ever. .

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