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Chapter 1334 Let's Go Together

Chapter 1334

The figure that broke into the battlefield interrupted the two people in the fierce battle.

Kakine Teitoku waved his six wings and landed on the telegraph pole, while Accelerator wiped his mouth and frowned slightly.

If this guy hadn't appeared suddenly, he would have killed the ignorant second place immediately.

Think here.

Accelerator stared at the visitor with unkind eyes.

As the gunpowder smoke and dust gradually dissipated, the armored figure like an ancient warrior came into view.

What's this?

Doubt and surprise burst out in the first and second minds at the same time.

Then, when Accelerator of "627" saw the face of the comer clearly, his expression became a little vigilant.

The third place in Academy City - Misaka Mikoto.

Of course, it wasn't the defeated opponent in the past that made Accelerator wary, but the man who appeared next to the girl before.

The situation now is just like last time.

In other words, is that man around too?

As Accelerator looked around, the look in his eyes became even more astonished.

Are the surrounding streets like this now?

At some point, the buildings on both sides of the street became very far away from them, and even this street became extremely wide, extending to an end invisible to the naked eye.

The scene was so bizarre that both of them were puzzled.

In the end what happened!

Accelerator's eyes were not friendly, and finally fixed on Misaka Mikoto with some annoyance.

"Third, what did you do?"

"It's nothing, I just plan to defeat you here, and then I will become the number one logically, and I will get back from you the pain I suffered before!"

"Beat me?"

Hearing this, Fang Accelerator was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud as if he had heard some funny joke.

The villainous laughter spread far and wide in the world distorted by the Reality Gem.

"Defeat me? Didn't you learn enough lessons last time? If that man hadn't saved you last time, you would have been fired by me a long time ago!"

Fang Xing laughed out of joy.

"But you came at the right time. Even if flies are harmless, they will still be annoying if they keep flying. I will let you know today that even if they are all IV5, you are just a bunch of rubbish in my eyes!"

Shrill and piercing laughter spread.

"Dare to say I'm rubbish! Number one, don't think that you can be invincible if you can analyze my Weiyuan matter! My super power is not such a casual thing

A voice full of anger spread.

Kakine Teitozo's pair of pure white wings shot out dozens of scorching red rays of light.

When it hits the ground, it can also cause a deep scorching mark.

One party, Accelerator, has seen the power of Weiyuan matter, so naturally he won't hardwire it.

But when he was concentrating on reflecting Kakine Teito's attack, he found Misaka Mikoto wearing a strange armor standing motionless in place.

is it dead?

Not impossible.

The last time they fought, let Accelerator know Misaka Mikoto's strength.

Although there are remarkable points, let alone him, even compared with Kakine Teitoku, he is not an existence of the same magnitude at all.

Kakine Teitoku, who has the ability to hurt himself, wants to crush the third person who was beaten by him, so it is naturally easy

But when the burst of light disappeared, both of them showed astonished eyes.

Because Misaka Mikoto stood unharmed.

"The third place, how could it possibly block my ability?"

Kakine Teitoku was deeply shocked.

If the other party used superpowers to resist, he wouldn't be so shocked, but Misaka Mikoto chose the most unexpected way.

Just stood there motionless.

His Weiyuan matter disappeared as silently as a mud cow sinking into the sea.

But how is this possible?

Could it be the reason for the ridiculous looking ancient armor?

But the area of ​​that thing can only protect the body and head, and all the limbs are exposed outside.

"Haha, it's quite a trick, the second place, but if it's only this level, it can't hurt me at all.

Misaka Mikoto felt the supernatural power in her body, with a healthy smile on her face.

The expression on Kakine Teitoku's face was distorted when he heard these words.

Looking for the first place in 4.3, he thought he was sure of winning, but was caught in a predicament when the opponent found a way to analyze it.

Unexpectedly, even the mere third place could block his attack.

This made Kakine Teito, who had a strong self-esteem, completely unbearable.

The six wings gathered again, and the air vibrated, as if some kind of huge energy had been accumulated.

Even Accelerator's expression was a little dignified.

However, the expression on Misaka Mikoto's face remained relaxed.

While shaking Mjolnir in her hand, she chuckled and said, "I'm in a hurry, so you guys go together."

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