Chapter 1341

After all, according to the inference of the dendrogram, the position of the only God of the Abrahamic religions on the tree of life is Magus (9=2).

And the Demon God is also in this position in his deduction.

Therefore, even if Abraham's Christian gods really descended into this world, in Aleister's own argument, they have the same status as those demon gods who cultivated magic to the extreme.

After all, the only God represents omniscience and omnipotence.

And some more powerful demon gods are also omnipotent, and the universe is like a plaything in the hands of these demon gods.

In the past, Aleister constructed a special Thelema system through the Book of Laws to describe different power classes.

In this power system summary, he divided the power into two parts.

That is, "man" and "god".

There is a limit to human power.

The current Aleister himself, as well as the right seat of the gods of Christianity, stand on top of people.

In "The Domain of the Gods", Aleister divided this stage into three levels.

The first level is for ordinary demon gods, specifically referring to "8=3", which means that they are at the limit of their magic. This kind of existence is infinitely close to omnipotence, able to change and distort everything in the universe at will, and even the laws of physics can be easily changed, but they may not be able to restore them.

The second layer is the demon god who surpasses ordinary demon gods.

Thought and authority can affect the multiverse, especially "9=»々2", which means "above God".

Such an existence already belongs to Almighty, not only can change and distort everything at will, but also restore everything.

If there are other gods besides demon gods in this world.

Then the gods who can reach this position include the only god of Christianity, Buddha, Laozi of Taoism, and Odin, the main god of Nordic mythology.

As for the last third layer, it specifically refers to "10=1". This layer has no specific target, it is just a pure fantasy made by Aleister, who has the status of a scholar, based on his own imagination.

If you have to say it, then the meaning represented by this level is "incomprehensible", and the mere existence of itself completely surpasses all categories that ordinary people can imagine.

And in Aleister's calculation.

Those demon gods who have imposed countless layers of phases on the earth, once destroyed the universe, and then reshaped it belong to the "9=2" level.

However, now he heard from Bai Chen that he can deal with those demon gods who are above gods?

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the man in front of him has reached the highest level he imagined?


How is this possible?

If this is the case, how can the thin and thin body in front of me accommodate a power greater than that of a demon god?

Totally incomprehensible.

And when Aleister just had such an idea, he was suddenly stunned.

Because those demon gods are too powerful, they cannot come to the world.

But the man in front of him not only possesses power that he can't understand, but also claims to be enough to kill the demon god.

Isn't such an existence just "10=1", isn't it just an incomprehensible field that only existed in his conjectures in the past?!

After realizing this, Aleister could no longer maintain his inner calm.

No wonder the man in front of him could descend into this world without any influence.

No wonder he was able to avoid the Demon God and his eyes and ears, and move freely in Academy City.

The other party has reached a realm completely incomprehensible to mortals.

Living miracle!

The real unknown!

And when Aleister realized this, his body began to divide uncontrollably.

Then, in Misaka Mikoto's surprised eyes.

The chairman who was originally hanging upside down in the life support device, after talking to Bai Chen, talked to himself like a lunatic, and then began to transform.

No...a double.

The already fragile life support device couldn't bear Aleister's power and became torn apart.

The nutrient solution splashed down like a flood, and at the same time, like a sci-fi movie, countless "people" came out of Aleister's body.

There are men and women, old and young, compassionate saints and heinous criminals, but no matter which one they are, they are all Aleister.


Misaka Mikoto watched the crowd that soon filled the room, and said with a look of fear on her face.

What about the chairman of Academy City?

How did it turn into a horror movie in the blink of an eye?

"These are the possibilities that Aleister himself has sealed. Let's put it this way, you can understand that he sealed all parallel worlds in one body."

Bai Chen explained with a chuckle.

"Then... what's going on now?"

Misaka Mikoto turned pale.

"Who knows? My presence probably flipped a switch in him, and then it got out of hand."

Bai Chen said helplessly. .

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