Chapter 1342

Before coming, Bai Chen thought about all of Aleister's reactions.

Surprised, Shocked, Nervous, Angry, Worried, Scared...

There was shock and tension, but he didn't expect that Aleister would split in place after recognizing his existence.

Uh... But strictly speaking, when he thought of Aleister before, he did think of the identity of one of his mage Baisi.

"Then what should we do now? There are more and more directors!"

Misaka Mikoto is one head and two big at the moment.

The Hanged Man living in a windowless building was already weird enough, but the current situation was completely beyond her imagination.

"Isn't this good? Forget it, the plot hasn't progressed to that point yet, no matter what he says, it's really difficult to wait for a billion to split out.

One billion beautiful girls, Aleister, is enough. The key is that he is a male, and the possibility of giving birth to him is overwhelmingly male.

Then, during the day, I found the ontology in it.

At the same time, his golden principles are like boiling water, starting from himself, quickly spreading to Academy City, and then spreading to the whole world, and even the entire forbidden universe

And people's feelings are similar to those of people in other worlds. They just feel in a trance for a while, and then return to normal.

But what no one knows is. 507 This world is being devoured by the golden law of the overbearing god.

All the places that are currently flooded with gold will gradually be assimilated into a part of the overbearing god of gold.

In time, the entire Forbidden Universe will become Bai Chen's possession.

The premise is that as long as it is not discovered and stopped by the demon god.

However, this is also Bai Chen's deliberate behavior.

The world is too weak for the Demon God.

The demon god can destroy the world with just one thought. People in this world may not even know that they have died several times.

But after the world is wrapped in gold, the ideas of the demon gods will no longer erase the earth and the universe together as casually as in the past.

Just because the land where Bai Chen is currently fighting has become his property.

And his power is enough to resist the demon god's interference with the laws of this world.

"Maybe it won't be long before those demon gods will find me."

Bai Chen didn't intend to take the initiative to find them.

It's still a long time, and it won't be too late for them to find a way to show up when they sneak around.

at the same time.

Aleister also stopped the splitting behavior, and most of the splitting individuals were stuffed back into his body by Bai Chen.

Such a tough behavior made the already weak Aleister even more uncomfortable, lying on the ground vomiting continuously.

As for why it was the vast majority, it was because Bai Chen purposely kept Aleister in white silk.

"Oh, did you keep me here on purpose? It seems that this lord hates you, Aleister."

After seeing the split individuals in the entire room, only herself was left, this silver-haired girl who appeared to be three years older than Misaka Mikoto couldn't help mocking Aleister.

The whole image is quite cute.

A blue-based upside-down suit is covered with a black cloak, and there is a certain witch's hat on her head.

The edge of the hat has a silver decoration that looks like a rounded corner and a crescent moon.

The back of the cloak is inlaid with silver metal that looks like bat wings and squinting eyes.

And that fair to sickly skin.

"So why do you always look so bitter and bitter? Sure enough, it is because of this appearance that this lord came here so suddenly and uninvited.

The girl who had just come out pointed at Aleister who was vomiting.

But if you remember that the girl herself is actually Aleister, you will feel a little subtle.

Is this me blaming myself?

Aleister stopped vomiting, raised her head and stared blankly at the silver-haired girl with white silk.

At this moment, he had a strong thought of stuffing her back into his body.

After all, the female version of Aleister (cbac) represents the possibility that he is a magician, but not the female version of her who is not on the way to become the chairman of Academy City.

As an attainment in magic, it may be even more advanced than him now.

Besides, Aleister had another reason for wanting to absorb her.

That is..….…

"Hello! Are you the rumored god from another world? You seem to be very strong, and you who can appear in this form must have stronger power than the demon gods? After all, those demon gods can't even come to this world with their real bodies, because once they come, they will explode the world, but you are completely different from them."

"So, it should be true what you said before that you can solve the demon god? If that's the case, then I don't have to worry about it."

He talked about a long list of beautiful silver-haired girls, and then looked at Aleister who came over indifferently.

"So I won't help with the next job. After all, self-publishing novels is more interesting than that kind of thing. I also heard that e-books and illustrated comics have become popular in recent years. I have to write a basic report. After all, I haven't written for many years. I don't know if my level has dropped."

"Ah! After getting rid of those burdens, I finally feel the enthusiasm for writing a book after a long time! The motivation is here!"

Misaka Mikoto who listened to the whole process was completely dumbfounded.

Could this new Aleister be a beautiful girl with the attribute of words?

This is too different from the chairman of Academy City established by one person!?

Not to mention Misaka Mikoto, even Bai Chen himself was a little surprised.

I didn't expect the female version of Aleister to be so interesting.

It appears that the decision to keep her was the right one.

"This Aleister, can I take it with me?"

Bai Chen looked at Aleister and asked.

"...Can I say no?"

He has a dark face, of course this attitude is towards the female version of her.

If she is just a magician, that's fine. The key is that this version of Aleister's personality is quite weird.

Moreover, he has perfectly inherited the black history of his writing the little yellow book, and from what she said, it seems that because she doesn't need her to deal with the demon god, she wants to make things small from now on.


Even Aleister really felt a little difficult.

"Of course not."

Bai Chen's answer destroyed Aleister's thoughts.

The only god who wanted to surpass the demon god opened his golden mouth, and he could only obey.

As for what Aleister would do in the future, he could only smash his teeth and swallow it.

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