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Chapter 1364 Demon Gods, Just Become My Slaves

Chapter 1365

As for the matter of being repelled before, none of the demon gods would take it to heart, instead they all stared at the man in front of them with curious eyes.

Bai Chen looked around.

When he came to this place called "non-existent" by the demon gods, he noticed that there were not only two or three demon gods gathered here as he expected, but a total of nine demon gods.

Wearing a cheongsam with a hat on her head, a girl with no blood on her face.

There is also a woman with white hair and different eyes wrapped in bandages all over her body.

Wearing a monk's costume, he looks like a dead tree.

A muscular man in his prime who has lost his legs and feet, and a zombie-like woman in voodoo clothing.

The remaining two are a bit strange.

With the human naked eye alone, their existence and appearance cannot even be observed.

But this is not difficult for Bai Chen.

One of them, the image in the physical world is like a stickman-like stick figure.

But when Bai Chen took a closer look, the image of the stickman was instantly clear. twenty one

It was an indescribable shape that was difficult to describe in words. At least in the human world, no words could be used to describe the existence of this demon god.

Because it cannot be understood, in the eyes of ordinary people, this demon god will show the posture of a stick figure.

Of course, ordinary people usually can't see the demon god at all.

"Huh? Can you actually see the forgotten god? So, you can see me too?"

At this time, another group of demon gods, whose image is not inferior to the stick figure stick figures, made a slightly joyful voice.

This voice is extremely pleasant, and after hearing it, it seems that even the soul has been washed.

But Bai Chen knew that these voices were simply a reminder to the lives below the demon god.

For ordinary people, it is just that the Forgotten God cannot be observed.

But the demon god who is speaking right now has everything that human beings have exhausted their imaginations.

Magical Chimera.

Become a demon god by achieving the pinnacle of art.

Because of his fondness for beautiful things, he fused the factors and structures of countless creatures into his body, forming an extremely extreme beauty that humans can understand, but is completely unacceptable.

The same is true in Bai Chen's eyes.

Chimera has the image of everything that can be said to be "beautiful" on earth.

The main body is a human blond girl. The head, body, and the position from the lower body to the thighs are all in the shape of a human.

The skin is as fair as milk, and the curves are quite hot.

But other than that, it incorporates a considerable number of structures of other creatures.

Not ugly, but with so much "beauty" stitched together, it just feels eerie.

Purely two extremes compared to the Forgotten Gods.

Noticing Bai Chen's scrutinizing eyes, Chimera's human girl's face showed a lovely expression: "I'm so happy, finally someone can see my existence again, so do you think I'm beautiful enough?"

"Stop being narcissistic, don't be narcissistic. Could it be that there are existences that we don't know appear here, shouldn't we do something serious?"

The voice fell.

Nephthys had a displeased look on his face.

And the empress standing beside her didn't know when, she was only a few meters away from Baibian.

But in fact, a few meters in this world is longer than millions of light years.

After all, this is a world where the thickness of a single hair is infinite.

The empress looked at Bai Chen's figure up and down: "You don't have the smell of a demon god on your body, but I can smell a powerful force that does not belong to a demon god from you [Are you really a life surrounded by another world?"

"There is no need to doubt this question at all, right? As demon gods, don't we know the world best?"

Nephthys folded her arms, and the peaks under the bandages were squeezed into a charming arc by her.

But at the scene, Bai Chen took a short look to show respect.

"Everything in this world is to us traces on the drawing board, which can be erased and modified at will, but this man is obviously not on the drawing and drawing paper!

Nephthys said seriously.

"So... the old man's guess in the past was wrong?"

The monk was muttering to himself.

"Is it necessary to be so entangled? Just ask no."

Nuada, the male god with a rough voice, spoke.


Nephthys directly refused.

"Yeah, after all, what should we do if we accidentally play it badly? We can't add a new phase to the world like we did in the past, can we? Besides, we don't know if we can revive this man by doing that."

Empress also agrees with Nephthys.

"Then what should I do? I'm very curious, I feel that there are many ants crawling on my body!"

"Then go take a shower."

"Bastard! I'm not talking about real ants!"

"Then what are you talking about!"

A few demon gods quarreled after a few words.

Their power shakes the world.

They have endless lives, and even the edge of the universe has been explored by them, and in the days to come, in order not to affect the normal rotation of the universe, they can only stay in this world.

It gets boring over time.

780 Because of this, it often happens that he speaks a few words, scolds and fights when he doesn't speculate.

If it's just a simple quarrel, then it's nothing.

But when the demon gods started arguing about who was going to take Bai Chen away for "study", they immediately yelled louder like shrews cursing the street.

Even Bai Chen who just came to this world is ignored.

Bai Chen didn't speak for the time being, just quietly listening to these demon gods fighting for the right to use him.

For example, one, three, five belong to whom, and two, four, six belong to whom, but there are nine demon gods in total, and there are only seven days in a week, so they are completely inseparable.

It's like treating him like a favorite toy.

And when the quarrel seems like it's going to go on forever.

A faint smile appeared on Bai Chen's face.

"Since you haven't been able to discuss a suitable method for so long, let me make a suggestion. w

After the words fell, all the demon gods who were facing looked at Bai Chen subconsciously.

"Why don't you all become my slaves?"

At the beginning, Bai Chen planned to persuade these demon gods with good words, take them out of the magic ban, and go to Xiaoting Garden to see the world.

But since his appearance, these demon gods have been completely defiant, which made Bai Chen too lazy to continue pretending. .

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