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Chapter 1365: Taking Demon God As Opponent

Chapter 1366

Anyway, that's what he's been doing all along.

Such a direct action has a resounding name in the dunya of the earth.

——Occam's Razor.

Don't add entities unless necessary.

Avoid the heavy and make light, avoid the complicated and pursue the simple, use the simple to control the complicated, avoid the emptiness and get the real.

Basically, ninety-nine percent of the incidents that Bai Chen encountered did not need to be complicated.

If it is forced to become complicated, it proves that the ability of the parties concerned is not enough to simplify it.

But Bai Chen has the strength to do so.

Even if the object is a demon god.

And other people can't negotiate terms with the demon god.

After all, everything in this world is within reach of the demon gods. If you want to know anything, you just need to get it yourself.

Therefore, only the Demon God can negotiate terms with the Demon God.

It's like the "Gremlin" formed by the demon gods.

It is the organization established by the existing demon gods after "friendly negotiation".

Although the demon god has completed the exploration of the edge of the universe, it does not mean that there are no secrets in this world.

Demon God is not God, but the abbreviation of God of Magic.

They are just magicians who have reached the pinnacle in the field of magic, not special beings with godheads and divine power in other worlds.

Although with the ability of the demon god, it is not inferior to Hakoniwa and the gods of other worlds.

But it is precisely because they are not gods that they are curious about the unknown.

There may still be unknowns in this world that they don't understand.

And in order to make the world what they like, the demon gods add countless phases to the outer layer of the world.

Heavenly Court, Christianity, Norse Mythology, Greek Mythology, Avalon, Aztec and Mayan Mythology etc.

until now.

Even the demon gods don't know how many phases they have added to the world.

And Bai Chen hides all kinds of secrets that they don't know.


The demon gods are eager to know the secrets of Bai Chen, but at the same time they are afraid that the secrets of Bai Chen will be explored by them.

In this way, they will return to their old boring state.

Therefore, among the nine demon gods, quite a few demon gods hope that Bai Chen can protect their secrets under the siege of the demon gods.

But there are also demon gods who can't wait.

For example, Nuada and the Aztec supreme god Tescatlipoca.

Especially after Bai Chen spoke in a threatening tone, the expression on his face suddenly became a little sullen.

After all, after so many years, they have never seen such an arrogant existence.

Even if there is.

After being captured by their demon gods, within a few days of experimentation, he already had a nervous breakdown, or he had wiped out all his old roots.

In particular, Bai Chen also bluntly made them his slaves.

They are demon gods!

It has never been the only thing to enslave others!

But just before Nuada and the Aztec gods broke out.

The zombie duo Empress and Nephthys spoke one after another.

"Uh... I have to say, your proposal is a bit interesting? And I personally don't want to fight you. After all, I'm not a violent person, but if you want the demon god to submit to you, at least you have to show strength beyond ours~~."

The empress is the immortal of the corpse in the ancient oriental country.

In addition, Bai Chen smelled the breath of his compatriots, so he had a certain liking for him.

Coupled with the strength displayed by Bai Chen, the empress did not resist Bai Chen so much.

And she is really curious about the unknown hidden in Bai Chen.


The premise is that she also said that Bai Chen has to show the strength that makes her willing to submit.

After all, no one is willing to surrender to a weak person.

As for Nephthys, he also echoed it.

"Both of us are not hostile to you, and we have warned them before you come here that we won't let them kill you, but if we really kill you, we can only fight them at most, so if you don't have the strength, I advise you to take back that sentence, after all, we don't know if you will really die."

"Even the universe will die one day, how can there be a completely indestructible existence in this world."

A faint smile appeared on Bai Chen's face.

"Of course I have weaknesses, but my weakness is people who are stronger than me, since you two said so, I will take it as your agreement.


Empress and Nephthys looked at each other.

They were obviously trying to persuade Bai Chen just now.

After all, there are a total of nine demon gods here.

Except for the two of them who are good-tempered, as well as Seng Zheng, Zombie Girl and Chimera Sauce, there are four who are not so good-tempered.


The demon god is not a god, but he is not as lofty and ruthless as in mythological movies.

They all have their own different personalities, and because of their strength and experience, they have become more moody than normal people.

These are four demon gods.

Besides the Demon God, who in this world can deal with the Demon God?

With a single move, the universe can be destroyed, so what opponent can deal with the Demon God?

***. What are you doing with so much talk? Do it yourself and have enough food and clothing!”

"This guy's first day is temporarily handed over to me!"

Nuada finally couldn't bear it anymore, and stretched out his right hand towards Bai Chen from an infinite distance.

It was a silver arm shining brightly like a galaxy.

This is the aspect identity that Nuada imposed on (Li Zhao) himself.

He was originally a magician, so how could he be the real god king of the Danu protoss.

But because the aspect was determined, he is now the god Wang Yi.

At the same time, the power possessed by a demon god is the shining silver hand.

The power of the demon god can even surpass the law.

Therefore, this infinite distance was shortened by Nuada in an instant.

The silver arm shines with a strong brilliance, if there is a prisoner here, the five senses will be instantly extinguished.

And fortunately, this is a special world created by the Demon God.

Otherwise, it is impossible to withstand the attack of a demon god.

But facing a blow that could easily wipe out the universe, Richen just let out a chuckle.

Even the multi-level infinite Ultron was killed by him, not to mention the demon god who can't even get out of a universe?.

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