Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1366 Is This A Match-Fixing Match?

Chapter 1367

Facing Nuada's silver arm, Bai Chen just stretched out a finger and stopped it.

Even the extra impact and explosion didn't appear.

Just like an exhibition match on TV, Nuada punched lightly, and then Bai Chen took the agreed position.

Even the demon god who was watching felt fake.

"Is this a fake match?"

The empress said subconsciously.

"How is it possible?! It's not that you don't know Nuada's temper, and he says what he says, so maybe this man is really strong, even stronger than us demon gods."

Nephthys continued.

But after she finished speaking.

The demon gods who heard these words all had the same thought.

That is...does there really exist people, or gods, who are stronger than the Demon God?


next second.

The violent explosion caught the attention of the demon gods.

I saw that Nuada, who was attacking Bai Chen originally, was blocked by a finger because of his blow full of anger, and when he couldn't withdraw it, the expression on his face was distorted immediately

I've said it before. 357

The demon god is not a god, but an existence that has been cultivated to the pinnacle in the field of magic.

Although their strength is different from ordinary people, their personalities are still the same as before.

Joy, anger, sorrow, joy, emotions and desires all exist.

I felt bored before, and it was purely because I had lived for too long and couldn't find any fun.

Even those beings who are demon gods just like me, have no interest in delving into it at all.

After all, in the long history, many battles broke out among the demon gods.

But as Nephthys said earlier.

The power of the demon gods is almost the same as each other. Although they have different directions in the field of magic, no one can defeat and kill any demon god.

Over time, it naturally becomes boring.

But now, Bai Chen's appearance is like a sweet pastry for breaking into the world of famine, no matter which demon god will want to come up and take a few bites.

Plus Bai Chen's provocation is quite straightforward.

Except for the Zombie Duo, Seng Zheng and the like, who were already pretty decent demon gods, it was only normal for the other demon gods to go berserk on the spot after hearing Bai (cbfe) Chen's straightforward words.

"Nuada, are you releasing water?"

The Aztec Supreme God on the side said with some dissatisfaction.

But Nuada didn't have time to explain.

He raised his head, and after becoming a demon god, he looked at the black-haired youth in front of him in horror.

"So, how does it feel now?"

A smile appeared on Bai Chen's face.

At the same time, his back seemed to be ignited with a golden flame, and the pure golden color bloomed from his body.

Not only the body, but even the attire.


Nuada only felt a huge pressure coming from the end of the silver arm.

Under this pressure, his body was slowly pressed down. Although the power of the demon god had been fully exerted, and the power of the silver arm could even shatter the universe, Nuada was still stabilized, and was mercilessly crushed to the ground by Bai Chen with one finger.

In front of this incomparable power, Nuada was forced to kneel on one knee, so that cracks appeared in the space, and the world outside this place swayed and trembled like a sun flame because of the breath leaking from here.

Misaka Mikoto from the outside world sent a message to Bai Chen.

Railgun: "What's going on? What did you do? Now the world in my eyes is shaking like a mirage!"

Seeing the private chat, Bai Chen also found time to reply.

Bai Chen: "I'm wrestling with the demon god. I haven't gotten serious for too long. I can't control it more carefully, but it will be fine soon."

After replying, Bai Chen collected his overflowing power and made Nua Mi kneel down in front of him completely.

Bai Chen: "Tell Kanzaki and the others that I will go back soon."

Leave the chat group.

Misaka Mikoto looked at Kanzaki Kaori and Laura beside her who were looking curious.

The brown-haired girl sighed and said, "He said don't worry, and he will be back soon."

"So, does the vision just now mean that you have already fought the demon god?"

Having said that, Kanzaki Kaori was still very worried.

After all, it was a "demon god" she had never seen before.

Compared with the gods she knew, it was a supreme being countless times stronger.

"What about me? Did the master mention me?"

Laura asked with surprise on her face.


Misaka Mikoto looked at her with disgust.

The change of Laura's attitude from the beginning to the present made Sister Pao very disgusted.

"Wait, then."

Finally, she sighed.

"Anyway, we can't help with these things."

Then, she seemed to think of something, and was going to send a private chat to Bai Chen, asking him to start a live broadcast to see the situation.

But before she could speak.

A new notification sounded in the chat group.

[Group reminder: group member "Bai Chen" started the group live broadcast, everyone come and watch~~~]

The news of the group live broadcast is after the chat group is refreshed.

The chat group, which was originally just chatting in twos and threes, suddenly became lively.

Little Spider: "My big brother finally appeared again! Do you know how hard he waited?!"

The Spirit of Time: "Since entering Misaka-san's world, there is indeed very little news.

Teacher Loli: "Maybe it's because there's nothing important."

Chaos evil: "Why does this perspective look weird? Is the boss bullying others again?"

Little Spider: "Big courage! What about the boss, can that be called bullying? It's clearly educating the blind guy!"

Grandpa is so cute: "Miss Spider, you... lick too much."

Little Spider: "?"

Little Spider: "You just met me on the first day? Isn't it natural for me to lick the boss? It would be strange if I didn't see me licking the boss someday!"

Big bone boiled into soup: "It's hard to imagine that the one who said these words would be a beautiful girl."

Little Spider: "Hmph! This has nothing to do with gender, after all, who makes the boss so fascinating? Shy shy.jpg.

Luo Abao: "@大骨炎成汤大尿 Are you here?"

Big bone boiled into soup: "I am immune to this stalk, next time I will change it, thank you!"

Just because Bai Chen started this live broadcast, the chat group suddenly became as lively as a vegetable market. .

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