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Chapter 1367 How Did The Demon God Lose By Riding On His Face?

Chapter 1368

Bai Chen looked at Nuada with a light smile, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

With the golden chaos as the background, the black-haired young man looked down at the God King, speaking as if he was speaking to him, and as if he was speaking to the whole world.

"Then let me introduce myself. My name is Bai Chen. I have many titles, so I won't go into details...but what it means, I don't need to say more."

The casual clothes before turned into a solid-color windbreaker after the streamer, exuding an indescribable but extremely oppressive aura.

Feeling such an abrupt breath, the demon gods changed their original expressions one after another.

Then, as Bai Chen stretched out his hand forward, the boiling aurora melted the world in a short moment.

Everything is eclipsed.

But in an instant, the world where the demon gods live is dyed golden~.

Space and time are meaningless.

When everything was dyed golden, the demon gods came back to their senses and saw that the world they lived in had changed.

The golden light shines on everything.

Covering a huge area, the city of gold that covers all sights is floating in the sky.

- City of Gold!

Bai Ming reshaped the world of the Golden Supreme Heaven in the forbidden world.

This is not a phantom, but a real entity.

All the souls of the dead who were defeated by Bai Ming in the past became his most loyal servants here.

God of Disobedience, Cosmic Emperor Golden Frieza, Golden Gula and more.

The wandering souls like bubbles kneel down in the city of gold, looking up to their most supreme god.

When the Golden Sovereign unfolds, this world becomes part of it.

Even the demon gods stared at this great world in shock.

To know.

This place is maintained by the power of the demon god, and ordinary power can't affect it at all.

"Huh? Where are people?"

When she came back to her senses, the empress looked at the place where the white bird should have been.

However, the original location is empty.

"On top!?"

Nephthys spoke loudly.

And the demon gods all looked up at the sky.

Da da da.

The footsteps that echoed throughout the world resounded in the world.

I saw that the golden city suspended in a higher place stretched out from the upper countryside to a golden staircase that seemed to connect the heaven and the earth together.

Until it extends to the domain where the demon gods are.

Immediately afterwards, a magnificent voice echoing in the sky sounded.

"Actually, I've wanted to say this a long time ago. You are qualified to be my opponents."

Bai Ming stood in the highest sky, looking down at the demon gods below.

"Come on, let me see your full strength."

The sound fell and was clearly transmitted to the ears of all the demon gods.

"Ah! What's going on? Didn't I say before that I don't want to be his enemy?"

There was a shocked expression on the face of the empress, and the above spells were continuously blown up and down because of her voice.

"So what's going on now?"

The empress can clearly feel that the aura of gold is supreme and heavenly, and it is releasing fighting spirit to all the existences under the golden city.

Even if she expressed her friendly attitude before.

"Not being an enemy does not mean surrender. I am afraid that only if we show an attitude of being willing to be his servants, this force will not target us."

The woman with the bandages on the side also spoke as if feeling troubled.

"It's simply a guy who is more willful than our demon gods. If you don't take the initiative to surrender, will you take the initiative to force us to surrender?"

"It seems that even the old man can't avoid it."

The demon monk was turning his withered skinny skull.

His long-cherished wish is to save the world, so he has an attitude towards everything, and will not be interested in anything other than that.

But in the current situation, he can't do nothing about it, so he hangs up high.

"Ah, it's rare for someone to appreciate my beauty, but is it going to become an enemy like this?"

The chimera girl who mixed countless images spoke.

Then, he stared carefully at the golden human figure in the sky.

"I feel like I can't beat him."

"It's really arrogant. I didn't intend to interfere in this kind of thing, but now, I want to force me to become his slave. Don't you think it's too presumptuous?"

...asking for flowers...

In the phase of the earth, Proserpine, who has the identity of the queen of the underworld, spoke a little annoyed.

"Ah, it's so troublesome, but I can't refuse."

The voodoo teacher girl sighed.

Things have come to this point, she can feel that she can no longer stay out of it like she used to.

As for Nuada and the Aztec Supreme God [be prepared as early as the first time.

"I can't help it, I can only go up."

The empress said in a self-defeating voice, and then flicked the cuffs of her loose cheongsam.

In an instant, countless fairy weapons flew out, grew from small to large, and began to glow as if responding to her echo, and made a high-gloss sound like iron clang.

The bandage on Nephthys' body was also untied, releasing an indescribable breath.


The nine demon gods joined together for the first time since the birth of this world, and the object was a man from another world.

"let's start."

The voice of heaven proclaimed.

The nine demon gods are waiting in full force, and they can increase their strength by themselves.

Although each demon god showed a different attitude, they more or less showed a hint of excitement at this moment.

After all, they have not released their full strength for an unknown period of time.

Because this world is too fragile, it is impossible to even accommodate their existence, let alone fully release it.

But now, within the scope of this golden supremacy, they were surprised to find that even if they showed their strength, they would not destroy the world.

After realizing this, I naturally became excited.

Of course, the excitement belongs to the excitement, and the police do not exist.

After all, it is impossible to be a weak person who can create such an existence casually.

What's more, the aura exuded by Bai Chen can overwhelm the arrogance of all demon gods!

This shows the strength of the opponent.


They have a total of nine demon gods!

It means that even if there are nine universes in front of them, they can be destroyed by them.

So...how did Demon God Flying Face lose!

Countless fairy weapons flew towards the golden shadow in the sky like an aurora along the golden stairs. .

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