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Chapter 435 Tokisaki Kurumi Is About To Draw A Lottery

Chapter 435

Railgun: "Speaking of this, I remember that Tokisaki-san's ability is related to time, and the offensive means are relatively lacking, right? Since this is the case, why not consider Academy City's superpower? For example, the second "The original matter", or the first "vector manipulation"?"

Railgun: "...Railgun is not impossible."

Little Spider: "Having said so much, Miss Pao is actually recommending her super power from the side, right? But I remember that your super power doesn't seem to work for the first one."

Railgun: "Uh... Well, it can only be said that there is a gap between magnitude and computing power. My railgun is not inferior to that guy's "Weiyuan Matter" at all. When I get something good in the future, say Maybe you can successfully advance to lv6!"

The Spirit of Time: "Super power...it is indeed more useful and can be included as an option, but that kind of super power should not be so easy to extract.

The Spirit of Time: "My idea is, just give me an offensive skill or item that can attack from a distance."

Tokisaki Kurumi knew that he needed the most means to make up for the damage. Bai Chen also mentioned his shortcomings before.

However, with the update of the lottery pool, some props and skills in it also dazzled her, and she didn't know how to draw the lottery.

Bai Chen: "If this is the case, consider smoking the resident pool."

Little Spider: "The boss actually recommended others to go to the poison pool!"

Ultra-Railgun: "Kuang San, stop, it's full of holy relics."

Resident pools are different from rotational pools.

Although the props and skills of all worlds are put together, it seems to increase the shipment rate, but the increase in garbage, and the props when the group members exchange points will all enter the resident pool, and the overall winning rate has not been lower. The rotation pool should be high.

Not only that, but the resident pool has a higher chance of getting items sold by others to the chat group.

This is the history of blood and tears they summed up in the secret lottery draw before.

The Spirit of Time: "Wait, don't be fooled, this question is very serious and very important.||!"

Bai Chen: "Although the probability of rotating the pool is higher, the lottery is a matter of probability. A 1% probability of winning does not mean that you will win once in a hundred draws. No matter how low the probability is, you As long as you hit it once, there is a 100% probability."

The Spirit of Time: "It makes sense."

The Spirit of Time: "That is to say, Mr. Bai Chen also believes that my winning rate in the permanent pool will be higher?"

Bai Chen: "I can't say that, I'm just offering my suggestion. After all, you said before that you want to try to fight against the Siyuan elves alone. It is impossible for a simple elf to deal with the Siyuan elves. After all, your strength , used to be hers."

Bai Chen: "It's a big gamble for you to fight her, so you understand what I mean?"

Origin Spirit..

Hearing this term, Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't help but twitch his brows.


Wanting to rely on one's own strength as an elf to deal with the Siyuan elves is naturally a gamble with everything on the line.

The Spirit of Time: "... Mr. Bai Chen, have you seen my future?"

Tokisaki Kurumi suddenly remembered that he had asked Bai Chen about the Siyuan Spirit before.

But he didn't get an answer, hanging his appetite.

Bai Chen: "Part of it."

The Spirit of Time: "...This time you actually said it outrightly, didn't you?

The Spirit of Time: "Forget it, then I have determined my lottery pool, so I will go to the resident pool as Mr. Bai Chen said.

The Spirit of Time: "This time, I will try out your lottery metaphysics."

The Spirit of Time: "Okay! First of all, according to the lottery metaphysical convention, my dear Mr. Bai Chen, do you have a wish to draw a lottery and ship today?"

Bai Chen: "Please don't believe in metaphysics, please believe in science."

Bad woman: "Even us demons don't believe this sentence!"

Little Spider: "Even we spiders don't believe this sentence!"

The Spirit of Time: "Mr. Bai Chen?"

Bai Chen: "Well, I am indeed going to draw a lottery today, and I have a vague desire to ship, but it is not strong, and it will probably be shipped in the second or third round. Of course, it is also possible to make a single shipment. .

Railgun: "?"

Railgun: "He's gone."

Blue Slime: "Even the number of shipments can be said so clearly, is this the strength of the boss?!"

Chaos Evil: ... newcomers don't quite understand, so it's enough to ship ten shots in one round?"

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "Newcomers will be taken away!"

Little Spider: But the probability of the newcomer's first ten consecutive shipments is indeed very high. For example, I, Sakura, and the kitten have all shipped.

Blue Slime: "Huh? So, won't I be able to ship the first ten rounds in the future?"

Chaos Evil: "It turns out that everyone in the group is so lucky."

Bai Chen: "Crazy Three, don't you still want to draw prizes?"

Super electromagnetic gun: "Yes! You have to draw a lottery before this guy!"

The Spirit of Time: "Then I started..."

Although he was a bit hesitant at the beginning, what would happen if the ship sank, but when he thought that the points were originally used for lottery, Tokisaki Kuangzhu was relieved.


And now for even better reasons!

A reason to become stronger!

"However, this is the first time I draw a lottery in front of so many people, I'm still a little nervous..."

Tokisaki Kurumi pursed his red lips, even though he lived alone all the time, but is he still alive) subconsciously looked around.

Then, she opened a drawer and found a statue of a dark-haired man in a drawer full of underwear.

"Mr. Bai Chen, please bless me to draw something good!"

Tokisaki Kurumi took a deep breath, and pressed the ten-series button of the resident pool.

The light I had seen once before flashed in front of my eyes, and the familiar and unfamiliar ten-series animation began to appear.

Tokisaki Kurumi did not choose to skip, but watched one after another.

Then, the result came out.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "[Group Reminder (Private): Ancient Relic (N)*3, Tactical Display Unit (R)*3, One Bullet (R)*2, Moon Essence Liquid (R), Death Eye (SR).'

When Saki Kuangsan saw the flickering light on the lottery drawing interface, she knew it was safe.

Then, quickly sent the screenshot to the group. .

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