Chapter 436

The Spirit of Time: "I've shipped."

Although it is not an SSR, it is not what it used to be.

She was finally able to say those words openly!

Railgun: "Listen! There's a dog calling!"

Blue Slime: "Hiss! It's not as bad as what I said before when it's shipped in ten rounds! Suck!"

Chaos Evil: "It's actually the Devil's Eye of Death, I've heard of this eye, but it's quite famous!"

The Spirit of Time: "The SR-level Devil's Eye? Is it very powerful? Mr. Bai Chen?"

Bai Chen: "On the whole, this pair of magic eyes is very useful, because after obtaining these pairs of magic eyes, you can see all kinds of existence, from living things to dead things, and even the dead line of space. Anyone who could cut along those lines would be killed."

Little Spider: "Any existence? Will the inanimate be killed too?"

Bai Chen: "There is no life that can be destroyed directly. Some of you should have heard of Paodingjieniu, right? A butcher, with his superb butchering skills, can delicately cut and kill a cow without feeling any pain. It’s quite appropriate to describe the Devil’s Eye of Death.”

Bai Chen: "And there is a famous saying about this pair of magic eyes, "As long as it is a living thing, even if it is a god, I will kill it for you to see."

Blue Slime: "Oh! This sentence sounds so cool to 530!"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Is it true that even gods can be killed?"

Bai Chen: "Probably, but the premise is that you must be able to see the opponent's dead line, and you must be able to touch and cut it.

Bai Chen: "Compared to others, Kurumi has the advantage of being able to use a gun. Of course, if he can't hit it, it doesn't make any sense."

The Spirit of Time: "Can a gun also attack the silk thread?"

Bai Chen: "Of course, to put it simply, the Devil's Eye of Death is an eye that can see the weaknesses of others. It has nothing to do with the weapon you use. Of course, a gun is better than a sword."

Black-haired loli: "The gun is fast from ten steps away, and the gun is fast and accurate within ten steps!"

Ultra-Railgun: "In other words, it can also be used with Ultra-Railgun?!"

Railgun: "Damn it! I really want it too! With this, even if it is a vector, you can see the dead line, right?!"

Bai Chen: "In theory, it's all possible."

Although the use of the magic eye of death requires the holder to understand what "death" is in order to use it better, and it needs to be connected to the root cause, but since it is produced by a chat group, there will naturally be no such drawbacks.

However, there should still be limitations.

This is the same as the need to calculate the activation of super powers. If you want to see clearly the dead line of a powerful life, the burden on your spirit will also increase.

Bai Chen made this shortcoming public.

The Spirit of Time: "I'm already very satisfied."

After typing, Tokisaki Kurumi used this ability on himself.

Subconsciously closed his eyes, a few seconds later, when he opened them again, the originally burgundy and pale gold pupils of different colors were covered with a mysterious and dreamy blue halo.

If someone looked closely, they would be able to find that the center of the beautiful pupils was pitch black, as deep as a black hole in the depths of the universe.

"Is this the feeling of seeing the world through the eyes of the dead demon?"

She looks around.

I saw bloody red lines clinging to the world that was originally full of colors for some reason.

She got up and came to the window, looking at the world outside the window.

Whether it is passers-by on the street, cats and dogs, trees, driving cars, even the earth and sky, you can see the lines like children's graffiti.

And those lines seem to be alive, still slowly wriggling.

"Is this the dead line?"

Tokisaki Kuang (cacj) looked at a wooden board on the balcony, and gently slid along the lines with his fingertips.


The planks snapped, and she didn't even use much strength.


Tokisaki Kurumi sighed softly.

This ability can just make up for her shortcomings in frontal attack.

Even against the powerful Siyuan elves, there is a chance of winning!

With a thought, she closed the magic eye of death, and in this way, the world returned to normal again.

Then, a seductive smile was drawn on the corners of the lips covered in lipstick.

"I didn't expect the effect of paying homage to Mr. Bai Chen to be very good. By the way, I remember that Sakura said that if she joins the shipment, she will have to fulfill her wish."

After the shipment, Sakura will repay Mr. Bai Chen by marrying him and becoming his bride.

Although Tokisaki Kurumi has a crush on Bai Chen, but after all, he hasn't reached the point where he should not marry, so after thinking about it, he just gave points to be more reliable.

Thinking of this, Tokisaki Kuang entered into a private chat with Bai Chen at three o'clock and sent him a red envelope.

The Spirit of Time: "Red envelope."

Bai Chen: "?"

Bai Chen: "Why did you suddenly give me a red envelope?"

The Spirit of Time: "Thank you, Mr. Bai Chen."

Bai Chen: "Thank you?"

The Spirit of Time: "That's right, I really have to thank you for being able to ship this time, so just accept it, this is my heart.

[Group reminder (private): You have received a red envelope from the group member "Spirit of Time", with +1000 points. 】

1000 points?

In the end what happened?

Could it be that the Siyuan elves have already been defeated?

Seeing the extra thousand points in the account, Bai Chen was a little dazed.

Tokisaki Kurumi talked about metaphysics before, could it be that he used a metaphysics method related to himself?

After dispelling these thoughts in his mind, Bai Chen didn't think any more.

Just do what you want.

Blue Slime: "Anyone else want to draw?"

I don't want to see a ghost: "I want to too, but the points are not enough at present, the points exchanged by the evil spirits are too low."

Jianzi now only gets about a thousand points for exorcising demons, and half of them still have to be distributed to Bai Chen as compensation.

Although Bai Chen may not care about these points, she is not the kind of person who pretends to be stupid just because others may forget.

Otherwise, she would feel very sorry.

Teacher Loli: "I don't have time to write magic books during this period, and the government affairs of Xianjinjima alone are enough for me to be busy.

Chaos Evil: "Me neither."

Although Fujimaru Tachika has 5,000 points sponsored by Bai Chen, she is still ready to wait and see.

After all, the lucky draw can be carried out at any time, and it is not too late to wait until the next singularity task arrives.

Bai Chen: "Since everyone is not interested, let me make a fool of myself.".

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