Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 455 The Physical Body Is Inconvenient

Chapter 455

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "Stop posting that picture! Can't I be wrong!"

The Spirit of Time: "Daily humiliation (1/1)."

Super electromagnetic gun: "What the hell!? Has this kind of thing become a task!"

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "I'm angry! Quack too furious.jpg."

Little Spider: "Admit it, you are already the special emoticon package of Mr. Bai Chen.

Little Spider: "It made an invincible sound (Sister Pao only).jpg"

Butterfly endured: "What a miserable woman."

Luo Abao: "Wu Di stage."

Black-haired loli: "Who is Wu Di?"

Blue Slime: "Before I joined, it seemed that a lot of interesting things happened, damn it! Why didn't you join in earlier, why!"

Chaos Evil: "Is this group... always like this?"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Misaka-san has become a mascot."

Seeing Misaka Mikoto whose previous black history was brought out and whipped repeatedly, Yotsuya Miko couldn't help but rejoice that she didn't lose her composure too much during the live broadcast.

Especially the time I was scared out of it before.

If that picture is also captured, then she can bid farewell to this group.

Railgun: "No more love."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Goodbye Mom, I'm going on a long voyage tonight.jpg."

Railgun: "Smile."

Bai Chen: "@罗玉教师, how is your matter resolved?"

Railgun: "Ignore me completely!!!"

Teacher Loli: "Everything is going well, according to the information you gave, the puppeteer has been captured by me, and the two artificial life forms he created are also very useful.

Little Spider: "Easy to use? Is it dirty?"

Bai Chen: "The moon sauce is only used as a maid, after all, there are still many things that are not suitable for the body.

Teacher Loli: "Indeed, 々.

Like going to the toilet, because of my aunt and stuff like that.

Naturally, the puppet made by magic will not have such physiological problems to solve.

Not only that, but she has been a little hair loss recently.

Very annoying.

Bai Chen: "Where is the slime?"

Blue Slime: "Report boss, everything is normal! Although Veludra looks fierce, it's really cute when you get along with it.

Blue Slime: "But I haven't proposed to be my friend yet."

Bai Chen: "Don't worry, you only have a few days."

Chaos Evil: "By the way, boss, do you know what the singularity of my next mission will be?"

Bai Chen: "The war between France and England in the Middle Ages was a very simple task. It was a little more difficult when fighting Joan of Arc at the end. Everything else went smoothly."

There are no twists and turns and difficulties, and with the assistance of fellow servants, the strongest enemies are just some subspecies of flying dragons, and even Matthew can fight a group of ten people.

In addition, the last level boss Joan of Arc is the easiest player to conquer in Chaldea.

Not only is there no danger to his life, but he can also get a wife for nothing, okay?

Chaos Evil: "Is it really smooth?"

Bai Chen: "Very sure, so don't worry, you just need to pay attention to collecting valuable items in the singularity to exchange for points.

To be honest, from the perspective of the plot, at least the first four singularities are all difficult.

It was not until the fifth singularity "North American Myth War" that the difficulty began to increase.

The sixth to seventh singularities are the ones that will die if you are not careful.

As for the final singularity "Grand Time Temple", as long as Gu Dazi can successfully pass the first seven singularities, this level is not difficult.

Even if Bai Chen doesn't care about it at all, Gudazi himself can complete the great cause of saving humanity.

However, the price is the complete disappearance of Dr. Roman himself, unlike Director Olga Marie, who can cheat corpses from time to time, and has the possibility of resurrection.

Not only that, but the fourth beast "Fufu" will also give up all her intellect to revive her schoolmate Mash, and become a beast without intellect.

a crown.

A human being is evil.

The price is not trivial.

Butterfly Shinobi: "Since even Mr. Bai Chen said so, Lixiang, you can completely let go and do it! I believe you will be able to win the final victory!"

Chaos Evil: "Xiaoren QAQ.

The Spirit of Time: "If you really encounter a problem that you can't solve, come directly to the group and let everyone give advice. Bar.

Little Spider: "Go to the Western Paradise and invite Bai Chen Buddha!"

Blue Slime: "Could this be the legendary superior?"

Regarding what happened to Fujimaru Tachika, the group members joked about it.

After all, relatively speaking, it is a doomsday-level natural disaster in front of ordinary people, but it is nothing more than that in front of big bosses.

I don't want to go to hell: "`The group is full of bosses, but I'm the only hot chicken!"

Yotsuya Miko, who is completely an ordinary person, does not know whether to be envious or grateful to see her group of friends who are in dire straits.

She just sees a ghost every day.

Little Spider: "Let's discuss it, someone must be recording and broadcasting at that time! If you miss this kind of good thing, you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

Now Rimuru is interested in everything.

Not seeing the live broadcast of the chat group before, it is more uncomfortable than losing money.

Chaos Evil: "Don't worry everyone, I still look forward to your assistance when the time comes. Of course, there will be no shortage of live broadcasts."

Then, Bai Chen chatted in the group for a while, and then quit the chat group.

Then, the kitten came over and said: "Minister and the others have agreed to go to Kyoto, and all the travel expenses will be paid by the underworld.

"It's really easy to agree."

Bai Chen said in surprise.

He thought it would take some time.

"After all, the ministers are also tired, so they took a few days off to relax. Besides, this is an invitation from the teacher. I don't think the ministers will refuse."

said the kitten.

"Himejima Akeno, didn't she say anything?"

Bai Chen asked with a smile.

"Sister Zhu Nai?"

The kitten shook his head suspiciously.

"What's the matter with her?"

"It's normal that you don't know, after all, you were still young at that time.

Hearing this, Bai Chen nodded.

Himejima Akeno's life experience is even worse than Kitten's.

His father is a fallen angel, and his mother is a priestess of the Himejima family. Because in the eyes of some people, this is an "unlucky love", so the family sent someone to put Himejima Akeno to death. .

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