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Chapter 456: Having A Baby With Mr. Bai Chen

Chapter 456

However, under the strong protection of Zhu Nai's mother, Zhu Nai escaped with difficulty.

When he was about to be killed, Lias, who happened to be playing nearby, rescued him.

Although Akeno Himejima was rescued, his mother was forced to death by the family, and his father was also missing at that time.

From then on, Himejima Akeno hated his family and his father together.

And her former family was "Himejima", one of the five great clans located in the island nation of Kyoto.

The enemy of Kitten and Hei Ge is also a capitalist demon, but Akeno Himejima's enemy is her own family.

After listening to Bai Chen's brief introduction, the kitten was silent for a while, and then said: "I didn't expect that senior sister Zhu Nai would have such a background."

Usually looking at Zhu Nai's smiling face, I thought she and Rias were really childhood sweethearts.

"It's normal for you not to know what no one said."

It is natural for the kitten to be ignorant.

After all, neither Rias nor Himejima Akeno is the kind of person who would deliberately expose their scars.

And the reason why I didn't say it these years is because I don't want others to sympathize with me because of this kind of thing.

"But Akeno-senpai agreed to go to Kyoto...why?"

The kitten was puzzled.

Since it was a place where her family was destroyed, she probably wouldn't agree to go there. 490

"For her, Kyoto is not only the location of her enemies, but also the place where she lived with her mother. It is normal to revisit the old place and feel the scene."

After seeing Bai Chen a lot, he understood.

"But since the Himejima family said they wouldn't let her set foot in Kyoto again, if she goes there now, won't there be any problems?"

The kitten said with some concern.

"It may attract revenge from the five major clans."

"They dare not."

Hearing this, Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

"Back then, Zhu Nai's father, Balakile, lived there for so many years, and no one from the five major clans came to make trouble. But as soon as Balakile left, Jidao's private soldiers rushed to the door. Doesn't it prove that they are bullying?"

"However, this kind of style of honey and belly sword is also quite island style."

There is a knife hidden in the smile, and the bottom is wrong, one thing on the surface, one thing behind the other, making it clear and logical.

Since the Himejima family is an ancient family that has been passed down to this day, they must have investigated Balakile's identity before doing anything.

If it was just an ordinary fallen angel, they must have already started.

And when they knew that the other party was the general of the fallen angels, they had been holding back for several years before taking action, which fully proved that the five major clans were a group of masters who bullied the weak and feared the hard.

"So the teacher is saying that even if they know that Akeno-senpai has gone to Kyoto, they won't do anything?"

asked the kitten.

"It's not that I don't want to, but that I don't dare. Don't forget who is among the companions."

Bai Chen said with a smile.

"Is it a teacher?"

"I've only been here for a few days, even if I'm famous, it's only famous among the Bible forces, other forces don't know me.

The news of the five major sects is closed, and they absolutely do not communicate with any foreign races except humans and local gods.

And it also prohibits foreign races from entering the areas controlled by the five major clans.

But this is fart in Bai Chen's view.

After all, in the original book, there is a hotel in Kyoto called "Sejax Demon King Hotel", which is gorgeously decorated and can be seen at a glance.

Even if the news of the five major clans is blocked, it is impossible not to know about the famous officials of the Demon King of the Underworld.

From this point of view, those threats only dare to talk about it.

"Who is that?"

The kitten was puzzled.

"Your minister, Rias, is Sergeux's younger sister. Wherever she goes, no matter who she goes, she has to give her some face. This is the benefit of having someone above her. With her around, the Jijima family would not dare to do anything. .”

Bai Chen drank a cup of tea and said.

"It's not too late, let's start tomorrow."


One day passed quickly, and the next day came quickly.

The gathering place is at Cacd Academy, where there is a special car prepared by the underworld.

There was no formality, Bai Chen took Asia, the kitten, and Heige, and Linali directly got into the car.

"Good morning, Mr. Bai Chen."

Out of politeness, Rias and her dependents got up and saluted Bai Chen.

Although Bai Chen only looked a few years older than them, in their eyes, Bai Chen's status was no less than that of Sergex, Michael, and Asachel.

In terms of emotion and reason, be polite.

As for Rias' family, apart from Kiba Yuto and Gasper, only Kitten, Akeno and Xenovia came.

Noticing that Bai Chen was looking at her, Xenovia bowed slightly to Bai Chen with a respectful smile.

"Master Bai Chen, do you still remember me? In the battle of Kokabil, both Irina and I were saved by you.

"Remember, the holy sword user of the church, but what about your companion?"

Bai Chen could feel that the aura on Xenovia's body had completely turned into a demon at this moment.

It seems to be the same as in the original book, after learning the news that the God of the Bible is dead, he abandons himself and turns to the demon camp.

In layman's terms, it's bad.

"As for Wisteria Irina, she has already returned to the church, and she is more determined in her belief in God than I am, so there is no way for me to transform into a demon with peace of mind.

Xenovia scratched her head and spoke in embarrassment.

"To be honest, I almost collapsed when I first found out. Fortunately, my adjustment ability is good. After enlightenment by the minister and Zhu Nai, I already have a new goal."

Xenovia has a dignified posture and a loud voice, she doesn't look like she's giving up on herself at all.

"So what's your new goal?"

Bai Chen sat down and asked with a chuckle.

"It's giving birth!"

With a smile on her face, Xenovia spoke upright.


Not far away came the voice of Rias helplessly covering her face.

She realized that something was wrong, and was about to stop it, but it was still a step too late.

But there is still a chance.

However, just when Rias wanted to interrupt, she was taken a step ahead by Xenovia.

"And the child I want to give birth to is Lord Bai Chen! I have heard about you from the minister. It is not an angel, a demon, a fallen angel, or a monster, so it is very likely that it is an ancient god from somewhere on the earth. Already! The child born from the combination of a god and a demon will definitely be very strong!"

Xenovia spoke righteously, as if delivering a speech.

Hearing this, Asia and the kitten looked strange, but Heige beside him, as if he had found a confidant, his eyes began to shine. .

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