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Chapter 457 Thirty Years In Hedong Thirty Years In Hexi

Chapter 457

Rias covered her face completely, as if she didn't recognize her at all.

But Xenovia is her dependent after all.

So after being silent for a few seconds, he immediately apologized to Bai Chen: "I'm very sorry, Xenovia is so blunt, don't take what you just said~ seriously.

"Minister, I am serious about this matter."

Xenovia said bluntly.

"Since Lord Bai Chen is so strong, the offspring I will give birth to will definitely be excellent."

"Well said, but why should I promise you?"

Bai Chen asked with a chuckle.

He didn't say anything about Xenovia's speech.

A holy sword user who grew up in the church and fought against the enemy every day and night naturally didn't know what tact was.

The reason why it is so direct is because Xenovia is a soldier, and soldiers always go straight.


The question stumped Xenovia.

After all, she has never thought about this issue before, she just unilaterally thinks that it is enough for a man and a woman to hug each other to have a child, and she doesn't know anything about other things.

After all, the battlefield would not teach her such things.

"Go back and think about it."

Seeing her disappointed look, Bai Chen didn't care.

But in the next second, Hei Ge rushed to Xenovia's side and clung to the girl's ear. He didn't know what to say, making Xenovia peep at Bai Chen from time to time, then looked at Hei Ge, and then nodded seriously, A look of humility and teaching.

"Shall I teach my sister a lesson?"

said the kitten in a low voice.

"No need, at least outside, let Hei Ge save some face.

Bai Chen was a little amused, and didn't continue to pay attention to the whispering over there.

The kitten agreed verbally, but he was thinking about it in his heart. When he arrived at the hotel, he had to ask his sister what the hell they had said to Xenovia.

"Sorry, my family has caused you trouble."

After such a farce, Liya apologized to Bai Chen in a low voice.

She was very embarrassed.

But I didn't expect Xenovia to be so direct.

"It's normal to be young and energetic. After a while, you should calm down."

Bai Chen said.

"...I don't think Xenovia is the type to give up easily.'

Rias smiled wryly.

When he looked up at Bai Chen again, he found that he was looking at Zhu Nai.

When she was about to ask, Bai Chen spoke first and asked Zhu Nai.

"Since you got in the car, you have been staring at my Linali, and you also want a fallen angel as a maid?"

"In no mood!"

Akeno Himejima spoke subconsciously.

How could she let the existence of the same race as that heartbreaker become her maid?

Don't even think about it!

"It can be seen that you hate fallen angels."

After Bai Chen finished speaking, Lina Li looked at herself tremblingly, for fear that she might do something wrong and trap her master.

Himejima Akeno did not answer.

But Bai Chen was right.

She hated fallen angels very much, even to the extent that when the old Demon King faction launched an attack last time, she hoped that the attack would be successful.

And the reason why she chose to join the demon camp back then was because the situation was compelling on the one hand, and on the other hand she wanted to take revenge on her father.

After all, the relationship between demons and fallen angels was tense at that time, and in Zhu Nai's view, there was bound to be a battle between the underworld and fallen angels in the future.

Unfortunately, the forecast was wrong.

Not only is there no war between the devil and the fallen angels, but a peace treaty is to be concluded, and the bosses of the two sides are not in a tense relationship.

"I also know a little about your life experience."

After Bai Chen finished speaking, he noticed Akeno Himejima looking at him slightly.

"And I also know that you have been thinking about how to take revenge on the Himejima family."

Akeno Himejima still did not speak, but silently grasped the hem of her skirt.

The blue veins on the back of her hand proved her mood at the moment.

Rias watched from the side very worried, she didn't want Junai to follow at first, but she insisted on it because she considered Junai's previous background.

However, your current strength is too weak, and you may not even be able to enter the threshold, so the area mage will pull it out, then why do you reject the blood of the fallen angels? If you continue to be paranoid like this, it will not only slow down your speed of becoming stronger significance."

Bai Chen's tone was casual.

"You have to wait until the year of the monkey to become stronger just by practicing a little bit? Or, don't you want revenge?"

0 for flowers...

"How could I not want revenge! My mother was killed by that group of cold-blooded scum!"

Hearing this, Himejima Akeno finally spoke in a gloomy tone.

When the other people heard this ghostly voice, they all looked over in surprise, but they did not speak very tacitly.

"Since this is the case, it is even more appropriate to accept the blood of the fallen angels. After all, it was not the fallen angels that killed your mother, but the Jijima family."

Bai Chen said.

"Your father didn't come here in time, he didn't fulfill his responsibilities as a husband and father, and his wife died, and he didn't take revenge on the Jijima family. There is nothing wrong with that.

Hearing this, Rias almost couldn't hold back anymore.


Are you persuading people?

If you don't know the cause and effect, I'm afraid you may think that you are destroying.

Himejima Akeno also showed complicated eyes.

Is there anyone who comforts you like this?

"But what you don't know is that when you fled from Kyoto to the vicinity of Juwang Town, it was Balakile who was secretly protecting you. From this point of view, he did a pretty good job

Bai Chen said.

"If you really want to take revenge, you shouldn't attribute the resentment towards your father to the entire Fallen Angels. Instead, you should use this power to take revenge on the Jijima family and humiliate them...you might as well try Think about it, when you step into the door of Himejima's house, when you step on the head of the head of the house, you say this...

"Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young girls into poverty."

"How do you feel about this feeling?"

Akeno Himejima thought about it carefully, and constructed that picture in his mind, feeling a little excited.

It is a kind of humiliation to defeat them with the power they regard as a foreign race.

But after thinking about it, sister Zhu Nai sighed.

"It's not so easy for me to take revenge. Even if I don't reject the blood of the fallen angel, I can't compare with the Himejima family who signed a contract with Suzaku, one of the four holy beasts. What's more, the Himejima family also enshrines the fire god Kagu Tu, other than that, the five major clans share the same hatred against other races, and I am alone... how is it possible.

Having said that, the girl looked a little depressed.

Want revenge, easier said than done. .

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