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Chapter 464 I Am Not The Lord, But The Lord Is Me

Chapter 464

Blue Slime: "Suddenly pretentious, people are caught off guard."

Railgun: "There is no defense, no worries, have you considered the feelings of ordinary people like us?"

Little Spider: "Mark the point, "ordinary people"."

Little Spider: "Can people with superpowers be considered ordinary people?"

Railgun: "Isn't it? At least from a scientific point of view, superpowers are ordinary people.

The Spirit of Time: "It seems that Mr. Bai Chen has made considerable progress in his research on the life system of Kabbalah.

Black-haired loli: "Could it be that my brother will become a god in the future?"

Chaos Evil: "God?!"

Chaos evil: "Is it the one in the Bible that I know?"

Seeing this sentence, Lumaru Tachika felt a little confused.

Even if she is not a believer in Christianity, she has heard of the name of Son of God, God, Jehovah.

As the most influential religion in the world, even children have heard about the deeds of God.

The queen who wants to fall in love: "@ Bai Chen, come out and answer?"

Bai Chen: "It is true that research has progressed, and it is not impossible to replace the God of the Bible in this world."

Ultra-Railgun: "Ah this?"

Butterfly Shinobu: "Does Misaka-san have anything to say?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "It's always weird to let Bai Chen become a god.

Teacher Loli: "The problem lies in behavior. God teaches people to be good, and Bai Chen is indeed a bit inappropriate as a devil. Rather than being a god, the identity of an evil god is more suitable."

Bai Chen: "In fact, God is not much different from evil gods."

Bai Chen: "The original teaching of Christianity is "Whoever believes in me will have eternal life, and those who don't believe will go to hell." This kind of religion that uses language to kidnap others' beliefs is actually no different from cults, and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, And the final flood that destroyed the world was done by God, and in the entire Bible, God killed the most people.”

Bai Chen: "Isn't this an evil god?"

Little Spider: "It makes sense."

Bai Chen: "Moreover, the Crusades in the Middle Ages, as well as the Inquisition, were created by Christianity. Many priests of the church still have that habit. I can only talk about it here, and I understand everything."

Railgun: "Ah, what do you mean?"

Blue Slime: "Indeed, it has been shown in many film and television works."

Railgun: "So, what exactly is it?"

The Spirit of Time: "A good boy shouldn't know."


Railgun: "I'm not a kid anymore."

Bad woman: "So, Mr. Richen is going to pretend to be the God of the Bible next?"

Bai Chen: "No need to pretend, this is the truth."

Railgun: "?"

Bai Chen: "I have communicated with the will of the God of the Bible. He also hopes that someone can continue to command the heavens. Then I recommended myself. He didn't say anything, so I took it as his acquiescence."

The queen who wants to fall in love: "It's not that she didn't speak, but she couldn't speak."

Since it is a wisp of will, it can only convey some simple meanings.

Afterwards, there was a heated discussion in the group about Bai Chen's upcoming replacement of the God of the Bible.

And Bai Chen also quit the chat group, closed the live broadcast, and set his sights on the heavens.

So, when the kitten asked "what to do next", Bai Chen's palm shot a white light towards the sky.

"Should be able to sense it?"

In Bai Chen's soliloquy.

Tianwaitian, the heaven where angels live.

There is the seventh heaven where the "system" is located, and it is also within the last gate of heaven. The system that has been silent for a long time is like a machine that is running again, scattering iridescent light, and the abnormal changes illuminate the seventh heaven. Soon there was a chain reaction.

The blazing angels guarding here discovered a change in the "system".

"This degree of change, could it be... the birth of the Son of God, isn't it... the return of the Lord?"

The expression on Gabriel's face instantly became extremely surprised.

And Michael felt incredible.

"Impossible, the Lord passed away before our eyes..."

Michael murmured to himself.

But after a while, she realized that the "system" would not change for no reason, and after the Lord passed away, she had been managing the "system" left by God all year round.

"Could it be that the Lord has really returned!"

After being surprised, there was no less joy than Gabriel.

Although they have long accepted the fact that the Lord has disappeared, the angels' beliefs are still extremely devout.

At this moment, seeing the reaction of the "system", Michael immediately closed his eyes and silently sensed the Lord's position.

They are going to welcome the return of the Lord.

However, Michael also kept an eye out, and didn't go out with great fanfare, but let himself and Gabriel go to let the other two Chi Weishi stay to guard the "system"


Ten thousand steps back.

They also have to be prepared for the possibility that this is an illusion.

the other side.

Bai Chen counted the time silently: "It should be coming soon.

Within a few seconds, a pure holy light appeared not far from Baifeng's eyes.

The twelve-winged Michael and Gabriel appeared in Kyoto, causing a new round of commotion in 697. At the same time, they showed incredible expressions on the figures in front of them.

"Mr. Bai Chen?"

"it's me."

"But your breath..."

"also me..."

Hearing this, the pupils of Michael and Gabriel shook.

But soon, their eyes were captured by the halo displayed by Bai Chen. Although compared with the past, it is only the difference between a firefly and a bright moon, but there is no doubt that this is truly the glory of the Lord!

"Mr. Bai Chenchen, what's going on?"

The fact of being so astonished made Michael stutter a little.

"Isn't that obvious enough? Michael, my boy."

Although it was an understatement, it was like a heavy hammer, hitting Michael and Gabriel's hearts hard.

This feeling is definitely not wrong!

"If you still don't believe me, follow me to the heavens and try it out."

After speaking, Bai Chen also ignored Michael and the others.

Because in his induction, he clearly perceived the orientation of the heavens.

After placing the kitten.

The heavily guarded barrier of the heavens was like the backyard of one's own home, and it was easily crossed by Bai Chen.

And in the blink of an eye, he directly entered the seventh heaven. .

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