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Chapter 465 The Kabbalah Tree Of Life

Chapter 465

As for Michael and Gabriel, after seeing that Bai Chen was able to cross the barrier established by the Lord so easily and come to the seventh heaven where the "system" is located, the doubts they had originally disappeared in an instant. Instead, it was filled with excitement and joy.

"Is this really... the Lord?"

Gabriel's voice was so excited that it was broken intermittently. If you listen carefully, you can even hear the mixed voice of crying.

"...Yes, it must be."

Michael's voice choked.

"Only the Lord can ignore the defensive barrier and find the location of the "system". The Lord has really returned.

Bai Chen was not surprised by this situation.

After all, the entire heaven was created by the God of the Bible.

After receiving the will feedback from the God of the Bible, it would be ridiculous for him to come in and wait for the barrier to open.

After entering the heaven, Bai Feng didn't care about Cai Le and Gabriel.

All of Bai Chen's attention was focused on the "system" in front of him.

Although it has a modern name, its structure is quite religious.

The divine power of light is stronger than Michael's. Although the "system" presented to Bai Chen at the moment is just a "fog of light" with no fixed shape, in fact, this "group of light" The fog" is only the tip of the iceberg of the system.

for example.

It's like a supercomputer.

Although it is just such a big screen, in fact the entire Seventh Heaven is the super server of the "system".

And Bai Chen can even easily see that in this fog of light, there is a pattern similar to a tree structure.

Undoubtedly, that is the tree of life, and it is also the life system tree of Kabbalah.

If the imagination is rich enough, it can be seen that the shape of the tree of life is somewhat similar to the human body.

Of course, this is just size.

The system created by the God of the Bible enables the prayers of believers, the blessings of gods, and the functions of exorcists to function normally.

Because of the extensive influence of Christianity on the earth, when the God of the Bible died, bugs appeared in the system.

It's almost like a system administrator.

There are also low-level and high-level administrators.

After the God of the Bible is gone, even Miller has only the lowest level of authority.

Without the maintenance of senior programmers, the system will naturally have frequent bugs.

Although the scale of the system is extremely large, it manages almost half of the world's information.

However, it does not contain much power.

The defense is fragile, even the superior demons can easily destroy it.

Ultimately, a system can only be a system.

However, although the system could not allow Bai Chen to obtain a significant increase in strength, it contained most of the knowledge of the God of the Bible.

In other words…………

"The complete Kabbalah pair `". "

Looking at the system in front of him, Bai Chen couldn't help but smile.

And just like welcoming the return of the "God of the Bible", the system also emits a light that illuminates almost all areas of the heaven.

This is proof that the system is back up and running.

When the halo flowed over the heaven, all the angels still in the heaven looked up at the golden sky.

Holy power poured into the body.

Even with a slight movement of the mind, one can feel the sense of peace of reunion after a long absence.

The same phenomenon is happening in churches all over the world.


Almost at the same time, all the angels, priests, nuns, and believers, regardless of class, high or low, race or age, all knelt down on the ground after feeling the vastness of existence.

They drew the cross devoutly on their chests, their eyes were fanatical, and they praised loudly.

"O my God, be to Thee all glory and praise, the blessed and only mighty King of kings and Lord of lords! the only immortal who dwells unapproachable In the light."

"You are our Saviour, the only God, the glory, the majesty, the power, and the authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, to thee is unto thee, before all ages, and now, and for ever and ever.

In an instant, Bai Chen heard countless voices.

All come from the devout prayers of believers and angels.

However, Bai Chen felt that it was very noisy, so he blocked it and left it to the system to handle it.

And next, it's time for Bai Chen to receive his own fruits of victory.


This is the special space of the Kabbalah tree of life.

It can also be said to be alien.

It contains knowledge and energy that human beings can't achieve in a lifetime.

The energy vortex that contains all the knowledge of Kabbalah is sweeping, and the information contained in it is so that even the gods cannot accept it all.

For the Kabbalah tree of life [a sphere on the tree diagram represents the ten facets of God.

Men are on the left, women are on the right, and the middle is the concord zone of the two.

At the same time, these ten spheres also represent the energy centers that human beings can obtain, and also represent the ten attributes of God.

The ten attributes are Crown, Wisdom, Understanding, Mercy, Severity, Beauty, Victory, Glory, Foundation and Kingdom.


Arrogance, lust, greed, gluttony, jealousy, anger, imprisonment...

Integrity, Hope, Charity, Justice, Courage, Temperance, Tolerance...  

These are the seven deadly sins and seven virtues often mentioned in Christianity.

Endless intelligence washed Bai Chen's spirit.

This is the first trial to understand the life system of Kabbalah.

It may also be the trial that the God of the Bible foresaw (of) his own death and deliberately left behind.

But Bai Chen understood everything easily.

He is different from those brave men who accepted the test and solved it, and he didn't have much thought to proceed step by step.

If you want to become the new "God of the Bible", you just need to inherit everything.

In the end, I don't know how long it has passed.

Immersed in the nearly endless energy vortex, feeling the emergence of light, Bai Chen smiled.

And on the surface side of the world.

The invisible, but real vibrations quietly spread throughout the world.

It was as if the whole world had been subtly distorted.

God Son Watcher Headquarters.

Azazel, who was concentrating on studying God, suddenly looked up at the sky, his face trembling slightly, showing an expression of excitement or fear.

"My lord...has he returned?"

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