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Chapter 484: Vice-Prince Of The Kingdom Of Heaven - Michael!

Chapter 484


It used to be a fairly peaceful city.

But when the gates of hell opened from the sky, only despair and mourning remained.

Countless demons with strange shapes are running rampant in the streets of the city. You may be a little confused at first, but after seeing those humans who are more confused than demons, the whole city suddenly becomes a mess.

For the devil, human beings are lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Moreover, when they tasted the fear of human beings and used it to become stronger, they fell in love with this feeling of continuous strengthening.

Demons with physical qualities far superior to human beings turned half of the city into purgatory in the blink of an eye.

The sudden change from daily life to disaster day has caused many people to sink into endless panic.

Those who reacted began to resist, but in vain.

After all, there are too many demons.

And just as a zombie demon was about to infect more humans with the virus, a huge shadow covered the sky.

The whole body is red, with 20 magma-like scales flowing on the surface, and the wide wings on the back almost cover the entire world. The dragon with seven heads and ten horns soars in the air, staring at the world under its feet. crowned with crowns.

And at the dragon's head standing in the center, Maqima, holding a burning red long sword, stood on it.

That cheek, all demons know.

- Dominate demons.

But why?

When the huge and unparalleled body of the red dragon descended, even the murderous demon couldn't help but stop killing and stared blankly at the sky.

And some powerful demons felt the essence of the red dragon soaring in the sky.

What happened to the most powerful root demon in hell—the demon of darkness, to be transformed into such a distorted appearance?

And paying attention to the expressions and reactions of those demons below, Maqima felt the joy that she had never had before.

This feeling of stepping on the world and looking down on everything...

The power of domination is activated imperceptibly, even if Maqma doesn't deliberately control others, she can easily dominate most demons.

However, Maqima did not forget who gave it all.

Suppressing the excitement in her heart, she held up the sword of judgment in her hand.

According to legend, the Archangel Michael used the "Sword of Judgment" when he led the heavenly army to fight Belial, the king of hell in Judaism.

And today, she dominates the demons, and she will use this artifact bestowed by the gods to judge the demons on the ground!

As if responding to her movements, the beast of the apocalypse with seven heads and ten horns soaring in the sky waved its tail that covered the sky.

next second.

The sky that shone with golden color added a few streaks of burning red color.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the people and demons on the ground suddenly wondered what it was.

Countless stars wrapped in flames dragged the red tail flames, the extremely high temperature almost burned the space, and the falling meteors quickly tore through the atmosphere, causing hiss and screams that were almost tinnitus.

As for the Christian believers who saw this scene, the scripture in the Book of Revelation immediately appeared in their minds.

"Chapter 12 of Revelation: There is a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns on seven heads. Its tail dragged a third of the stars in the sky and fell to the ground."

He said again: "Who can be an enemy of this evil dragon?"

A scene no different from a myth appears before the eyes of all beings.

The meteor, which is indistinguishable from a star, dragged the red aurora, and after a few seconds of being visible to the naked eye, it approached to a distance of no more than a hundred meters above the head.

The stars are falling like rain.

And the figure standing on top of the red dragon, holding the burning red sword, looks very much like the "Godlike-Michael".

Maqima naturally saw the eyes of those humans looking at her.

And at this moment, she understood why Bai Chen chose this way to complete the commission he issued.

A wish to be fulfilled.

It's perfect to get it with your own hands.

What is her wish?

Isn't it about creating a person with no barriers between people, eliminating demons such as death, war, and hunger, and building a world that you want?

And this purpose, after Bai Chen assisted him to show miracles to the world and wiped out the demons, he would be able to accomplish it logically.

At that time.

The country, society no longer has any influence on her existence.

She is the savior who wiped out darkness and evil, and the only representative of the gods on earth.

From then on, no matter the poor or the rich, in front of her agent, everyone is equal and there is no barrier.

Facing the doomsday judgment against the demons, some powerful demons did not sit still, but tried their best to rush towards the falling fireball.

However, it didn't work.


The stars are getting closer.

Until it crashed to the ground, everything in the field of vision was covered by dazzling brilliance.

The shock wave shook the atmosphere, and the building and land were shaken by the huge force, shaking constantly, and the sound also turned into a monotonous harsh blind tone like a TV losing signal.

Until I don't know how long it has passed.

People gradually recovered their five senses, stood up from the ground unsteadily, and gradually saw the world in front of them clearly.

Gunpowder smoke and dust are everywhere, and the land they are standing on looks like it has been hit by a missile, full of potholes.

The demons disappeared, only the ashes left on the ground proved that they had been there.

Not only that, even though 097 was directly hit by a meteor that could destroy the city, unexpectedly no human being was injured.

What's more, what's even more inconceivable is that the citizens who were killed by the demons before also appeared in the astonished crowd with a look of bewilderment.

Aren't they... already dead?


People looked up and saw the beautiful figure standing on the red dragon, holding the sword of judgment.

For a time, even those who had never dabbled in religion could not help but have a few words pop up in their minds.


Vice-Prince of the Kingdom of Heaven.


This is the messenger of God.

When people are being ravaged by demons, the gods send agents to save the world.

Then, almost at the same time, the people who witnessed the miracle immediately knelt down, crossed their hearts devoutly, and spoke words of praise to God.

As for Maqima, who was staying on top of the red dragon's head fabricated by Bai Chen, the corners of his mouth couldn't help curling up when he watched this scene.

Although she understands that these people are not worshiping herself, but no matter what, her goal has been achieved.

In the past, demons that could only be killed by chainsaw demons had nowhere to hide under the glory of God, and even their souls were completely burned in the holy light.

And those human beings, because they have faith in God, will no longer have the distinction of superiority and inferiority. .

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