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Chapter 485 Our God Is A Ragnarok

Chapter 485

"What the hell is going on in this world?"

Beautiful country, the White House.

The president looked at the big red dragon floating in the sky and the humans kneeling on the ground praying through live TV, his face was full of irritability and surprise.

The gates of hell were thrown wide open, and demons poured out.

The president who heard the news originally wanted to use the meat of the gun demon in his hand to summon the gun demon, expand the prestige of the beautiful country in a rare opportunity, and eliminate the possible survival of Ma Qi.

However, before he could do anything, those demons were crushed by the red dragon falling from the sky.

And that meteorite rain, which was enough to destroy a city, didn't even hurt half of the human beings, only the demons died.

The beautiful country is the country with the largest number of believers in God.

However, as high-level people, they have already come to the conclusion that there is no "heaven" in this world.

But whether it is the cross beam suspended in the air or the huge red dragon that still hasn't disappeared, they easily overturned their previous research conclusions.

"Does God really exist? I feel uncomfortable looking at hell, so I sent angels to attack hell?"

...Mr. President, according to the description in the Bible, heaven has indeed attacked hell, and more than once. "

Facing the president's question, the assistant on the side spoke.


"According to the description provided in the "Dead Sea Scrolls", in the battle between the Son of Light and the Son of Darkness, Michael, as the Vice-Prince of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Lord of Light, led the Angel Legion to a decisive battle with Belial, the Lord of Darkness, against the Legion of Darkness. The two sides fought for 40 years, the Lord of Light won the first three battles, Belial won the last three battles, and in the seventh battle Yahweh personally defeated Belial."

"Therefore, it is very likely that unknown changes have taken place in hell without our knowledge. Perhaps the reason why the gates of hell were opened was because of the failure of the angel's strike activities, which caused the demons to leave the heaven." ". "

"You mean, those demons who came to the ground escaped for their lives?"


"What happened to the red dragon? Those demons reported that the corpse that the woman stepped on was the predecessor of the dark demon."

"Uh... how should I put it, in the initial development period of Christianity, in order to promote monotheism, it was also a way to demote the other party's gods into demons. The dark demon is the strongest root demon we have observed. Hell, its status is similar to that of "God", so it is reasonable to be degraded as a devil."

"Then why is the devil stepped on by Michael, it looks like a gang?"

"Both good and bad are God's will, and duality cannot describe the same God. God created all things, and demons are among them."

"You mean, God turned that woman into Michael?"

"It's also possible that Maqma herself is Michael, but she may have made a mistake and was sent to hell, and now she's reinstated..."

Looking at the president's increasingly urgent eyes, this grandma is the assistant of a loyal Christian believer, Tian Fen wisely shut his mouth.

However, further miracles with global impact were manifested.

Not only that, even in the White House in a foreign country, most of the humans and demons in it completely subconsciously chanted the words in the Bible.

"Again I saw a great white throne and He that sat upon it, and from before him heaven and earth fled, and there was nowhere to be seen."

On the sky higher than the big red dragon.

A scene that looks like a throne appears, and on the throne sits a figure that looks like a person.

Endless and dazzling light filled there, and even a telescope that could capture extraterrestrial stars could not clearly see the appearance of that person.

The president of the beautiful country thought of the meat of the gun demon, and if he used it, he could summon the powerful gun demon.

It may be a good choice to pull God down from the only throne.


Just a gun demon, even in the strongest state, what can he do?

The God who created the Bible and the angels, and the devil, would not be able to resist at all.

Thinking of this, the lips of the president of the beautiful country also began to move up and down uncontrollably.

Just like those extremely fanatical people in the live TV broadcast.

"Our God is a consuming fire, in due time, the blessed and only mighty King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal, who dwells in an inaccessible light, which man has not seen and cannot see , to reveal him, to him be honor and eternal power, amen!"

At this moment, some people who were still wondering at first finally understood why those people who were killed by the demons would be resurrected.

God is the God of the living, not the God of the dead.

Only the living will be blessed.

At the same time, it also means.

From now on, this is the beginning of a new world, a new era.

The coming of God is the proof.

At the same time, Bai Chen, who descended in the form of the God of the Bible, also issued orders and demands to the entire island country and even the entire world with a loud and clear voice.

`To those who love me and keep my commandments, I will show mercy to a thousand generations. If anyone loves me, he will keep my word; and my Father will love him, and we will go to him and be with him. live. I will punish those who hate me, from father to son, to the third and fourth generations. '

After the rumbling voice finished speaking, the golden sky disappeared immediately.

The beams of light (Qian Haozhao) suspended in the sky quietly disappeared, and the sky returned to normal.

The huge red dragon and "Michael" also disappeared.

If it weren't for the potholes between the cities and the lingering precepts that linger in their hearts, as if imprinted in the depths of their souls, people would probably feel that they just had a dream.

Bai Chen and Machima reappeared somewhere in Kyoto.

Then, when he looked at the flushed face on the side, which was obviously unfinished, he smiled: "If you want to dominate the world, you don't need any special skills, a Bible is enough."

The world is harassed by demons, so gods are precious.

Think about it in another way, if you were born in a world where demons are rampant, your relatives or friends have died under the claws of demons.

One day, when the gods of the living appear, will you believe in him?

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