Chapter 505

But Limuru, who was excited, obviously didn't care about the "curse" of the spider.

It already felt the continuous energy bursting out from the body after swallowing Veludra into its stomach pouch.

Blue Slime: "I am now! I have the future in my hands!"

Blue Slime: "Refer to (Veludra)."

I don't want to go to hell: "Congratulations! In this way, Mr. Slime won't have to worry about encountering powerful monsters anymore, right?"

Little White Cat: "Congratulations!"

Blue Slime: "Hmm! Don't worry about it at all now!"

After obtaining Veludra's magic essence, it was able to understand how powerful the so-called "natural disaster grade" of the storm dragon is.

If you want to, sweeping the entire cave is not a problem.

The Spirit of Time: "No, I think it's better to be careful in everything. After all, wasn't the storm dragon sealed by the human brave before? If you act rashly, it is very likely

Did you come to besieged by adventurers?"

Blue Slime: "Ah, this..."

Tokisaki Kurumi's words poured a basin of cold water on Rimuru, who was delusional about the next adventure.

Teacher Loli: "Indeed, you have to recognize that you are in the position of a "monster". If you act too strong, it will definitely attract the counterattack of human forces.

As the demon attack officer of Xianshen Island, she naturally knows what kind of treatment a powerful individual will receive.

The persecuted witch is the best example.

Unless it is strong enough to be able to fight against the country by itself like the true ancestor, otherwise, it can only become a pawn in the hands of others.

Blue Slime: "Oh? Is it really like this?"

The queen who wants to be in love: "Let me tell you, it is what it is."

The Spirit of Time: "Also, since the Storm Dragon has been sealed for three hundred years, there is a high probability that this location will be known by human forces. Its sudden disappearance will definitely cause a series of effects, so you'd better be careful ~々.

Non-staff individual: "Hehe! Why are you afraid of weak monkeys like humans? Aren't they as weak as mice?"

Jibril also watched the whole live broadcast.

When he saw the storm dragon, his heart was full of fighting spirit, and he connected it with the dragon spirits in this world, guessing which dragon is stronger.

The Spirit of Time: "Miss Jibril, although this is an old-fashioned question, I still need to remind you that different worlds have different rules. In your case, human beings may really be like the "monkeys" in your mouth. , but not necessarily in other worlds.”

The Spirit of Time: "Humans are actually a race with strong plasticity, so don't underestimate them."

Non-staff individual: "It's completely incomprehensible, isn't that human named Misaka Mikoto just as weak?"

Spirit of Time:

When Tokisaki Kurumi saw Jibril using the example of Miss Pao who had been beaten three times as an example, he couldn't hold back.

Bai Chen: "That's an exception, Sister Pao is not very strong in her own world."

The world view of Moban is quite large and complex.

And the division of strength is also quite cumbersome.

However, the only thing that is certain is that, except for a few ability users who are similar to Accelerator, all other ability users in Academy City are weak in the whole world.

Magicians, saints, the right seat of God in the church, good emperors and so on.

These are all human beings who live on Earth and are or have been.

If Jibril faced a few of them, the winning rate would be very low.

Especially the fire on the right in the right seat of the gods, or the good emperor.

Xiaoji will definitely be pressed to the ground and beaten.

Little Spider: "It's out, Miss Daily Rupao.

Little Spider: "Speaking of which, why hasn't Miss Pao spoken all this time?"

Luo Abao: "It's obvious that he's autistic, or he's too embarrassed to come forward. After all, no matter who is hanged and beaten three times, he won't be able to get over it for a few days without feeling uncomfortable."

What's more, Sister Pao is still a child.

Although I am not a few years older than her, people who have been on the battlefield and people who have not been on the battlefield naturally have completely different moods.

The Spirit of Time: "If possible, I'd like to visit her."

Butterfly Shinobu: "Me too."

Both felt that it was a bit miserable for Sister Pao to be true.

Bai Chen: "I will provide psychological counseling. At this stage, I still don't recommend that you go to the world where Sister Pao lives."

I also took a certain risk when I traveled to the past.

Fortunately, he bet right.

When facing the unknown, Aleister's attitude is obviously quite ambiguous.

What's more, there are two consecutive Accelerators and Kanzaki Kaori that serve as springboards to show their strength.

The Elf: I know about this kind of thing. After all, there are strong people like demon gods, and even the universe can be easily restarted. It is no longer possible to describe them with monsters.


Teacher Loli: "Misaka is working hard, no wonder she works so hard to become stronger."


The original world view was shattered, and Sister Pao, who came out of the greenhouse, realized the cold reality.

She is just the No.3 of Academy City.

Nothing to be proud of.

Non-staff individual: "Wait a minute, is the universe you just mentioned the one I understand?"

Black-haired loli: "Sweep!"

Non-staff individual: "You are not lying to me, are you?"

Bai Chen: "I didn't lie to you, but in your world, human beings are very weak. No matter how strong or intelligent they are, no matter how much they develop, they can't catch up with your superior species.

Non-staff (Nuo's good) individual: "Of course I know this kind of thing."

After seeing Bai Chen confirming this fact, Jibril still had doubts.

After all, in her perception, the creator, Artosh, is the strongest in the world.

This is a fact and cannot be changed.

But even if it is the strongest in cognition, there is a limit.

There is indeed a gap in the face of the "demon god" who can restart the universe at will.

But as long as you can get the legendary "star cup", can you compete with the so-called demon god?

Blue Slime: "@ Bai Chen, boss, is there anything else I need to pay attention to?"

Bai Chen: "No, it's good to grow up obscenely, but don't become a wit and brave man with the air. If you encounter a race that wants to submit to you, just accept it generously. It is good for you to develop power."

Blue Slime: "Yeah! It's all up to you, big brother Dian!"

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