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Chapter 506: Dagu’S Entrustment

Chapter 506

At present, Bai Chen can give only this suggestion.

After all, the world of slime is a cool show. Although Veludra's strength is not the ceiling, at least in the early and mid-term, no one can touch Limuru.

In the later stage, Limulu's strength alone has directly risen to the ceiling, and creating the world is also easy. Even if you don't need advice, you just need to stabilize the development in the early stage, and you can go smoothly.

From Bai Chen's point of view, when he met the girl named "Jing", he felt a little regretful that he couldn't save her.

But it was still very early when Limulu met "Jing", and by then, it would not be too late to find a solution.

After receiving Bai Chen's suggestion, Limuru began to look for the way out of the cave.

Today, it can already see the surrounding world clearly through the way of magic perception.

Apart from not having a human form, Limuru is already very satisfied.

The only one who is unbalanced in his heart is probably only the spider.

Little Spider: "Shout! Coke and popcorn suddenly don't smell good!"

Butterfly Ninja 370: "Don't say that, although Limuru is very lucky, but your luck is not bad, spider, right? If you were other members of the same race, the speed of evolution would not be so fast.

The Spirit of Time: "Yeah, didn't Mr. Bai Chen say before that you will become a god within a year? Just bear with it and it will pass, at least you can feel the joy of becoming stronger step by step.

Little Spider: "No way! I can only comfort myself like this!"

Listening to the encouragement of the group members, Spider quickly regained his confidence.

Goddess of the Moon: "We obviously don't exist in the same world, and the relationship is very good.

The Spirit of Time: "Actually, as long as you are normal, you will make friends quickly."

Little white cat: "+1.

Black-haired loli: "Brother, if possible, can I go to sister Artemis to play?"

Bai Chen: "How to say?"

Black-haired Lolita: "Because winter vacation is coming soon, so I thought about going far."

Goddess of the Moon: "Welcome, welcome, there is nothing wrong with me."

Bai Chen: "Yes, but you have to finish your homework before going."

Butterfly Shinobi: "Well, can I go too? I will let my sister give me a few days off.

The Spirit of Time: "And me."

Chaos Evil: "Me too...forget it, let's talk about it later, as a member of Chaldea, she needs to be ready to go at any time."

Bai Chen: "Kuang San, didn't you say you wanted to contact other elves? How is the situation?"

The Spirit of Time: "How should I put it, although I have found traces of a few spirits, but I haven't made a plan yet.'

Although his elf's attack power is insufficient, his ability to plunder information is superb.

And the elves she found now are three in total.

One is called Yoshino, but his whereabouts are uncertain, and he often appears alone in an empty park to play alone. The other is the school idol Yuya Miku, and the other is the commander of the folk elf organization.

Originally, Tokisaki Kurumi planned to use the power of the elves to take down the three of them in one go.

But after thinking about it, it is still safer.

After all, those elves were not subordinates of the Siyuan elves, they were once ordinary girls just like themselves.

As the same kind, she really didn't want to do anything to those girls.

Luo Abao: "Oh oh oh! They sound like girls' names."

The Spirit of Time: "And they're all pretty cute girls."

Luo Abao: "Let me be healthy!"

The Elf of Time: "Bah, after all, it's about girls' privacy. Mr. Amuro can enjoy his life in the Federation. Didn't Mr. Bai Chen say before (cafg) that the government over there is discovering you After you are a new human being, will you specially arrange girls to meet you?"

Bai Chen: "It's more than knowing."

When the atmosphere in the chat group was heated, Yingu suddenly sent a message for help.

Big bone boiled into soup: "@ Bai Chen, boss, can you save me?"

Black-haired loli: "Huh? So you're here, Mr. Big Bone?"

Dagu boiled it into soup: "Of course I'm here! Besides, my name is Dagu, so I'm not Dagu."

Little Spider: "Hello Big Bone, goodbye Big Bone."

The Spirit of Time: "Don't interrupt, Mr. Big Bone may be really busy, let's listen to what he has to say first?"

Seeing this line of words, Da Gu no longer had the urge to complain.

But he quickly got down to business.

The big bone boiled into soup: "The Kirielods have appeared again, and I am not his opponent at all."

Bai Chen: "The Kirielods? Is that the alien who appeared in the third episode, uh...before, and asked humans to submit to them?"

Hearing this word, related memories quickly appeared in Bai Chen's mind.

Although it's been a long time since I watched a special drama, some classic villains in Ultraman Tiga are still fresh in people's memory.

The Balrog warriors of the Kirierods are one of them.

It appeared once in the third episode, but was defeated by Tiga. Later, he kept studying Tiga's ability in secret, and transformed a power similar to Tiga's changing form, and then hung Tiga up to fight.

The big bones boiled into soup: "That's right, it's them! The gate of the demons of the Kiriarods is about to be opened, and I can't hold on for too long."

Bai Chen: "What about those residents in the city? Didn't they come to cheer you up?"

Dagu's situation is surprising.

But Bai Chen remembers that in that episode, those residents finally woke up from their confusion and sent the "light" to Dijia, and finally turned defeat into victory.

Big bone boiled into soup: "Come on? I don't know."

Seeing Bai Chen's speech, Dagu was quite confused.

However, he didn't have time to think about it, and directly released a repeated boom.

[Group reminder: The group member "Big Bone Boils into Soup" issued a commission to stop the plot of the Kirielod people and reward 2,000 points. 】

Although he found it strange, Bai Chen still accepted the commission.

Along with the space, there are invisible ripples.

In the next second, Bai Chen appeared in a bustling city that never sleeps.

There are row upon row of high-rise buildings around, which is very similar to the night view of Milan.

However, what makes people feel weird is that it is obviously a beautiful city, but there are no pedestrians and vehicles on the surrounding pedestrian streets and roads, just like a dead city, extremely silent.

Not only that, the surrounding environment was engulfed by darkness, and the city that should have been brightly lit was now as pitch black as if it had been dyed black. .

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