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Chapter 507: I Am Alpha And Omega

Chapter 507

The scene in front of me is a little different from when I watched Tokusho.

But also understandable.

After all, the scenes in Tokusho dramas are all models, but what you see in front of you is the real city.

Dark, silent, just dotted with a little spark in the distance.

The streets were deserted.

In addition, the most conspicuous thing is that under the light of Cang Yue, in the clouds in mid-air, there is a thick stone door lingering with black aura and lightning.

The surface of the stone gate is carved with cumbersome lines and reliefs. Although I can't understand it, what it symbolizes is obviously not a good thing.

Bai Chen withdrew his gaze and looked at the figure who released the commission.

A human-like figure was lying motionless on the ground, and the energy timer on its chest kept flashing red.

"This is Ultraman."

Although Bai Chen has seen many gods and demons, this is the first time for Ultraman.

When seeing this scene, Bai Chen also had to feel the convenience of the chat group.

Whether it is a character in a movie, an animation or a special drama, as long as he goes through the chat group, he can get what he wants to see.

But emotion aside.

Seeing Dagu rushing to the street, Baifeng quickly guessed which plot this was.

Bai Chen: "@大骨炉成汤, can you still stand up?"

Dagu boiled it into soup: "I can't help it. My body hurts and I'm very tired. It's hard to even move a finger."

Bai Chen: "The Kirielods have become smarter."

When special photography becomes a reality, those villains who used to have logical problems in their own eyes will not make such low-level mistakes again.

Little Spider: "Just ask me weakly, what are Kirielods?"

I don't want to see a ghost: "It should be the alien from Mr. Dagu's side."

Bai Chen: "Well, it is a race called Balrog warriors in the universe. Its technology and civilization are very advanced. Its purpose is to plunder the population of the earth as slaves. It came here once before, but it was defeated by Dagu. Now it is strengthened. Then find a place to come."

Big bone boiled into soup: "The three forms are completely suppressed, and they can't be beaten at all."

Bai Chen: "It's normal that you can't beat it. After all, you are very weak now, and the opponent deliberately strengthens you."

The merciless words made Dagu very depressed.

But for Bai Chen, the current self is indeed a weak chicken.

Bai Chen: "There is another important point. The power of the Ultra fighters is ideal. Except for those of the Victory Team, the residents of the entire city don't regard you as the savior, right?"

Big bone boiled into soup: "...I never wanted to be a savior, I just wanted to use my power to protect mankind and the earth."

Having said that, Dagu was still very disappointed.

The Kirielod people used treacherous tricks to create phantoms of angels in the city, and spread the will of the gods among the people and the Internet--the Ultra warriors are evil.

The "miracle" that came into view made Tokyo citizens doubt the existence of Tiga, and as time went by, they gradually believed that Tiga was a demon.

And at that time, Dagu realized that his strength was beginning to weaken.

It's a strange feeling to say.

However, after seeing Bai Chen's explanation, he somewhat understood.

Big bone boiled into soup: "Mr. Bai Chen, the gate set by the Kiri Airods is about to open!"

Although unable to move anymore, he could still feel the door opening.

Bai Chen: "It's okay, I'm here."

Since the Kyriairods are bewitching the world in the name of "God", then it is enough for him to perform a real miracle once.

So, just when the gigantic second-generation Balrog Warrior forcibly opened the door and was about to let the mother planet establish a portal on the earth, a palpitation suddenly flashed in his heart.

Subconsciously turned around, looking at the higher altitude.

Then, the grimace-like face suddenly stiffened, and the whole body froze as if petrified.

And not only it, but also the TPC headquarters far away in Tokyo Bay, when the camera captured the scene in the sky, everyone also became stunned and sluggish at that moment, and could no longer make a sound.


God, has come.

Piercing the night, distorting time and space, enough to make the whole world look up to the god of its glory, it appeared from within.

For a moment, almost everyone who witnessed this scene moved their lips subconsciously. Whether they knew it or not, they all recited the sentences in the Bible, with fanaticism and longing on their faces.

0 looking for flowers......

Ezekiel 1:26 - On the expanse over their heads was the likeness of a throne like a sapphire; and over the likeness of the throne was a likeness of a man.

Ezekiel 1:27——I saw what seemed to him from the waist up, like shining metal, and surrounded by fire on all sides. From what seemed to be below his waist, I saw again what seemed to be fire, and the light surrounded him.

"What is this?!"

The Balrog Warrior, who had forgotten to pick the door, stared at the image in the sky in astonishment.

The grimace-like face revealed a look of astonishment visible to the naked eye.

In the plan that was made, there was no such variable!

And just after the Kirierod finished thinking in his heart, the figure in the sky, as if hearing what it was thinking in his heart, the figure of light sitting on the throne spoke.

It is like a magnificent sound that can penetrate the universe and shake the soul.

"——I am Alpha and Omega; I am the beginning and the end; I am the omnipresent God who was and is; I will give the water of the fountain of life to those who are thirsty drink."

A cross-shaped beam of light quickly formed from under the throne of light.

It connects the sky and the earth, showing the glory of God.

At the same time, whether it was a coincidence or destiny, at the bottom of the beam of light, Dagu in Wojie was wrapped in light.

As if nestled in his mother's swaddling baby, Dagu, who was unable to move before, only felt that the pain in his body was gradually disappearing, and his exhausted physical strength was also returning to its original state. The flashing red timer instantly returned to bright light blue.

Tiga's power is almost the most ideal of all Ultraman.

And also clearly articulates the bond and connection between humans and it.

The power of the God of the Bible is also closely related to human beings.

After receiving Bai Chen's "light", the dying big tongue can naturally be revived with full blood.

"Mr. Bai Chen, what is this?"

Dagu, who maintained the form of Tiga, looked up at the sky.

The figure bathed in the holy light is like a warrior of God.

"Since the people of Kyriaelod want to act, then act to the end, it will be beneficial to you in the future."

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