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Chapter 509 Bai Chen Becomes Light Again

Chapter 509

The Kiriarods stared at the sky speechlessly.

Such a situation did not appear in the plan.

However, even in the face of the local gods of the earth, the Kirielods still did not give up.

The portal of the mother star is about to be established, and at that time, the earth will be completely ruled by their family.

Its body was distorted and deformed like a hill, its muscles were knotted like tree roots, and its thick fists burst out with red flames, aiming at the figure in the sky and shooting away.

However, nothing works.

The flame attack in a powerful form was silently annihilated in the holy light during the flight.

At this moment, it panicked a little.

He even faintly noticed that after he shot, a certain line of sight locked on him in the dark.

That is the aura that is far higher than themselves, even above their great god Kiriarod.


The god of Kyriairod is the greatest!

They are just natives on the earth, don't try to stop them!

Its body twisted into 20 shapes again, wide fleshy wings appeared behind it, and then it brought a sonic boom, disappeared from the spot in an instant, turned into a gust of wind and charged towards the figure sitting on the throne.

Just before that, the Ultra warrior who was defeated by him stood in front of him.

With full energy and further strengthening, Dagu, who is showing signs of shining, started World War II with the second generation of Balrog warriors.

And this time the battle process was like repeating the previous battle when Dagu was crushed, but the target was completely switched over.

It didn't take long for the Kirielods to be defeated, and their entire body turned into a ball of fire, blooming into a ball of brilliant fire in the dark city.

The howling hurricane set off a raging wave, and even the earth was shaken by the force of the explosion.

At the same time, the "Gate of Hell" that was about to open was also destroyed by Dagu.

However, at the last moment, Bai Chen and Dagudu heard a low voice that seemed to be suppressing anger from behind the door.

"Immensely stupid, human beings will eventually be destroyed by darkness."

"Mr. Bai Chen, this voice..."

Dagu looked at Bai Chen and asked.

"Probably the so-called god of Kirierod. The darkness it just mentioned is Gatanjah, the ruler of darkness. It seems that they also know that there are such monsters living on the earth.

Bai Chen was not surprised by this matter.

In the first few episodes of Tiga, the Kirielods hinted more than once that only their family is eyeing the earth.

In addition to the Kirierod family, another group of forces is the monster organization headed by Gatanjae.

But the two are different.

Gatanjae simply wants to destroy life on Earth, while the Kiriarods only fancy Earthlings and want to enslave them as slaves.

And this is also the reason why the Kirierods appear again and again, making humans believe in them.

"Is that what you told me before, the thing that sank in the underwater ruins of the Pacific Ocean?"

Dagu asked nervously.

"That's right, but don't worry too much, Gatange will not be resurrected in a short time."

Bai Chen said to him with a light smile.

"By the way, if you don't mind, I can help wake up Gatanjae now, and then get rid of it. There will be no extra charge."

Hearing this, Dagu pondered for a moment.

It has to be said that he was a little moved.

After all, this battle with the Kirielods made him realize his serious shortcomings.


"...Let's wait a little longer, I think...defeat Gatanjah with my own strength, at least let me try."

Dagu said seriously.

"I'll do whatever you want."

Bai Chen who was rejected was not surprised.

Accepting his help with peace of mind is not the style of big tongue.

"Sorry, Mr. Bai Chen, I would like to trouble you to come here specially."

Dagu said apologetically.

"It's okay, after all, I also got points."

After speaking, Bai Chen looked towards the city below.

The previously dark night like splashed ink [gradually adorned with colorful lights.

After the Kyriairods were defeated, their technical blockade was finally broken through, allowing power to be restored.

At some point, a large crowd gathered on the street.

Holding various light sources in their hands, they looked up at the radiant figure sitting in the golden sky.

Just looking at that figure, a cognition emerged in my heart.

That is God.

is God.

That is God.

No one will care about aliens anymore.

Only because God and His Angels have come.

Afterwards, I don't know who took the lead, and all the citizens of Tokyo knelt down on the ground, even if they were blind.

They drew the cross devoutly on their chests, their eyes fanatical and yearning.

"Hallelujah! God bless us......"

After being reminded by Bai Chen, Dagu was able to see the picture below.

There are dense crowds of citizens kneeling on the ground in the city.

The scene of being worshiped as a god made Dagu feel very useful and flattered at the same time.

After all, he knew that not all of these people worshiped him, most of them were Bai Chen who showed miracles.

However, although Dagu felt embarrassed, he really felt good.

After all, after the appearance of Tiga, there were more than one voices against him in the world, and after a round of bewitching by the Kirierods, he was even regarded as a demon, and he was even in the battle. , couldn't exert all their strength.

Only now, the treatment is completely opposite.

At the same time, he also felt that there was a warm current spreading through his body from the worshiping crowd on the ground.

"Mr. Bai Chen..."

Just as he was about to ask, Bai Chen directly opened his mouth to explain, as if Bai Chen had seen what was on his mind.

"In ancient times, Tiga was enshrined by humans as a god, so you don't have to resist anything, just accept that special power. If you want to defeat Gatanjaer, that is the key."

Back then, Bai Chen also watched TV and became a member of "Light".

"I see."

Dagu nodded seriously.

After all, Bai Chen's suggestion has always been correct.

Moreover, he is not so hypocritical.

"Then I'll go back first."

Bai Chen said.

"Huh? Mr. Bai Chen, don't you want to stay and play for a while?"

Dagu asked.

"No, after all, you are a member of the victory team, so you can't be a tour guide in the future, right?"

After saying this, Bai Chen said as if he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Ju Jianhui already suspects that you are Di Jia. You should dress up a little bit, at least don't always like to crash when you are on a mission."

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