Chapter 510

The shortcoming of special photography that people criticize also includes the reason of "forcibly lowering intelligence".

But for the sake of the plot, it is understandable for the screenwriter to do so.

It's just that when this kind of thing is put into reality, as long as you think about it a little, you will know that it is unlikely to happen.

After all, those who can join the Victory Team are the elite among the elite, even though Xincheng is a specialist in crashes.

But in fact, the training that can be used as a commando of the Victory Team is more difficult than that of special forces.

Naturally, it is impossible for this kind of person to lose his mind.

"Ah, Captain, does she already know?"

Dagu was a little panicked.

Naturally, his being Dijia cannot be exposed.

Otherwise, God knows what someone might do with the power of oil.

As a member of the system, he also knows that the bigger the system, the greater the possibility of internal corruption.

Therefore, he will always conceal his identity.

"It's just suspicion at the moment, but you have to be careful in the future."

Bai Chen said with a smile.

"I see."

After speaking, Bai Chen hid his figure.

Afterwards, the brilliance shining on the city faded away like a tide, the cross-shaped beam of light dissipated in the air, and the dark night shrouded the land again.

At the same time, Dagu's figure also disappeared.

The sky over the city was extremely silent, only the Feiyan of the Victory Team passed through the air, and the roar of the engine came out.

Everything suddenly seemed like a dream.

If it weren't for the deep pits on the ground that were blown up by the battle, and the corpses of the Kiriarods, it would be as if nothing had happened.

"Hallelujah, all glory to God, God sent angels to drive out the demons, and all demons will be defeated."

...When did you become so devout, I remember you were still telling me that Tiga is a devil?"

"You fart! Look at this quiet and peaceful city. I think this is what the benevolent and good God gave us. You may not know that I used to be a Protestant~々

"Coincidentally, me too!"

tpc headquarters.

Compared with the people who were weeping with joy, the senior government officials were full of irritability and confusion.

Originally, they were still sweating because of the defeat of Tiga, and they were even ready to launch powerful missiles after the gate of hell of the Kiriarods opened.

Unexpectedly, the development of things was unexpected.

When the gate of hell is about to open, "God" appears.

Then, under the power of God, Tiga was resurrected with full blood, and after becoming stronger, he defeated the Kirierods.

"Is there really a God in this world? Tiga or an angel he sent down to protect the world? Is there a problem with me, or is there a problem in this world?"

After living for decades, this is the first time they have seen such a thing happen.

"...Director, in fact, a long time ago, there were materials about the opening of the Lord or the appearance of angels all over the world."


Facing the gaze of the director and other high-level executives, a young staff member spoke out what he knew under pressure.

"Christianity was born as early as the first century AD. Leaving aside the well-known knowledge, the Kirielod people used Christianity to instill in us that "Tiga is a devil", which may imply that God It exists.

"Look at the picture we call "the gate of hell". It further hints at the existence of God."

"These alone are not enough to explain anything. That God may also be another group of alien forces."

Faced with this sentence that was enough to be regarded as heresy, the young man chose to ignore it very rationally.

"The Kyriairods may have been lurking on the earth a long time ago, but they were defeated by God and did not wake up until recently. This may also be the reason why the patterns of the Kyriairods are so similar to demons."

"In addition, during the expansion of Christianity, it is also a way to demote the enemy's gods into demons. Since the Kiriarods want to dominate human beings, it is reasonable to be demons."

"Then why doesn't Tiga have wings? All angels have wings?"

another senior asked.

"Uh, about this matter, the myths and legends can't be completely believed, because in the oldest records about angels, the images of angels are not uniform."

After saying this, there was a deathly silence in the conference room.

The director looked at the video material, Dijia was resurrected with full blood under the holy light, and the powerful Kiriarods were powerless to fight back.

In the end, all emotions were turned into a sigh.

Human strength is still too weak.

And now, he only hopes that this God is the real God.

[Group reminder: Group member "` Bai Chen" has completed the delegation, and the reward settlement is in progress. 】

[Entrustment is completed, reward points +2000. 】

Shiratori was not surprised by this result.

After all, he didn't directly sell the entrustment this time, and two thousand points can be regarded as a reward in line with the difficulty.

Little Spider: "..."

Little Spider: "This is the end? I haven't finished my Coke yet!"

Butterfly Ren: "Is it because the enemy is too weak this time? Well, I am the least qualified to say this in the group."

The Spirit of Time: "Normally, although the aliens are very strong, Mr. Jinrang Bai Chen is even more powerful.

Little Spider: "Can we have a stronger enemy next time, at least it will be broadcast for about an hour.

Big bone boiled into soup: "Please forgive me. QAQ."

I don't want to see a ghost: "If you can make the boss fight for an hour, then I'm afraid it must be a monster at the level of destroying the world?" (Wang Hao)

Big bones boiled into soup:

Teacher Loli: "Even if it's a monster at the level of destroying the world, it seems that there is no way to get it for an hour.

Black-haired loli: "Brother Saigao! Brother is the strongest!"

Non-staff individual: "This is a different world? The monsters in it don't seem to be very good, just because they are big, they look bluffing."

The Spirit of Time: "The newcomer still speaks so directly."

Chaos Evil: "I think it's better to keep a low profile."

Goddess of the Moon: "A monster of that level, in our place, is at least a deep floor master, and maybe even stronger.

Goddess of the Moon: "If that kind of monster appeared in Orario, I'm afraid no family can beat it now."

This live broadcast refreshed Artemis' perception of chat groups.

The original worry about Andaris has also eased a lot. .

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