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Chapter 515: Your Wife, I Will Support Her

Chapter 515

After the arrival of the last king, he fought fiercely with the godslayer at that time.

But it's more losses than losses.

Therefore, the human priests who supported the King of the End held a ceremony to summon the God of Disobedience, that is, to summon the "Goddess of the Earth" who served the brave.

Of course, this service is not that service.

The purpose of their summoning the goddess is to let Rama kill the mother goddess of the earth, capture her essence, and gain powerful power.

However, no one thought that the disobedient god they summoned was Rama's wife in the myth, the goddess Sita!

In the Ramayana, Sita shared joys and sorrows with Rome. When Rama was exiled, Sita also took the initiative to follow him to suffer in the barren forest.

Later, the demon king Ravana took Sita away. Although Sita was later rescued, Rama doubted Sita's chastity and threw her into the furnace to show her innocence.

Although Vulcan later came forward to prove her chastity, but when Rama became king, because of some trivial matters, she suspected that Sita was unfaithful and abandoned Sita who was pregnant at that time.

It can be said that Rama in the myth is an out-and-out scumbag.

In reality, although Rama and Sita are not real wives and do not have the reality of husband and wife, they got acquainted because of myths, and they also have the status of husband and wife in the eyes of others.

However, after Sita was summoned, Rama still cruelly killed Sita, deprived her of the spirit of being the mother of the earth, and gained the power to defeat the godslayer.

And Sita, after being killed by the Hero of Steel, degenerated into a god ancestor.

It was not until half a year ago that he was reincarnated to live on this uninhabited island.

After watching the whole process, Bai Feng couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed.

No one thought that Rama, who was regarded as a great hero by the world, would be such a scumbag who abandoned his wife and children.

Mrs. Aisia was even more indignant.

Although she has never been in a relationship or liked anyone, she has also labeled Ramoan as a scumbag.

"That kind of man is not worth entrusting~!"

Seeing her like this, Bai Chen can be sure that if Rama was present, she would definitely avenge her on the spot.

"I didn't expect that your fate in the previous life would be so rough."

With a sympathetic expression on Bai Chen's face, he looked at the girl with glass pupils who had recovered from her spirit vision.

Whether it is myth or reality, it highlights the role of a vivid tool man.

Compared with other god ancestors, Sita's fate can be said to be quite tragic.

"My lord, you are joking, that is just me from the previous life.

When Sita heard the words, she quietly lowered her head, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was even more beautiful.

But Bai Chen can clearly see that her smile hides bitterness and sadness.

Sita was just trying to force a smile.

"What's more, the King of the End is the enemy of the goddess, and also the enemy of women. He is the "Earth Conqueror". After obtaining the essence of the goddess, it will be easier to highlight this powerful characteristic and become the food of the King of the End. It's just my duty as the Earth Goddess."

"No, no, no! This has nothing to do with duty or non-responsibility at all! That guy Rama is a bastard who doesn't miss old feelings at all! He can even be cruel to his former wife! Is it so important to win the godslayer?!"

Aisia clenched her fists with a stinky face.

"Shouldn't a real man resist fate for the sake of his companions?"

"Master Aishia, you made a mistake."

Sita stood up straight, with neither sadness nor joy on her face, she just looked at Aishia calmly.

"I have no old relationship with the King of the End, the reality of the wife in the myth is just the identity imposed on me by the world, not to mention, I am just a god ancestor named Zhang Duo now.


For a moment, Aisha was shocked by such a Sita, and nodded in a ignorant way.

Then, Sita looked at Bai Chen again.

"My lord, are you really not going to kill me?"

"Why bring it up again?"

"I used to be the Goddess of the Earth, and I provided assistance to Godslayer's old enemy, King Rama of the end, so I was also an accomplice in destroying Godslayer. So, am I not an enemy to you?"

After saying this sentence, Sita also closed her eyes as before, revealing her snow-white neck, looking like she was ready to kill, waiting to die on the spot.

However, Sita, who had been waiting for a long time, did not notice the coming of death.

Instead, I felt a few points of temperature from my cheeks.

Opening her eyes, she saw the young man in front of her smiling while stroking her face.

Seeing her open her eyes, Bai Chen chuckled and said, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"Even if what the King of the End did was blamed on him, how can it be blamed on other people? What's more, even if you weren't the one who summoned the lower realm, other earth goddesses would have the same ending. Godslayers would have Fight the King of the End, kill you, and nothing will change."

Although Sita didn't speak, Bai Chen could see that she hated Rama in her heart.

It was so miserable in the myth, but in reality she was beheaded by his own hands, not to mention that she was still a god of disobedience, not a god of mercy, no matter what happened, she would feel a little grudge in her heart.

`What has been done must be done again, what has been done must be done again, there is nothing new under the sun, and my confrontation with him will not be far away. "

Bai Chen opened the door back to the human world, half-jokingly.

"When the time comes, I'll take his head off, how about kicking a ball for you?"

Just as Sita was about to answer, Bai had already passed away.

After sighing, he had no choice but to follow in a hurry.

And after returning to the human world, Bai Chen didn't explore around.

In the first battle four years ago, the King of the End eliminated all the godslayers, and Rama fell asleep again.

Therefore, in the current era, no godslayers belonging to this era survived. (what you get)

What's more, with the existence of time correction power, even if you want to do some big things, you will be blocked.

And Bai Chen didn't bother to waste time and energy.

Meeting Sita thousands of years ago is already a harvest.

In the next few days, it would be nice to live an ordinary and quiet life away from the noise.

Although the surrounding area is deserted, but with Bai Chen's strength, it is quite easy to get some food.

In the past few days, he didn't even open the chat group.

As time passed, Sita's attitude towards Bai Chen became more and more softened.

I don't know if it was because of Bai Chen's joke, or because Sita resented Rama for killing him mercilessly. Bai Chen could clearly see that Sita had a good impression of him.

And this kind of affection gradually deepened bit by bit, until one night, while Aishia was sleeping soundly, Sita found Bai Chen's figure on the beach near the sea.

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